العثور على نتائج: 1609
Well, that's definitely frustrating. I've had casual games bug out on me too, after spending like an hour making all my moves. It sucks

I don't have to tell you about atWar code though -- this will be a fun bug to try and find

I looked at the game and it does indeed appear stuck and permanently bugged... that will be in the lobby for a while I'm sure. Maybe until we move servers again!

Thanks for all the info though, I will go ahead and mark this as [OPEN] as of now and hope we find a solution someday...
That game is closed and gone now, so I have no idea what happened, sorry.

Next time please be sure to follow our Bug Report Format, and if possible include a screenshot. That really helps with tracking things down.
كتب بواسطة jon snow targary, 14.03.2022 at 19:51


Which map is it? I see a few different ones called King of the Hill...

Is it this one, "Hardcore King of The Hill 1v1 (V2)" the scenario?
كتب بواسطة Sid, 17.03.2022 at 13:45

Okay, thank you for this information
Kicking Siri out of his clan appeared to fix the issue until I put him back... But whatever it is doesn't appear to be affecting his record.

كتب بواسطة Dave, 17.03.2022 at 02:20

كتب بواسطة sirivann, 17.03.2022 at 02:05

Damn, can we just keep cwing and a admin fix the results later? we have a scenario CW log to know who actualy won a CW in the scenario discord so the clans involved can always keep the data between FO and the Empire, as well as others like the one we did with epic clan.

Atm only the 3 cws shown in the bug report are the glitched games since sid fixed the previous ones when they happened before.

Yeah that's fine you can keep CWing and I'll fix the results later.

@Sid how did you fix these before?

They might be fixed by taking them out of the clan and putting them back in or maybe recounting elo? I'll try them both but i don't recall it ever working.
كتب بواسطة sirivann, 17.03.2022 at 02:05

Damn, can we just keep cwing and a admin fix the results later? we have a scenario CW log to know who actualy won a CW in the scenario discord so the clans involved can always keep the data between FO and the Empire, as well as others like the one we did with epic clan.

Atm only the 3 cws shown in the bug report are the glitched games since sid fixed the previous ones when they happened before.

Yeah that's fine you can keep CWing and I'll fix the results later.

@Sid how did you fix these before?
Hi there, I've seen your bug report, I will get to it but it will take me a while. If it were a quick fix I would do it already, but unfortunately I think this one will be another one of the hard-to-find bugs.
كتب بواسطة DON RUTTER, 16.03.2022 at 16:27

Oh no, I did not see this Fundraiser. Can I still send protocoins?

Sure, you can go ahead and send them in and I'll make another donation
14.03.2022 في I just noticed something
I talked to him about a month ago, he's fine but not playing atwar.
كتب بواسطة Adamos, 13.03.2022 at 11:17

Thanks for your apply. I get what you say, only thing I disagree with is it is not pay to win - as anything paid that gives you any advantage makes the title automatically a pay to win. The degree of pay-to-win effect between such games of course differs. Also there are strategies (not sure if good ones) available only to premium accounts. I am not arguing that a premium noob will beat skilled non-premium player.

You made good point with ganging up against - does it happen a lot? Or mostly it's any leading player which is being ganged upon?

It's one way to meet people.... it's a while since i was rank1, but i know i played people at my rank or slightly higher the first few games. Often these were 1v1 - i didn't want to be the one being ganged up on! Rank 5'ish i felt i had enough skill to at least stand a chance, and started playing games with players usually +/- 2 my rank. As soon as you get games like this with 5 or more people, i would say yes, it happens a lot... by then hopefully you know a couple other players, and you can work with them to fight an opponent you feel you can't beat on your own... ♥

(Looked up pay to win.. definition seems you are correct.. i was probably using an urban dictionary definition:


i.e. the game isn't so unbalanced that a skilled player can't win... AW let's you play balanced games without paying is what i was thinking.
كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 13.03.2022 at 14:32

كتب بواسطة DeepFriedUnicorn, 13.03.2022 at 13:11

Stuck in a Bog, ...

What is Bog?

Where trolls live ♥
كتب بواسطة smegma lover, 13.03.2022 at 07:41

To the meta team: Dave will personally fire you and scrap your bread rations for this month if u don't finish the map.

At the moment, the meta team is waiting on me to fix some more bugs with the map editor, so don't be too harsh on them. There's not much more they can do until then.

I did go ahead and cut their bread rations though, because why not.
كتب بواسطة Black Vortex, 12.03.2022 at 14:24

Why is any of this even relevant to the topic

Good point... was guilty myself of responding ( i was quoted, so i usually respond, but it is off topic.)

I'll clean it up on request of the thread creator, as always ♥

(oh, lol - that's you) pm me if you want and i'll delete the derailing posts.
كتب بواسطة sirivann, 12.03.2022 at 10:57


Just another proxy war

That too, but i think there's more to it than that. Russia already had consent from US and China beforehand (years beforehand) - legitimate proxy wars are more substantial.. this is one side invading, and the other side(s) sitting on the sidelines shouting and booing, maybe throwing some rocks on the field.
كتب بواسطة smegma lover, 12.03.2022 at 10:25

... I wonder why Zelensky was in the pandora papers. Any ideas?

it's interesting Zelensky is named along with Royal Family members and a host of other world leaders from east, west and mid-east.

No ideas about why Zelensky is named... but i have to wonder why this is the second 'leak' from the same group.

This isn't actually a 'leak' imo... heads would have rolled with the Panama papers, never to be seen again if it was an actual leak... the most probable reason, until i have more data, is that this is just a 'notice' to the public (shmucks and chumps who vote, pay taxes, you know, ordinary average folks) to say hey - we the Royal Family, and top elite, are just letting you know we are breaking our own rules, so if you're going to do something, do it now... otherwise, we own all of you from now on if you keep buying into our corrupt financial system - since we told you, came clean, and you still pay us and bow down to our 'currency' ...

There are other possibilities, but i give this the highest probability atm, maybe around 50%, with other possibilities divided among the other 50%.
كتب بواسطة smegma lover, 12.03.2022 at 10:25

Ukraine must be freed from its current oppressive government. Anything that comes out of Ukraine is debunked within 48 hours. Oh also, I wonder why Zelensky was in the pandora papers. Any ideas?

One of my former employees was Ukrainian, living in Kiev. I remember him telling me, 2-3 years ago, how all they (the Ukrainian people) wanted was for Russia to leave them alone and stop meddling in their country. I believe him.

Say what you want about the Ukrainian government (no government is perfect), but I still don't think they deserved to be invaded.
كتب بواسطة smegma lover, 12.03.2022 at 08:37

By donating money to Ukraine you are indirectly prolonging an unwinnable war and causing more suffering for the Ukrainian people. Only donate to charities that have proof that they do not use said funds for weapons.

So nations like US and Canada donate weapons right?
So they want to prolong war right?
So the US and Canada want to cause more suffering for the Ukranian people?

Sounds about right... (not even being ironic or sarcastic ♥)
كتب بواسطة Adamos, 11.03.2022 at 18:43

Hi guys, is the game worth it when the authors are straight-out liars? Stating "Can I play for free?
You can play atWar for free for as long as you like - there's no catch and no pay-to-win. However, here are some Premium features you might be interested in. Get a subscription to support the game and unlock these useful extra features!", When with General unit being premium and being super-powerful is a clear lie - as this is the catch and thus the game is a pay-to-win.

Still, I am considering "buying" the game with full 40 USD, I am just very unsure it's worth it. So if you want to use the spike of the players, you can share here what you like about the game and why you'd think it's worth "buying". Thank you.

i played for years without premium... if you look at the high ranks, yes most are premium, but there are some players who have played for years without premium.

You have to pick your games a bit... rushing into clanwars with the top ranked players without a general is not advised, but even with a general, you aren't likely winning any of those games until you develop your skills. But generally, if you are playing with players with similar skill, or other non premium players, you will see that the general is not 'pay to win' -
It does give an advantage, but if you are skilled, you can overcome that advantage, and if you are average, you play with other non-premium players and gang up on the premium player ♥
I'm glad you mentioned this.. this is a long standing annoyance - must be a good sign that Dave is fixing things if it's being reported in bugs ♥

(hopefully it's an easy fix...)
كتب بواسطة Black Vortex, 11.03.2022 at 22:10

I have a bunch of protocoins I purchased some time ago that I never used and I'm looking to use them so I feel like my money hasn't been wasted.
So if anyone has a map/scenario they play a lot and would like promoted nows your chance to mention it. I'll probably just choose 3 random from whatever's listed and promote them. So choose whatever map you want i'll promote it for 30 days

I understand if you want to promote scenarios and stuff, but if you want other options, Dave is giving money to Ukraine relief charities when you donate PC to him.

Hope you're doing well!

(Alternatively, you're always welcome back to the team if you want to promote maps again).
كتب بواسطة Tribune Aquila, 09.03.2022 at 06:47

My scenario is great. But these low ranks don't know how to host scenarios. They just host maps because they don't know what a scenario is or where they are found. This is understandable since most noobs just click on "New Game" then play whatever they see--which in this case is my map because I decided to promote both my map & scenario.

I've updated it so Promo'd scenarios will show up in the New Game menu too.
I am doing the best I can with the latest spike, as I did with the previous ones. I never let an opportunity pass by without trying.

All new accounts still get 7-days of free premium, so yes new players have access to all maps for free, at least for the first week. We implemented this during the first Coronavirus spike, and it's still in effect now.

We are continuing to advertise at the same level as we have for the last 6 months or so. I'm looking into starting up Bing ads again too.

Sean Spicer has made a pretty good Ukraine vs Russia scenario, check it out if you haven't already.

Hopefully we can release World Map 2.0 by next week... it's very close to being done, just working out a few bugs. I've been working heavily on it these last 2 weeks. It may help keep some activity going for a longer term this time. (at least I hope so...)
Okay I was able to reproduce this, thanks. Added to the list

Notes to self:
To reproduce --
1) setup a game with 2 players on opposing sides
2) for player 1, pick a city and make sure there are stealth units in it
3) for player 2, move a stack within stealth detection range of player 1's city
4) from player 2's screen, player 1's stealth units will appear in the unit hover menu, but not in the city menu
كتب بواسطة s_12fd93ef642bc54826, 04.03.2022 at 12:01

I tried to conquer some states, but although I win it doesn't mark it as mine.

It sounds like this is not really a bug... see @Seanathan Spicer's answer.

However if you think it is still a bug, please open a new bug report using the correct format. See here: HOW TO REPORT BUGS (read this first). Thanks!
كتب بواسطة clovis1122, 08.03.2022 at 10:27

If I hover over the city I can see the stealth units, but I cannot see them in the city. Seeing them in the city is useful as it shows the unit stats and description.

Thanks Clovis for following our bug report template.

Anyway what map is this happening on, so I can test?
كتب بواسطة smegma lover, 07.03.2022 at 17:23

Atwar players suggesting ideas on forums

It's true.

You might be surprised to learn though that I do read every idea that's suggested. I just don't comment on them.

There have been some really good suggestions at times; there have also been really stupid ones; and then there are some things I was already planning to do anyway. You'll never know which is which, unless/until you see the updates come out. (And for that you have to be patient... I've already got enough on my to-do list to take us through the next 3 years...)
كتب بواسطة KarabaghARMENIA, 10.02.2022 at 20:27



Can we all get together and understand what is the endgame of this whole Ukraine debacle? I think provoking nuclear war has a very low probability, because of the whole "mutual destruction" concept. How are the globalists trying to initiate the stock market crash and Great Reset of 2022?


This is probably a 'worse' but let me take a swing at what you're asking...

i think when you see the 'big picture' everything that is happening makes perfect sense. But no one in 'power positions' wants us to know what's actually going on, or the game is up..

but let me give my 2 cents using a metaphor... the world is like a shopping mall in a poorly policed neighbourhood...

Every major 'national' government is a corporation... they don't call themselves corporations, but they are legal-commercial entities, structured no differently than a McDonald's, Microsoft or Honda. They have a president (sometimes called other things - Canada calls their top dog a Prime Minister) but at least since the UN was formed, all the 193 members are corporations. If you have trouble accepting this, it';s ok, it takes a bit of research and testing to realize its true, but it screws with your world view if you haven't already accepted it.

So put aside your beliefs for the moment, and accept it''s true for a moment, and then we can use the metaphor:

So you have this big shopping mall in a poorly policed neighbourhood .... and all the stores in it are under control of the mall owner that nobody talks about cuz he's big and bad and can evict you, so you have to play by the shopping mall owner's rules (let's call him the the IMF or World Bank or whatever if we break from the metaphor). The handful of countries that tried screwing with the mall owner in recent years are: (Afghanistan, N.Korea, Iraq and Iran - Iraq and Afghanistan weren't actually in full compliance with IMF and were considered outside the IMF until the mall police (usually the US, but sometimes Russia, China or other major governments with big guns) broke into their stores and installed new shop keepers. (This info is surprisingly easy to verify.. it's in mainstream sources and is not disputed by any government, media agency, banker or historian).

So N. Korea and Iran are still refusing to sign the mall owner's lease agreement - but as a result they are forced into the parking lot pushing a vendor's cart.

All the stores in the mall want to turn a profit, but there aren't as many people with money to buy things anymore, and everyone is in debt to the mall owner, and so one of the few remaining ways of reducing debt (forget about turning a profit) to keep their own inventories being liquidated by the mall owner - (that would be Greece in this metaphor) is to break into another store's inventory at night by crawling through the ventilation shaft and taking what doesn't belong to them...

Now one of the stores noticed something though... the owner, let's call him Putin, saw that the store next door to him wasn't giving the mall security access to their store (NATO/US) and since Putin really wants to expand his store (the former storekeeper had broken it into smaller parts and let them run their own stores.. let's call him Gorbechov) and because the former storekeeper of US Inc pissed off all the storekeepers that he used to do good business with (Trump) he saw an opportunity. He could simply send some of his staff in to the little shop next door, and say 'These guys needed some help, so we're just 'helping' - out - nothing serious.... just like you 'helped' Yugoslavia/Iraq/Afghanistan. He let the US know years ago this is what he's doing (in legal commercial terms, this is called 'giving notice' which allows you to break the rules as long as you let everyone know. So he already has the assurances of the US (and China, or anyone else with employees that have their own security, big enough to challenge his security guards) that they wouldn't get involved.

So then he announced it over the mall intercom that he'd be sending his employees in (note Putin never 'declared war' that is no longer possible since all the store keepers agreed to the Mall owners demand that no one be hostile to each other) (Aside- steppping away from the metaphor, this is also remarkably easy to verify.. there has not been a formal declaration of war since WW2... it just can't happen cuz all the government/corporations are under control of the IMF - they aren't sovereign anymore and so can't declare war.)

But they can occupy another shopkeepers storefront, putting their own employees in charge... just as long as when the rent is due, they pay the Mall Owner both the Russian rent and the Ukraine Inc rent. So that's what's happening, and Putin gets to be the prez who expanded the business the most!


Alright, so that's my first attempt at a simple metaphor to make sense of everything... the little details reported in the media are just a function of egos (Putin's is probably a bit bigger than most).

Let me know if you like the metaphor, or if you have an idea to improve it or make a better one i can mangle♥
Oops ♥

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