العثور على نتائج: 579
24.06.2016 في Brexit
كتب بواسطة Khal.eesi, 24.06.2016 at 05:42

كتب بواسطة Fockmeeard, 23.06.2016 at 23:26

IMO the entire EU needs to leave the planet. Too much drama and bullshit. You fuckers started 2 world wars.

agreed, yet our biggest mistake was to create a country with the most stupid fat rednecks and corrupted fags who's their greatest accomplishments are murdering inoccent civilians with nuclear bombs, bush and kim kardashian. eat a dick amerifatso

You use google? You use Amazon? (Probably not lel you Greeks have no money) You use Apple products? Did you put a man on the moon? Did you invent the automobile? Noooopppeee. Only thing Greeks contributed to the world is their debt and fairytale stories based on their statues of nude men built all along Greece ya fag
23.06.2016 في Brexit
IMO the entire EU needs to leave the planet. Too much drama and bullshit. You fuckers started 2 world wars.
23.06.2016 في Brexit
The fact that this brexit has caused Merica's stock market to be more unstable than usual solidies my hatred for the UK.

Damn Europeans always complicating things.
كتب بواسطة Ivan, 04.03.2016 at 07:15

كتب بواسطة Guest, 04.03.2016 at 07:05

This is unfair for the low ranks. Sometimes low ranks want to learn from high ranks in games but that won't be possible unless they find a way around the system. AtWar is starting to kill itself. GL anyways

Yeah, we've heard that since 2011. We'll figure something out for consenting low/high ranks

It's simple. Add a 'invite only' for low/high ranks not initally allowed. If a low rank wants in they click to join and wait for the host to approve. This will be a default option and can be disabled with premium.
24.09.2015 في Best 3v3 Combination
Volga Sweden and France you narbs
كتب بواسطة notserral, 10.08.2015 at 14:39

كتب بواسطة Legendary Hero, 09.08.2015 at 15:49

كتب بواسطة Chess, 09.08.2015 at 11:40

FFA - People end up forging secret alliances.

Maybe a way to disable private.clan. chat. Would help FFA.

In Warcraft 3, players in a FFA received random names to prevent alliances.

Wouldn't matter. Lots of these fuckers have skypes and shit. Can easily communicate their hidden names through PM/other services.
14.08.2015 في AW Story Contest
It all started during my Sophomore year of high school. A friend in my computer class suggested this game as something fun to play and since it wasn't blocked by our system, we all gave it a shot. Everyday me, him, and two others would log on and we would play a Europe game with 1 or 2 random players. We'd play legit until the last 10 minutes of class. Then we would allyfag and crush the remaining player(s). It was hilarious to watch them rage.

Summer starts and at war is banned when we get back to school. They stopped playing but I continued on. I played blitz RC in Europe+ and would always ally Turkey and we'd rape. That went on for about a year. The following summer I played UN for a few months. I'd be south America, joedtaxi would be Canada, and we'd rape and win.

Then I met the legend Primal. He took me under his wing and I joined in a clan with another legend LDK as well as funtime. I played one CW which was a 2v2. I got raped by Ukraine when I played turkey. Primal who had just defeated his opponent, was low on troops, rebounded and raped Ukraine who had the entire east all to himself. It was then that I decided to become a great player.

I would sit and watch 3v3s. I'd ask for advice on what strats to play. I'd always get capped but focused on one day being good enough to cap somebody in a 3v3. At this point Primal started college and became inactive. I went to evoL with joedtaxi. MoU/Me/joe/Lord pontez/nero/paolo had a good time cwing together. This was when I got a lot better. But then some bad mouthing from clanmates made me leave because I thought they didn't respect their opponents. This issue was later resolved.

I left evoL in anger and was taken in by b0nk and Desu. Through them I met some of the greater legends like Fruit and cow. I learned an enormous amount through them.

On Monday, I start my first year of college. It has been a long ride that doesn't seem to be stopping. I have met many awesome people and a lot of fags, but I do love this community and this game. Hopefully you all stay active too.

World games at least encourage expanding. Expanding is a pillar of atwar and expanding efficiently is a skill in itself. So if you were to set a multiplier it would have to higher than all of RPs.

I agree India is an OP country and its cost to buy it should be above 50k thus making it unpickable.
04.08.2015 في Random country
That would be fantastic. But who determines country list?
30.07.2015 في Off topic conquered
When I first became an active viewer of the forums I thought Unleashed was the typical mental asshat. But after a lengthy conversation we had a while back about religion, I found that we have a similar way of thinking. Using solid facts not based on assumptions to form a rational conclusion. I too, spend hours thinking and forming theories on various topics.

Unleashed is forceful and a bit arrogant, which doesn't help when trying to spread his thoughts and ideas, but regardless this is the off-topic forum and everything not related to at war is allowed to be here. A simple ignore goes a long way and all of his threads become invisible to you. I ignored Clovis and it cleared up a LOT of the general discussion. Did wonders for me.
Fuck it. I'm going to stop being a jew and buy premium.

Pen Island 2.0 on the horizon bitches.
I'm not a troll, I don't vouch.
كتب بواسطة Pinheiro, 21.07.2015 at 21:35

Some things never change.

aw fuck you retired from mod position too...?

كتب بواسطة Helly, 21.07.2015 at 14:08

كتب بواسطة Khal.eesi, 21.07.2015 at 13:59

Best ww2 UK agrees. tik tok swallow your pride like you swallow other things like bonker said and bring ww2 back

Tik tok swallow his pride? Thats what's wrong with this your a former mod you where part of the issue, he dint need to swallow his pride moderation needs to swallow there's and give him an apology.

If khal was ever in any position of authority here on atwar, Ivan would have gone bankrupt and we'd currently be begging Germany for a bailout.
Yep because when I log on everyday the first thing I do is check the tournament board. The fact still remains, I never got a PM. If Im promised a PM I don't check because there is no need since I am going to be told when it starts.
كتب بواسطة Legendary Hero, 30.06.2015 at 09:05

it preety easy with 100, i mean you can look at your match yourself in the challonge

I can... but how should I know when it starts? I just keep checking here every minute of the day?
كتب بواسطة Legendary Hero, 30.06.2015 at 08:25

who fault was it? you signed up so you should remember it
and this isn't a duel tourney, just plain 1vs1

Croat said he would PM. He did not follow through.
Thanks for the email you didn't send croat.

I thought hellraiser was just being a fag pestering me to duel..
29.06.2015 في Atwar and its potentials
كتب بواسطة Nations, 29.06.2015 at 16:24

Yes make more useless and retarted trophies to give to each other and be happy and .

If we really did hand out trophies for retards, you would probably have one on your profile right now.
25.06.2015 في Atwar and its potentials
The best possible advertising is telling your friend(s) I understand that many of you have a hard time grasping the context of having an actual real life person like you as a person, but for those of you that are social, getting one or two people to play would be vital. It ensures replacement if you decide to leave. It can also instantly double or triple the size of the community. I was referred to play by a friend. We were bored as shit in a computer class and he had us make accounts and play. I have brought almost $30 worth of subscriptions and packages over the years.
24.06.2015 في Atwar and its potentials
كتب بواسطة Amok, 24.06.2015 at 09:24

I'll just let Goblin explain everything for me, he seems to know the stuff

Great. Now Goblin's ego can reach new heights.
23.06.2015 في Atwar and its potentials
Gospel from the book of Zizou

"Thus says Zizou: thy retard will make retarded threads. Nobody knows why. Only those whom are shown the light of Zizou will understand. Thus says the lord."
16.06.2015 في Ceasefires
كتب بواسطة International, 16.06.2015 at 02:03

Complete disagreement.

If you can't deal with the people who peace out everyone, that's nobody's fault but yours. Diplomacy is a powerful tool. I suggest you learn to use it.

Dont listen to this. He comes from a world where you allyfag and sit for 30 turns doing nothing but role play and wall.

Fully support the limit to treaties that can be signed. Is like a moderate version of ally fags. This game is not where roses and daisy's blossom from your ass and you are at peace and love with everyone. Its a wonderful reality of back stabbing and shitposting.
I love mods and I know we make life difficult. Many of us are assholes and deserve shit.


When you delete my inappropriate off-topic posts, can I at least get a message or a warning or something? Things shouldn't just disappear.

Okai thx bai
14.06.2015 في [atWar] Fun Screenshots

Desu advertising for his RP.

Commando admitting he is afraid of me after our 1v1 irl fight

Innate preaching the truth

Goblin and his disgusting fetish. (jk <3)

An old favorite

Death and his sexual desires

06.06.2015 في Is atwar slowly dying?
Dying? Hell no! There are more fags playing this game more than ever!
02.06.2015 في Alpha/beta
كتب بواسطة Columna Durruti, 26.05.2015 at 09:10

Indeed; all referring to HTML5.

Do we all get shiny HTML beta badges now?
The best idea is to arrange a season like a real competitive sport. You get a list of clans to CW (the difficulty is determined by where one clan finished compared to everyone else) and then top clans go to playoffs and winner is determined there.

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