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المشاركات: 2   تم الزيارة من: 67 users
25.05.2012 - 07:46
I ve got a qestion.
many players want the turnblocking back. but the mods colsed every topic of those.
why ever...
but here is an idear which I think is a good solution.
insert turnblocking as an option.
or is it a great problem to insert that to the game options?

mfg kasio
25.05.2012 - 08:02
We have many topics about turnblocking. Click on 'Search' and typ: Turnblocking or Update. There you will find enough topics that are not locked. Creating 30 simulair topics about this, is useless, confusing and very boring for other players.

Also the suggestion to set turnblocking as a option is already noticed in other (not locked) topics:
here: http://www.afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=3813
And here: http://www.afterwind.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=3769
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