17.04.2012 - 18:53
The first page are all from a year ago (nearly), and when they first came out, everyone played them because it's all there was. Now, people love making them, but they don't get nearly enough plays as some of them should. People didn't like my trending scenarios idea, so how do scenarios get popular then? Not to criticize the admins, but if I were a new player I wouldn't even purchase the Scenarios (?) pack because of the fact I would have to ONLY play my scenario, over and over, to get any views. I wouldn't be able to advertise on the forum, because the majority of it is older or higher ranked players who only go on to talk about the game's strategies or off-topic (Seriously, when was the last time a beta player had a decent idea? TDFall's idea was grand, but it doesn't happen often enough). So does anyone have any ideas for this problem? Like I said in my TS thread, the best I can come up with is actual advertisements for them in specific places in the game. I mean, my old (now unpublished) 1914 scenario is no. IV, and it hasn't been played in over 5 months. This is a problem, as I would hope it would be at least to no. XXX by now because people should be playing something other than Che's WWII. So many great scenarios don't even get looked at. Silk Road was looking really cool, but I haven't seen a game for it in a while. So as I stated earlier, this needs to change, agreed? I mean, I know the higher ranked players don't like Scenario's as much, but for the people who love making and playing them, this is an issue that must be dealt with. Tl;dr, most good scenarios don't even get played, we need to find a solution for this.
17.04.2012 - 19:07
I think you raise a pretty good point. There are however other ways to sort scenarios other than number of times played. Most people just don't make use of it. For example you can sort scenarios by most recently published.
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
17.04.2012 - 19:13
Wow, this is news too me! lol, I never noticed that. But if people like me don't even know of this option, than new players surely won't. Thank you for your input btw.
17.04.2012 - 19:28
Make a most popular with most plays this week, and cycle every week.
17.04.2012 - 20:10
well this would be dumb as fuck cause Che's ww2 would take all
17.04.2012 - 20:19
Maybe that's because it is a good scenario
17.04.2012 - 20:36
Not to offend Che, but it's not.
17.04.2012 - 20:41
Opinion, not a fact.
---- Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - ![]()
17.04.2012 - 20:45
17.04.2012 - 20:53
e.e......... I'll just be over here then....... ![]()
---- Qui non proficit, deficit. UCR 5/5/11-2/14/12. 6/17/12 - ![]()
18.04.2012 - 16:54
Yes. Also, Che's is good if you've got dedicated players and an experienced germany/china. The most recent revision i saw china get their tail whooped good by the Japan-Manchuko-Formosa triple threat. EDIT: The point of my post being to keep this topic and idea alive, as I'm just now delving into the world of scenario creation, and I want it to matter while Afterwind still has a thriving community XD
21.04.2012 - 14:27
Perhaps a rating system could be implemented. Every time you finish a scenario (have to surrender, lose, or win, not just abandon), you can rate it. Actually, thinking about abuse, only allow players to vote once on any scenario. Maybe require a certain number of votes to get displayed on the first page. Then just have a percentage of good vs. bad, and make the rating system the default sort method for scenarios. That way if a designer can get a few people to vote his scenario up, it will make the front page. Then, if its actually bad, people will play it, realize it, vote it down, and it will leave the front page. Those scenarios that are consistently good will stay on the front page. Plus, you can always sort by a different method to find scenarios in other ways.
22.04.2012 - 08:18
Actually, the best way to advertise a scenario is just to constantly make games for it, and ask for feedback at the end and go and improve them. And play them again after that. And again. So if people make scenarios the right way, the system Fruit proposed would work. Anyway, the best solution is to sort scenarios by the most recently made one by default or most played this week by default. Because people are too lazy to sort through things. You might get a lot of crap scenarios showing up though. But I reckon some may pique a player's interest, e.g. "hypothetical Cold War scenario? Looks interesting, let's check it out, I can always abandon", so new scenarios would get played more and there will be more eyes looking over the scenario... so more feedback, and better scenarios as a whole! Many "rising stars" in the scenario world get more publicity if you sort them by "most played this week", though you might just see the same ones popping up over and over again. Still, ones of these two systems is probably the best.
I've been saying this from when scenarios were first introduced. -.-
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
22.04.2012 - 22:18
Well, I had an idea to make the scenarios tab not be just a list, but more of a "marketplace" looking area, with popular scenarios in a slideshow in one corner...a search bar, top scenario makers etc...I don't think it would work unless the other tabs were refitted to look nicer as well though, it would stand out too much I mean.
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