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المشاركات: 7   تم الزيارة من: 47 users
04.04.2011 - 15:44
Some countries' status is not stable yet and the game seems to forgo the existing status quo...
FYROM is called Macedonia (wrong, that name is one sided and historically bizarre to say the least, Greece is in dispute with them with ongoing negotiations)
Cyprus is whole not half (wrong, none except Turkey has recognized the puppet state and power is held militarily)
Kosovo is an independant country (wrong, not even recognized by many countries)
It must be fixed according to the status provided by UN in all 3 cases.
04.04.2011 - 16:17
تم حذف الحساب
..or we can keep it as it is, the way the majority thinks of it.
04.04.2011 - 16:21
Well majority ruling has been proven quite a few times to be rather idiotic. And it is. Why should we abandon politics as it is (the game is modern after all) because people have no education?
04.04.2011 - 16:34
You should add a pol so we see what AW players think about that. but i think they will want everything as it is now for some unknown reason... i say that because one serbian player already opened a thread about status of kosovo and admin answered some nonsense, completely not connected to topic and closed the thread
Never go to war with a country whose national holiday celebrates a defeat in 1389.
04.04.2011 - 16:35
Dude... really? do you think monopoly would be any good if they had to put out something new every year to keep it up with the times? Same this goes with this...
04.04.2011 - 16:39
Zero, you obviously have no knowledge on the matter. I can see you imply that changes are fluid, although the Cyprus matter was since 1974, FYROM issue since the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1992 and Kosovo at least 2 years as a major issue although is sprung up with the downfall of Yugoslavia. You can't spam everywhere.
04.04.2011 - 16:41
كتب بواسطة Ivan, 07.02.2011 at 04:07

كتب بواسطة ooIooooooIoo, 06.02.2011 at 14:36

Maybe you need to find a more acceptable solution for Kosovo on a map.

We try to keep politics and our own political affiliations (almost non-existent as they are) out of the game.

Also Amok is in Cyprus, I think he is capable of putting it on the map if it needs fixing.

This is quickly descending into a pointless political trolling thread, so its going to be closed too. The developers are staying out of politics. You should keep it out of AW too, so relax and enjoy the game instead.

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