24.09.2021 - 10:55 ![]() All jokes aside, can someone give me a quick history lesson on Unleashed? All I know is that he used to be in Mortal Kombat. I wasn't even around when he wasn't banned, but when I made that meme video of him he became obsessed with me and would harass me whenever he could. I know some people will try say how I was friends with banned alt spammers (bugs and hdrakon), however I think Unleashed is in his own league of insanity and craziness. I have never seen someone so dedicated to harassing a community for the sole purpose of just trying to spread as much misery as possible, and the fact he has spent hundreds on VPNs and has been doing this consistently for years speaks volumes. Was he always this crazy? Does anyone know how he is in real life? I'm generally curious as how it was like to interact with him when he wasn't banned, and if he's actually approachable when not spamming people with hate comments.
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24.09.2021 - 11:18
I think we should stop talking about them, why give attention to these retards that's what all they want lol
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24.09.2021 - 11:28
I can't speak specifically to unleashed, but in general, players (and people) like this are in a lot of emotional turmoil, but aren't really aware of it because they've grown up from childhood with it, so it just seems 'normal' to them since they've never experienced anything else. Those who express the pain outwardly, by attempting to hurt and belittle others, are simply communicating that they are in pain... It seems 'crazy' but it's not... let's change it from emotional pain to physical pain so it's easier to see what's happening: Imagine you are very sensitive to physical pain... you just happen to have 10x more pain receptors than everyone else. So if someone pats you on the back and says 'good job' - you feel like they've hit you in the back with a lead pipe. How would you react if you got hit in the back with a lead pipe? (especially by someone who is claiming they are just giving you a compliment?) Most people would probably say 'what the hell!!, you idiot, go around hurting me for no reason, piss off!!!' Many would lash out in retaliation. Even if you are some sort of jesus/ghandi/buddha type, you could at least understand this reaction... So now let's look at how this is perceived. Someone gives you a positive message (pat on the back) - you feel it like a back-breaking pain in your spine, you express yourself, and anyone watching the interaction comes to the conclusion that you are crazy... i.e. the observers are like "what the hell - he gets a pat on the back and then lashes out like that... crazy!) So now you, who feels this extraordinary amount of pain, get double pain... the first pain is real... 10x pain really does hurt... it's not imagined. But second pain is psychological - instead, everyone calls you crazy, ridicules you, and isolates you. What you really need is sympathy, since you are in 10x more pain then everyone else, but you get the exact opposite. So... How do you relate to people? You stop feeling compassion... you think everyone is on the attack. you think people are stupid because they can't see you are in pain, you get angry and seek revenge on those who hurt you (again, this is fairly common... if you got hit with a pipe, you'd might also retalliate.) So this behaviour is not really crazy... It's just that it is emotional pain, and so it is hard to see and hard to understand since most people don't experience it themselves ... But people like unleashed have 10x emotional 'pain' receptors.. when you feel hurt from a betrayal, they feel the same betrayal but 10x more intensely. As a result, they are in perpetual pain, but since they don't realize this, they just think everyone is on the attack and trying to hurt them.
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24.09.2021 - 11:37
Idk about his connection with Mortal Kombat and I don't know much about whatever happened with him because I didn't play for 5 years. But he was a nice guy to play with when I was around in 2011-2016...
24.09.2021 - 13:26
Here's the short abridged story of my experience with. Unleashed had this huge ego so I challenged him. I beat him in a duel easily and then afterwards I played some ww2 vs him. He lost every single time. The last game we played though, he was crying about how his team colluded to make him lose and he started destroying his own map and sperged out on the forum and the chat. He started spreading fake news on the forum and chat about how I got owned by him in the scenario (despite me immediately refuting it with my own screenshots afterwards). Then he got perma banned. Like honestly, it's a fucking ww2 game, you have to have something wrong with you to go full retard and destroy your own map and go on a flaming spree because you lost a scenario game. Any reasonable person would just go offline and play again another time… Oh and he still thinks that I got owned by him to this day apparently.
24.09.2021 - 16:22
When you spend all your time bragging and abusing people, it shouldn't be a surprise to find allies are scarce in your time of need.
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24.09.2021 - 17:10
He was trolled by Illyria+chess during ww2 game and deleted his map right after that. Funny thing MP couldnt rejoin to game cuz of there were no map anymore. ![]()
25.09.2021 - 19:31
Some autist with an ego the size of Jupiter who likes trashtalking people and doesn't like when they trashtalk him back, he had some friends before because he was a decent mapmaker and player but his increasingly toxic attitude slowly but surely drove them all away, so now he spends his time sperging at random people's PMs because he probably has nothing better to do with his life.
---- Someone Better Than You
26.09.2021 - 03:17
They always colluded against him and then act dumbfounded when he takes action. Just like kids in school
---- "****swans is just torturing me like when uou caugh an insect *when you caught an insect and starts to pull out from him their body parts****" - IHY
26.09.2021 - 03:50
According to his former friend Garde Unleashed has Borderline Personality Disorder. Judging from his actions it is a fair assumption that it hasn't been treated As in regard to what happened. Unleashed has been insulting me prior to his outburst for quite some time dating way back before his version of WW2 was really popular. No Unleashed did not help in the Eastern Front. Germany is not in a position to do so and quite frankely he wouldn't anyways because he was too busy to proof Illyria and everyone else around him how great of Nazi German player he is (btw he is an American Nazi and wannabe German). Franz and I solely won the Eastern Front and because of his history of abuse we decided that we would not interfere with US invasion of Germany until he was dead. He failed to capture UK fully before the arrival of US thus losing the Western Front. Prior to that Illyria has been roasting him for bragging about being the "Best Nazi Germany Player". That game was all about ego. When he couldn't walk the walk he went apeshit and decided to delete the border of his map which resulted in players not being able to continue the game that was running if they refreshed the page. What happened afterwards we all know too well.
26.09.2021 - 14:57
Ok, I'm going to be as honest as I can in my history with Unleashed (I was never one of his closest friends but it was partly because of him that I started playing WWII based scenarios and that I started making maps) As far as I remember, I met him in a clan in which I joined invited by Aetius, Tunder and Phyrrhus, and in that clan apart from playing historical scenarios logically I started to have my first beginnings in the art of making maps. I even have to thank Unleashed to some extent since he collaborated with ideas and some other things in one of my first scenarios that I made based on his original WWII scenario (my, perhaps, not so famous Alternate Ultimate WWII map). At a certain point and when what everyone knows happened he sent me some messages saying that it was all Tunder's fault and that even Tunder was the one who deleted the maps having access to the Unleashed maps. At first I even believed him and fell into his game as maybe even Aetius and the others in that coalition did until I talked to Tunder and saw the truth. After that, Unleashed had his fits of rage against me sending me many messages from his multiple accounts lol, calling me a hypocrite when the one who started all this disagreement was himself. he even went as far as sending me anti-semitic insults while I was playing a CW about 3 years ago and insulting me that I was a lousy player. His sending insults from his multiple accounts at least to me ended about a year ago, but that he needs mental help the guy does, the guy ended up running out of friends in this game.
27.09.2021 - 05:10
He did nothing wrong, same as DoubleOsix. Awaiting their return.
---- ...још сте ту...
27.09.2021 - 12:12
I think Unleashed has serious mental issues and needs professional help. (I'm not joking, I'm not trying to be insulting... I mean it in the literal, serious sense.) It could be emotional turmoil like Brianwl said... in fact there's probably a lot of truth to that. I once heard somebody else say he has Borderline Personality Disorder... I don't know for sure, but that would make a lot of sense too. Since I'm not a psychologist though, there's nothing I can do to help him. My job is just to protect the rest of the AW community from him. It's challenging to keep someone out when they are so determined. So far we've banned almost 300 accounts of his, and over 700 IP addresses (mostly VPNs). The vast majority of those bans were added by our system automatically. It's not like I have time to sit here all day applying bans ![]() So here we are, now 2 years and counting... and he's still trying to get into a game where nobody wants him. ![]()
27.09.2021 - 13:04
Huge ego, bad loser. terrible player. Thought he was good at his own map but when i saw him play or fought his nazi, he was a dissapointment. From time to time, i also get messages from him, insulting me lmao
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