21.06.2011 - 09:41
I prefer to use Sky Menace in games with lots of money, especially Eurasia or whole world games. Any tips? I dont consider myself a very good player... So I thought I'm hoping I'll get a tip from a GOOD player (Ex: Hugosch, Ironail, MarcJr.)
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21.06.2011 - 09:44
Sup, good player here. just latejoin with lots of money and win everytime
21.06.2011 - 11:37
IF = Iron Fist (premium strat). Hugosch can't really give you tips about SM, he doesn't use it. OrangeRobot is a good SM player. My advice? when you're in a city, you have to make two moves: your fuck-off stack of bombers, and then your air-transport with militia. This makes you twice as vulnerable to Turn-Blocking as other strats. To get around that, try and make a defence-line around the city you're capturing on the same turn. That way, next turn, you can move your massive stack without fear of turnblock.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
21.06.2011 - 15:26
true,true ![]()
HoneyandLemon111 تم حذف الحساب |
22.06.2011 - 05:53 HoneyandLemon111 تم حذف الحساب
I just wanted to quote and comment Ironails post, but Reaper already did what I would have. Defence lines will really help you with this strategy. Even if i dont recommend SM in low cash games, it is still a good strategy if you have more money.
22.06.2011 - 10:39
@BiteMe! You NEVER use SM in low cahs games, unless you really know what your doing You'll run out of money on the first 5 turns!
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22.06.2011 - 12:21
You can use Sky Menace in any income bracket provided to start next to a rich nation. It's perfectly possible to win world games as Cambodia, Belarus, Cuba... the list goes on. Really your starting income doesn't matter provided you start near somewhere, just pick a nation with low income (the lower the better as it frees up more money for planes) and at least 5 reinforcements (maybe more if you're attacking Infantry). My personal favourites for good starting nations are Thailand, Bangladesh, Greece, Ukraine and Cuba depending on the map. Similarly, whilst it's not optimal in Europe you can make it work within the 5k starting bracket competitively. I've won duels as Belgium and Sweden using SM with a 5k start (although they are both relatively high income nations and low in reinforcements I'm sure Greece and Ukraine would also work well). Also if you haven't run out of money in the first 5 turns then you're doing it wrong. Speculate to accumulate yo. Can't agree more with Ironails mobile wall strategy either, you can easily kill a player with it.
... تم حذف الحساب |
23.06.2011 - 10:26 ... تم حذف الحساب
learn to read
09.07.2011 - 18:12
@ Lowsky I do fine using SM in North Korea as long as almost nobody bothers me in the first 8 weeks or so. Just gotta take the right cities. probably South Korea, then Tokyo, Osaka, Shanghai, etc. Try to hit a city every turn for every attacking stack if you've got the money. Taiwan is a bit iffy... I once was left moneyless in week 2, but got back on track on week 3. So overall, I do know what to do with SM in 5k. And if all goes well, it's basically Asia w/ SM vs. Europe w/ GC, and in my opinion, GC is horrible at long distance because there's no money discount.
---- "There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made." -The Silmarillion
nerf Cacow تم حذف الحساب |
10.07.2011 - 09:05 nerf Cacow تم حذف الحساب
10.07.2011 - 11:27
North Korea is the model for a SM nation: Low income, high population and near a whole stack of cash (being a hipster I hate picking N. Korea though). Taking Tokyo and Shanghai (two highest cities in East Asia) in the first four turns will set you up for the whole game. Whilst not being hassled in the first lot of turns is obviously good for SM (as it would any other strat) you can't rely on it, therefore it's always best to have a general knowledge of the wealth of individual cities. An example of this is India, where the 2nd and 3rd highest grossing cities are Mumbai and Hyderabad respectively yet everyone goes for Jaipur because it's closest to Delhi which is dumb since SM has huge range. Whilst it may be subtle, there is a difference and if you're really looking to win with this strat you need to max that income for all it's worth. It's obviously best to get the highest income cities running at full capacity as early as possible with this strat and that can mean skipping whole country bonuses in countries like Thailand (where Bangkok pretty much makes all the cash) in favour of hitting the higher income cities you need to win a war in the early game. This strat has an absurd amount of micro which can be detrimental in many situations, but the micro is not just limited to movement, you need to know what is worth having and what isn't. P.s. A thing I forgot to mention is that it's worth keeping two or three bombers to shadow your stack with turn blocking cos the last thing you need when you have to urgently turnblock is to sift through your huge stack for a single plane. Again, small but neccessary.
10.07.2011 - 16:10
He speaks the truth.
---- ...
26.01.2012 - 00:38
I LOVE SM!!!!!!!!!!!! all you gotta do is just late join in a poor country (i.e. N Korea, and just take as many caps as possible from your neighbors for exaample, what I did last game, orange had all of asia from japan
26.01.2012 - 00:43
Ops, didn't finish ...orange had all asia from japan to mid east, and i spawned in S Korea, and took tokyo, shanghai, guangzhou and beijing, so that he wouldn't be able to fight back, and after that, I pretty much took asia, and less than 10 turns later, i had india and most of the mid east, and was moving in on europe over turkey and southern russia, when the last player, who had europe surrendered. I LOVE THIS STRATEGY!!!!!!!!!
26.01.2012 - 07:15
Another thing: Pay attention to the join limit of games. North Korea costs you money as the 8 militia cost more than the income of the country. If you can't get late joined then don't take it. God knows there's enough reinforcements in that area. The main weakness of Eurasia SM vs. Europe SM is the incredible cost of maintaining all those militia which just doesn't happen in Europe. LESS IS MORE. MIN MAX YO.
Mea Culpa تم حذف الحساب |
23.02.2012 - 01:25 Mea Culpa تم حذف الحساب
In SM we trust ![]() Barry is good at tutorials. Listen to him ![]() One more thing: always build bombers instead of stealths: 1. They are much more cheaper. 2.Are good at defense. Must-have upgrades: air transport capacity and air transport II, transport capacity, cheap transportation, militia, safer transportation. Maybe also some upgrades for marines/submarines if you want to integrate them in SM.
23.02.2012 - 02:02
It is tough because I rarely play SM. I don't pretend to be an expert with it by any means...
12.05.2024 - 02:30
late joining like that is gay tho, worse than 1st turn WF in a duel
13.05.2024 - 00:36
Good player here SM should only be used when you play someone from Serbia.
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