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المشاركات: 5   تم الزيارة من: 344 users
04.01.2016 - 19:11
Hey, I wanted to know what upgrades were really worth the money!
04.01.2016 - 22:30
كتب بواسطة theslayer12345, 04.01.2016 at 19:11

Hey, I wanted to know what upgrades were really worth the money!

PD - Perfect Defence
SM - Sky Menace
RA - Relentless Attack
GW - Guerrilla Warfare
MoS - Master of Stealth

Based on survey results.
Read more here: http://atwardatabase.weebly.com/survey-1.html
05.01.2016 - 20:51
Hey Slayer great question. What upgrades you get depend on what games you play.Great upgrades are the reduced infantry cost and infantry range as these can be used in a wide variety of games . I suggest buying these two first. They are quite expensive, but I believe they're worth it. Another great upgrade you will want is naval transport capacity. This one is pretty cheap and gives you +5 to your sea transport allowing them to carry 15 units instead of 10. Safer transportation is a bit more expensive, but gives your transports +3 hp which can be important in a battle. The next one is cheaper transportation which does exactly what it says, it makes sea transports cost 30 less and air transports cost 50 less.

In conclusion here's what I think you should buy and in what order:
1. Expendable Ground Main Defense (30k sp)
2. Faster Ground Main Defense (28k sp)
3. Naval Transport Capacity (700 sp)
4. Cheaper Transportation (25k sp) or Safer Transportation (13k sp)
06.01.2016 - 05:22
كتب بواسطة theslayer12345, 04.01.2016 at 19:11

Hey, I wanted to know what upgrades were really worth the money!

This is the order I'd go with until you reach the point where you choose based on what you play:
imperialist, naval transport capacity, naval stealth, ground stealth, ground secondary defense, air support, master of stealth, AT capacity 1, GW, faster ground main defense, sky menace, expendable ground main defense, cheaper transportation/AT capacity 2/blitz depending on preference.
We are not the same - I am a Martian.
We are not the same - I am a... divided constellation?

13.07.2022 - 09:37
So where do Longer Defence Lines I and II come in? I don't see them on the original survey results.

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