25.08.2011 - 05:53
I do hope you know that the only weapons Gaddafi has remaining is slander and misinformation... and he's using them to great effect on your kind of people.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
25.08.2011 - 06:22
No retort as usual. No rebuttal. No logical reply. You are so proud and yet I ask you time and time again? Where is the justification for invading a sovereign nation and killing its people? Tripoli is burning, it's businesses looted. Rebels arre waiting outside hotels of press workers waiting to shoot them. It's a complete mess and you are happy. I just don't get it. I guess you have no idea what happened in Iran in the 50's and how this whole situation is a repeat of history. Do you really think the government that takes over will be better when they have made it clear what their intentions are? Their actions speak louder than words.
25.08.2011 - 06:39
I don't understand how you can pull stuff out of your arse like this when you're a failure of a music artist living in London. You're not in Libya. You're nowhere near Tripoli. You have no education in international relations, the economics of oil or even journalism. "Tripoli burning, its businesses are being looted" "it will be like Iran" "their actions speak louder than words" (of course they do, actions always speak louder than words, moron). You disrespect the hard-working and life-risking journalists from respectable media organisations who go out in the field to gather information in the interest of informing us, people who cannot be fucked to go and see for ourselves. You're really an unpleasant person. I have done a rapid Google search of all your bullshit claims, and the only thing I can find is the stuff about gold-for-oil. Guess what platform was diffusing it? Russia Today, RT news. In fact, I've come to realise that it is the only news channel you seem to listen to. A Russian news channel. And Russia has a great reputation of unbiased media, right? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_and_criticisms_of_RT God you're annoying and little. you even dragged me back into this argument, when I wanted to go swim in my pool.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
25.08.2011 - 07:03
Ad Hominem again. How is this a rebuttal or even a debate when all you do is insult me then claim everything I say is false without any evidence? First off you don't know me or what I do. Every time you BEG me to tell you about myself I simply say no. I have told you many times, my private life is my own and what I do with it is my business. The fact you have to resort to insulting me is just further proof you have no retort and must resort to Ad Hominem as your own argument has no weight, much like what you call a brain that clearly has no cognitive or lateral thinking faculties. The idea of a debate, is to make an argument and then oppose that argument. Have you ever thought that Russia Today simply isn't playing along to the media? I love how you think the media is perfect and they don't lie and they don't purposely spread lies. Everyone's just doing their job, right? Fake Green Square celebrations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU7qnw4X-BA Journalists IN Libya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A657CHtBNW0&feature=related Of course, Russia Today is the only one reporting this and yet you don't wonder why. Why are we invading a country with the highest HDI in Africa? I have repeatedly told you their average income is higher than countries with ten times the GDP. You know nothing yet assume I am the one who is ignorant for little to no reason. IT IS YOU who is unpleasant. You glorify murder, rob and rape of a SOVEREIGN nation. Didn't you learn anything from the lies spread about the Iraq war? here was our journalistic media then when they claimed he had WMDs? When they took recordings off Iraqis pulling down Saddam's statue. They weren't Iraqis, they were opposition members brought over from the US. When are you going to learn that our media isn't speaking the truth or trying to report facts. They are propaganda stations built for entertainment and toeing whatever line the government tells them to when they go to war. None of this is justified. None of it. NOT ONE BIT. If you are going to argue, please do so without insulting me or my character. I have not done so with you, at least not until you started it. If you continue to insult me for little to no reason I will assume you are not interested in intellectual debate and are here to fulfill some sort of boredom in your life. Sorry, my bad, I didn't realize a student was better than someone with an actual occupation who actually gets paid for their skill. How am I a failure when I get paid for a skill? What skill do you have that you get paid for? When was the last time you got a phone call offering a nice sum for 3 hours work doing what you enjoy? I hope your studies go well and hopefully one day someone will pay you for your skills which is probably doubtful as most students end up earning the same amount as those never studied and usually end up doing the same shitty jobs they detest.
25.08.2011 - 07:46
Spot on chap.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
25.08.2011 - 07:58
Coward. Go on run away, keep living in ignorance.
25.08.2011 - 08:03
At least I won't live in fear 8)
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
25.08.2011 - 08:29
Implying you aren't the one who is scared of being wrong. Implying you aren't the one in a far worse situation completely unprepared for the future. Implying you aren't student with no skills. What are you studying? I hope it's a skill and not some half arsed pointless degree with no future.
25.08.2011 - 09:55
What's happening in Libya is a shame, but is just a repeating of every single "war of freedom" we have seem the last years. USA and Europe should try solving their economic problems, but I guess that's the way they will always solve it...
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
25.08.2011 - 13:00
Mad person from the developing world spotted.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
25.08.2011 - 13:16
I'm studying chemistry and chemical engineering. I have very little worries for my future employment, here in Europe or in Asia. I don't see how believing that my government has my best interests at heart, believing that most of what the mainstream media says is factual and true (protip: that's why it's called mainstream. Fringe groups need to lie for people to be interested in them), makes me unprepared for the future. At worst, I can adapt and re-shift my priorities into a cause to make things right again, if things do turn out as bad as you predict. On the other hand, you, seeing that world is completely amiss according to your twisted worldview, can do nothing but get trolled by my good self here on Afterwind forums. If I gotta say one "positive" thing about your hero, Anders Breivik, is that he, at least, got off his arse, stopped whining away on the internet, and did something about it. Unfortunately, his twisted worldview was radical and he ended up killing people for what he thought was right. Come to think of it, keep arguing with me here, you sad little person. At least it might prevent you from doing something stupid like him.
---- Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
25.08.2011 - 13:24
Can't you argue only once instead of trying (and failing) to be offensive towards others? By the way, Brazil's economy will reach and pass all of European countries in a few years. We don't have a debt that overpass our GDP, we are in full expansion, one of the best countries to control the world's recession that was started in the fallen USA. If you have nothing to say better be quiet.
---- "Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
25.08.2011 - 13:55
Whenever I see these "debates" I find that although I mostly agree with Ironail, I'm turned off by the fact that he's rude to everyone for no reason. Anyway, this entire thread is a pretty sad mess...
---- The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
25.08.2011 - 14:33
This isn't whining, this is discussion. You don't know what I do nor would I tell you. This is mere simply talking to people online about such information. You cannot adapt, that is the simple fact. There are no priorities or quick plans you can adapt to in an economic meltdown. I myself am going to take courses in engineering, law and other skill based criteria that can help me. There are others I have but there is no way I'm going to tell a coward like you. You'd only wet yourself at the prospect. You have proven you cannot argue and your idea of trolling is pathetic as you are the one who gets so mad you resort to insults. This is coming from the pathetic sod who messages me all the time to be all chummy. No, iron, I'm not your friend and until you grow up I doubt we could ever get along. You are ignorant, naive and still believe the world is going to continue like ti is forever. You cannot simply adapt quickly to such changes, you must prepare for months, even years. It doesn't require too much effort. The government, the media are not benevolent entities. If you knew ANYTHING about history, politics and laws you would know this. But i'm just a musician, right? I can't possible know any of this stuff because I didn't take a fucking course in it? You think all knowledge comes from educational facilities? Most engineers and businessmen have never spent a day in a college. I'm older than you and I do other things than play music and I know people all around the world. I don't expect you to believe me nor do I care. This was a discussion and you are a fool beyond measure who has know knowledge of the way things works and perceives themselves more wise despite such incredible ignorance.
25.08.2011 - 14:38
That's because you are 16, practically a child when it comes to matters like this. Iron is 19. Neither of you are away how bad the economy is or what peak oil means and how it will affects. Neither do you realize the fundamental thermodynamic laws involved where it requires energy to obtain energy. 2011 was a culmination of decades of bad policies and corrupt systems. This is the year generations in the future will see as the beginning of the end. There is no backup system, no back up energy supply. This unsustainable system is collapsing and noone dare voice their concerns in case of making it worse. The London riots, the middle eastern anger, the us/eu economy, china's rise to power. All of this was predicted decades ago and no one listened. Now it's happening. All because people like you and Iron weren't curious enough to just look a little deeper into the most IMPORTANT subjects and policies our governments had. But like I said, no one gives a shit. Well good luck. Stay ignorant, you problem, not mine.
25.08.2011 - 15:53
I am locking this since it seems the main participants of this debate cannot seem to debate without insulting each other.
---- ~
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