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المشاركات: 2   تم الزيارة من: 29 users
13.09.2021 - 11:04
New Game Starting Now

Game Name: Panzer General XIV

Type: Casual

Password: PGXIV

1. Game Changes:

There are two major changes to this game release:

a. All coalition games, including Panzer General and Pax Romanus, will only be available to players on the Player's Invitation List. Player's will no longer be able to join games directly from the atWar Games menu. Joining a game will require a password. The reason for the change is to prevent players who are not familiar with the game rules from joining games. Ignorance of the rules will no longer be an acceptable excuse for not following the rules. In summary, only players on the Player's Invitation List will be able to play coalition games including coalition members.

b. The number of allies in the games has been reduced from four (4) to one (1). This will prevent blocks of players from dominating games as has been the case in the past. It will also force players to pick their ally carefully. Player's will still be able to 'ally out' of a game if all players agree. Hopefully this will allow newer, less experienced players an opportunity to compete.

2. Game Protocols:

Please observe the following game protocols:
• Do not move units outside of your home country on turn one (1)
• Do not leave a game by timing out. If you have lost the game, surrender.
• Take your turn in a timely manner.

3. Game Settings:

• The maximum number of players is fifteen (15)
• The maximum number of allies is one (1).
• Starting funds are $50,000.
• Minimum rank is five (5).

4. Player's Invitation List:

The Player's Invitation List will be managed as follows:

Players will be added:
• If they are a new coalition member.
• If they are an existing, active coalition member.
• If they make a request to be added (coalition and non-coalition).

Players will be removed:
• If they have been inactive in atWar for more than 7 days.
• If they request to be removed.
• If they have been banned from coalition games.

Good luck to all...

13.09.2021 - 16:00
Well done and thought out boss looking forward to the changes, thank you for being proactive.

kind regards,

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