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19.04.2022 - 11:45
New Game Starting Now

Modern Warfare Evolved


1. Overview:

Hello everyone and welcome to Modern Warfare Evolved. This is a brand new game format featuring a modified World Map 2. Everything has been redesigned from the ground up. I will add new units in upcoming games. Here are some of the unit types in this the first edition:

• Stealth Fighter/Bombers including the F-35 Lightening and F-22 Raptor (8)
• Fighters and Interceptors including the F-18 Super Hornet (25)
• Air Transport (9)
• Cruise Missiles
• Tanks including the T-14 Armata Heavy Tank (28)
• Infantry units including Terrorist & Alpine Infantry (35)
• Artillery (2)
• Naval including Nuclear Aircraft Carriers (CVN), Battleships (BB), Guided Missile Cruisers (CAG) and Attack Submarines (SSN).

2. Game Protocols:

Please observe the following game protocols:
• Be considerate of other players when leaving a game. If possible do not leave prematurely.
• Where possible, do not leave a game by timing out. If you have lost the game, surrender.
• Take your turn in a timely manner. Don't be the last player to take your turn every turn.

3. Settings:

• The maximum number of players is twenty (20).
• Starting funds are $50,000.
• Minimum rank is five (5).
• Maximum number of turns is two hundred (200).

4. Player's Invitation List:

The Player's Invitation List will be managed as follows:

You will be added to the Player's Invitation List if:
• You are a new coalition member.
• You join a coalition game (coalition and non-coalition players).
• You request to be added (coalition and non-coalition players).

You will be removed from the Player's Invitation List if:
• You have been inactive in atWar for more than 7 days as of the game release date.
• You request to be removed. All requests are final. No dithering please.
• You have been banned from coalition games.

Good luck to all...

19.04.2022 - 14:10
Quick question - it looks like a couple geography things have been changed? Just from what I can see, Nashville is too far southwest, Memphis is supposed to be on the Mississippi at the edge of Tennessee but its inland, Guangzhou is too far from Hong Kong, and Tel Aviv is located where Haifa is irl. Since these are just what I see off the top of my head, I would guess that there are other changes as well. Are these intentional balance changes or mistakes?
19.04.2022 - 18:43
Yes, I do take a number of liberties mostly to improve or enhance game play. If you were to carefully examine the game, you would find a number of these discrepancies, not all of which have been created by myself. For example, if you examine Canada, which is were I am from, you will see 6 provinces and one territory. I'm pretty sure it has 10 provinces and 3 territories.
Remember this is a game not a geography lesson.

Are you in or just browsing?
21.04.2022 - 09:57
I was just browsing. Thanks for the clarification.

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