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المشاركات: 4   تم الزيارة من: 16 users
03.11.2012 - 22:43
I think one topic I saw that the bugs that had happened in the casual games had been fixed. It may be so, but there are still bugs. My turn in week 4 didn't go through. Whenever I logged back into the game (testing if it had been fixed) The bottom right hand corner would have save everytime. I made numerous adjustments and saved them, and didn't press save the last time I was in the room, and none of my moves went through. This was partly a test, partly because for all I knew saving when I had made no changes would save 'no input' as my move.

Also, the numbers that came up in the shield graphic over a city I was hitting, Stockholm, was greater than the number of troops I was using to hit and the units in Sweden combined. Sure enough, The player in Germany attacked Stockholm as the turn ended. I assume this is a bug?

pic related (mainly proof of the second point)

04.11.2012 - 09:29
Apple key+shift+4 to get instantly cropped image : )
04.11.2012 - 14:37
كتب بواسطة Aristosseur, 04.11.2012 at 09:29

Apple key+shift+4 to get instantly cropped image : )

lol thanks, have changed it. do you know how to make a smaller version that gets bigger when you click on it? id say thumbnail but thats just a small version.

pic related again.

04.11.2012 - 16:19
I don't think there is such an option available, though you could put image url between url tags to make it a clickable link.

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