So when I go to play the game, I get that little blue box that tells me Silverlight needs to be installed. Well, it is already installed. Each time though I get the same problem. Running Windows 7 64bit, with IE 9. My laptop though, same system, same IE, no problem at all. Any ideas?
Try some other browser first, then reinstall silverlight see what happens.
Shayke المشاركات: 163 من: فلسطين
I have the same problem,in other browsers no such problem,just not loading the game,in IE i have the problem he mentioned,and i reinstalled twice,no help.
Try another browser, like Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. They are both guaranteed to provide a better experience than IE9, trust me on that.  They import your favourites and stuff on installation by the way, so no need to worry about that. And they run a lot faster than IE9 and crash a whole lot less. Best of all, you can play Afterwind again!
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
Lord Dark Knight تم حذف الحساب |
Lord Dark Knight تم حذف الحساب
Happened to me already, and i fixed it. (I use Chrome) but still should work
Just Refresh a couple of times then restart your computer.
Re open your browser go to afterwind press play >>> should work.
Chrome works, IE still being lame though. And yeah, IE is kinda bleh, but I keep my stuff open on IE, the other half keeps her open on Chrome. X_X
Just import all your stuff to chrome (yes you can do that, at least you can with your favorites) and boom now you can use chrome for everything.
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~