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نشرت بواسطة tophat, 12.07.2011 - 00:03
Ive played many high ranked players up to now but not all of them. I was wondering if more experienced users could tell me who really is the best "Hands down" player in this game. Im assuming a rank 8-10, but who is the best player?
27.07.2011 - 01:46
تم حذف الحساب
كتب بواسطة Pinheiro, 26.07.2011 at 19:48

كتب بواسطة Guest, 26.07.2011 at 14:58

Not to wave my dick around but it's probably me. I've beaten Pera AND Pinheiro in a 2 vs 1 match.

LIER! I've never allied Pera in any of my games, I'm pretty sure of it. Are you sure that the other guy wasn't someone else?

I'm pretty sure. There was also that time i was dominating the game as Turkey and you showed up as Cyprus just for shits and giggles.
27.07.2011 - 01:49
تم حذف الحساب
كتب بواسطة Guest, 26.07.2011 at 19:07

كتب بواسطة Guest, 26.07.2011 at 18:18

What ever happened to Marc Jr?

I swear i just wanted to ask today.

He hasn't been on in 50 days, such a shame too
27.07.2011 - 02:00
كتب بواسطة Guest, 27.07.2011 at 01:49

كتب بواسطة Guest, 26.07.2011 at 19:07

كتب بواسطة Guest, 26.07.2011 at 18:18

What ever happened to Marc Jr?

I swear i just wanted to ask today.

He hasn't been on in 50 days, such a SHAM too

27.07.2011 - 03:56
MarcJr is deployed in Afghanistan at the moment. Hope nothing happens to him
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
27.07.2011 - 06:23
كتب بواسطة Guest, 27.07.2011 at 01:46
you showed up as Cyprus just for shits and giggles.

Oh, you're right, but it had nothing to do with Pera, but I probably ended up helping him
"Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms".
03.08.2011 - 09:28
Guess it's still me then... such life in Ironailand.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
04.08.2011 - 17:46
Caocow- Unbelievably quick
Ironail- Ridiculous Micro Management skills
Philipho- Can hold off a 200 strong army with 30-40 units. They may lose but every inch of map will cost you.
Barrymore- (I think it was Barrymore, I can't remember the name. May have been someone else) is an excellent SM player. One of the few people to beat me in a Eurasia game but not only beat me... but actually wipe the floor with me using my head as a mop.

It is said in the Great Books. They have never lost a Large game with Europe and SM. I'd believe it.

It's actually made me try out Sky Menace properly. I'm getting better at it. It is a very powerful strategy, especially against GW. It also showed me how shit anti-aircraft are.
04.08.2011 - 18:39
I wouldn't say Cacao is quick. He's an awesome turnblocker though - but you don't need to be particularly quick for that.
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
04.08.2011 - 18:43
Tik-Tok you are a noob player. Who are you to say who's a good player since anyone can rape you?
04.08.2011 - 18:51
كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 18:43

Tik-Tok you are a noob player. Who are you to say who's a good player since anyone can rape you?

I think you are just jelly that I didn't mention you.

Calling me a noob does not bother me. I'm fairly confident in my ability and I gave my opinion. If I did not mention you, perhaps I never played you. It does not require an absolute genius to recognize a fantastic player. I sometimes lose due to silly mistakes, bad playing or my childish mood swings but rarely I find myself truly and utterly outmatched in every single way.

Those are the people who truly beat me (Well not Ironail but I can tell when someone has skill)

I think you are just annoyed I didn't mention you. Get over it. Maybe you simply didn't meet my expectations.

I don't really abandon games. I don't see the need, I sometimes prefer to fight it out. If anyone could truly rape me, then I find myself puzzled by my w/l ratio.

You weren't mentioned. Get over it.
04.08.2011 - 20:59
I'm mad because I wasn't mentioned?

Dude I no longer play this game and why should I care about fame on a game?

What makes my but hurt is how people randomly shout: "How he's a good player and I totally lost to him on that match because he's better than me.". Being beaten by other players doesn't make them good nor' it makes them the better players on AW. It actually means that you actually suck.

Ironail sucked Learsters balls until he found that Learster uses cheap tricks to win.
Ironail sucked my balls until I stopped playing and came back a noob.
Ironail sucked Aristo's balls when Aristo found IF Austria.
Ironail sucked Hugosch balls when PD Ukraine/GW Greece.

Inb4 Pinheiro comes and deletes my posts for massive butthurt and fanaticism for Ironail.

You people need to stop idolizing people and need to start knowing how to copy others people tactics.

Copy fucking Ironail since he copies other people. THAT'S CALLED LEARNING AND BEING SMART. SO GO AND BE IRONAILS.
04.08.2011 - 22:01
تم حذف الحساب
كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

I'm mad because I wasn't mentioned?

Dude I no longer play this game and why should I care about fame on a game?

What makes my but hurt is how people randomly shout: "How he's a good player and I totally lost to him on that match because he's better than me.". Being beaten by other players doesn't make them good nor' it makes them the better players on AW. It actually means that you actually suck.

Ironail sucked Learsters balls until he found that Learster uses cheap tricks to win.
Ironail sucked my balls until I stopped playing and came back a noob.
Ironail sucked Aristo's balls when Aristo found IF Austria.
Ironail sucked Hugosch balls when PD Ukraine/GW Greece.

Inb4 Pinheiro comes and deletes my posts for massive butthurt and fanaticism for Ironail.

You people need to stop idolizing people and need to start knowing how to copy others people tactics.

Copy fucking Ironail since he copies other people. THAT'S CALLED LEARNING AND BEING SMART. SO GO AND BE IRONAILS.

THAT'S coming from the person who dedicated a thread to trolling Gardevoir and idolizing himself. THAT'S coming from the guy who has said "Vafika Strong" every goddamn day for months. THAT'S coming from the guy who has said he's the best! Stop being a butthurt punk and leave Afterwind alone for once! You always have to criticize every little thing childishly and frankly I think people are sick of you! Your own clan left you for god's sake! Your not even funny when you troll anymore, your just pathetic! You started with being rude to Tik-Tok so he responded, and you respond to that with THIS?!?!?! When have you ever given anyone tips or helped them out?? When have you allyed a noob because he wouldve felt good if you did?? I have no more to say other than your a pathetic excuse for a person!

Here are your faults.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

It actually means that you actually suck.

You have no clue what your saying.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

Ironail sucked Learsters balls until he found that Learster uses cheap tricks to win.
Ironail sucked my balls until I stopped playing and came back a noob.
Ironail sucked Aristo's balls when Aristo found IF Austria.
Ironail sucked Hugosch balls when PD Ukraine/GW Greece.

Like you didn't either. We all did.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

Inb4 Pinheiro comes and deletes my posts for massive butthurt and fanaticism for Ironail.

Pinheiro deleted your posts because that's his friggin job!

05.08.2011 - 00:45
For one time Vafika is looking to be right. 1on1 battles don't always tell who is the best, it depends on starting points, strategy and a bit of luck. 1mistake in the first turn, can cost you the entire game. If you can beat someone 3 out of 3 games, you are really better.
Best player in Afterwind in my opinion: Philipho (although i do not know all players in the game)
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
05.08.2011 - 04:10
كتب بواسطة Guest, 04.08.2011 at 22:01

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

I'm mad because I wasn't mentioned?

Dude I no longer play this game and why should I care about fame on a game?

What makes my but hurt is how people randomly shout: "How he's a good player and I totally lost to him on that match because he's better than me.". Being beaten by other players doesn't make them good nor' it makes them the better players on AW. It actually means that you actually suck.

Ironail sucked Learsters balls until he found that Learster uses cheap tricks to win.
Ironail sucked my balls until I stopped playing and came back a noob.
Ironail sucked Aristo's balls when Aristo found IF Austria.
Ironail sucked Hugosch balls when PD Ukraine/GW Greece.

Inb4 Pinheiro comes and deletes my posts for massive butthurt and fanaticism for Ironail.

You people need to stop idolizing people and need to start knowing how to copy others people tactics.

Copy fucking Ironail since he copies other people. THAT'S CALLED LEARNING AND BEING SMART. SO GO AND BE IRONAILS.

THAT'S coming from the person who dedicated a thread to trolling Gardevoir and idolizing himself. THAT'S coming from the guy who has said "Vafika Strong" every goddamn day for months. THAT'S coming from the guy who has said he's the best! Stop being a butthurt punk and leave Afterwind alone for once! You always have to criticize every little thing childishly and frankly I think people are sick of you! Your own clan left you for god's sake! Your not even funny when you troll anymore, your just pathetic! You started with being rude to Tik-Tok so he responded, and you respond to that with THIS?!?!?! When have you ever given anyone tips or helped them out?? When have you allyed a noob because he wouldve felt good if you did?? I have no more to say other than your a pathetic excuse for a person!

Here are your faults.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

It actually means that you actually suck.

You have no clue what your saying.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

Ironail sucked Learsters balls until he found that Learster uses cheap tricks to win.
Ironail sucked my balls until I stopped playing and came back a noob.
Ironail sucked Aristo's balls when Aristo found IF Austria.
Ironail sucked Hugosch balls when PD Ukraine/GW Greece.

Like you didn't either. We all did.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

Inb4 Pinheiro comes and deletes my posts for massive butthurt and fanaticism for Ironail.

Pinheiro deleted your posts because that's his friggin job!


Aristo you so mád. I even giggle'ed while listening to Seress. You só mád becáuse yóu were master trólled.

[8/3/2011 8:57:19 PM] oh cristo: From 1 to 10 how butthurt is Aristo?
[8/3/2011 8:57:27 PM] Simon Nizard: 20, he's so much butthurt right now UHHEUEUUE
[8/3/2011 8:57:30 PM] Simon Nizard: You fucking canhoto.
[8/3/2011 8:57:36 PM] oh cristo: You don't know that that means....XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAX
[8/3/2011 8:57:39 PM] oh cristo: >DERP
[8/3/2011 8:57:42 PM] Simon Nizard: I know what it means.
[8/3/2011 8:57:46 PM] oh cristo: SURE, YOU DO.
05.08.2011 - 04:21
كتب بواسطة Vafika, 05.08.2011 at 04:10

كتب بواسطة Guest, 04.08.2011 at 22:01

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

I'm mad because I wasn't mentioned?

Dude I no longer play this game and why should I care about fame on a game?

What makes my but hurt is how people randomly shout: "How he's a good player and I totally lost to him on that match because he's better than me.". Being beaten by other players doesn't make them good nor' it makes them the better players on AW. It actually means that you actually suck.

Ironail sucked Learsters balls until he found that Learster uses cheap tricks to win.
Ironail sucked my balls until I stopped playing and came back a noob.
Ironail sucked Aristo's balls when Aristo found IF Austria.
Ironail sucked Hugosch balls when PD Ukraine/GW Greece.

Inb4 Pinheiro comes and deletes my posts for massive butthurt and fanaticism for Ironail.

You people need to stop idolizing people and need to start knowing how to copy others people tactics.

Copy fucking Ironail since he copies other people. THAT'S CALLED LEARNING AND BEING SMART. SO GO AND BE IRONAILS.

THAT'S coming from the person who dedicated a thread to trolling Gardevoir and idolizing himself. THAT'S coming from the guy who has said "Vafika Strong" every goddamn day for months. THAT'S coming from the guy who has said he's the best! Stop being a butthurt punk and leave Afterwind alone for once! You always have to criticize every little thing childishly and frankly I think people are sick of you! Your own clan left you for god's sake! Your not even funny when you troll anymore, your just pathetic! You started with being rude to Tik-Tok so he responded, and you respond to that with THIS?!?!?! When have you ever given anyone tips or helped them out?? When have you allyed a noob because he wouldve felt good if you did?? I have no more to say other than your a pathetic excuse for a person!

Here are your faults.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

It actually means that you actually suck.

You have no clue what your saying.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

Ironail sucked Learsters balls until he found that Learster uses cheap tricks to win.
Ironail sucked my balls until I stopped playing and came back a noob.
Ironail sucked Aristo's balls when Aristo found IF Austria.
Ironail sucked Hugosch balls when PD Ukraine/GW Greece.

Like you didn't either. We all did.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 04.08.2011 at 20:59

Inb4 Pinheiro comes and deletes my posts for massive butthurt and fanaticism for Ironail.

Pinheiro deleted your posts because that's his friggin job!


Aristo you so mád. I even giggle'ed while listening to Seress. You só mád becáuse yóu were master trólled.

[8/3/2011 8:57:19 PM] oh cristo: From 1 to 10 how butthurt is Aristo?
[8/3/2011 8:57:27 PM] Simon Nizard: 20, he's so much butthurt right now UHHEUEUUE
[8/3/2011 8:57:30 PM] Simon Nizard: You fucking canhoto.
[8/3/2011 8:57:36 PM] oh cristo: You don't know that that means....XAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAXAX
[8/3/2011 8:57:39 PM] oh cristo: >DERP
[8/3/2011 8:57:42 PM] Simon Nizard: I know what it means.
[8/3/2011 8:57:46 PM] oh cristo: SURE, YOU DO.

Well thanks for the info that I can use against you. And I must say I love you cunning observation of my post, did you fail to recognize where I signed it as "Gardevoir"? For the greater good go back to 1st grade and learn to read.
05.08.2011 - 04:25
Oh gardevoir you have yet to learn how I troll. I'm going to kill three birds in one stone. Oh and your way of thinking is so innocent that I will end this conversation with skype messages.

Chris is Gardevoir and ohcristo is Vafika. Stay tuned.

[7/26/2011 3:43:07 AM] Chris: Want zeroaintdeads skype so lulz may ensue? roro
[7/26/2011 3:43:32 AM] oh cristo: YES
[7/26/2011 3:43:33 AM] oh cristo: PLEASE
[7/26/2011 3:43:34 AM] oh cristo: PLEASE
[7/26/2011 3:43:35 AM] oh cristo: PELASE
[7/26/2011 3:43:37 AM] oh cristo: GIEF
[7/26/2011 3:44:16 AM] Chris: Skype name is zeroaintdead, to troll him hard tell him he should kill himself, romania sucks and that he treats his freinds like shit, those are his weak points
[7/26/2011 3:44:29 AM] Chris: disguise your name though
[7/26/2011 3:44:35 AM] oh cristo: NOPE.AVI
[7/26/2011 3:44:40 AM] Chris: rename yourself "Jace Beleran"
[7/26/2011 3:45:07 AM] oh cristo: GOING TO TROLL HIM AS VAFIKA
[7/26/2011 3:45:16 AM] Chris: He wont accept you then lol
[7/26/2011 3:45:24 AM] oh cristo: YES HE WILL
[7/26/2011 3:45:30 AM] Chris: lol
[7/26/2011 3:45:43 AM] Chris: did you send it?
[7/26/2011 3:45:48 AM] oh cristo: YES
[7/26/2011 3:45:49 AM] oh cristo: I DID
[7/26/2011 3:45:55 AM] Chris: caps not needed bro
[7/26/2011 3:46:07 AM] Chris: Yoba already told me your actualy smart
[7/26/2011 3:46:20 AM] oh cristo: I'M SMART?
[7/26/2011 3:46:22 AM] oh cristo: HOW COME?
[7/26/2011 3:46:25 AM] Chris: Very.
[7/26/2011 3:46:29 AM] oh cristo: ~HE TROLLING
[7/26/2011 3:46:31 AM] oh cristo: I'M DUM AS SHIT
[7/26/2011 3:46:35 AM] Chris: LOL
[7/26/2011 3:46:36 AM] oh cristo: I CANNOT INTO ENGLISH
[7/26/2011 3:46:48 AM] oh cristo: But now seriously.
[7/26/2011 3:46:51 AM] oh cristo: Smart?
[7/26/2011 3:46:54 AM] Chris: Yeah
[7/26/2011 3:46:57 AM] oh cristo: How smart did he said i was?
[7/26/2011 3:47:12 AM] Chris: Pretty smart, let me quote it-
[7/26/2011 3:47:19 AM] oh cristo: Ok wuv.
[7/26/2011 3:47:58 AM] Chris: From: Yoba "You'll be surprised, although he is a total prick in the game he is surprisingly approachable and actually a really funny guy when talking to him. I perform fairly well in group discussions and stuff (we speak about all sorts of things...) "
[7/26/2011 3:48:14 AM] oh cristo: He sucks dicks.
[7/26/2011 3:48:20 AM] oh cristo: DON'T TRUST HIM.
[7/26/2011 3:48:21 AM] Chris: lol ino.
[7/26/2011 3:48:25 AM] oh cristo: HE'S TROLLING YOU.
[7/26/2011 3:48:27 AM] oh cristo: YA KNOW?
[7/26/2011 3:48:51 AM] Chris: Funny part about that is that in turn ill be trolling him.
[7/26/2011 3:49:12 AM] Chris: I really have to ask though- your aware of who iam yes?
[7/26/2011 3:49:33 AM] oh cristo: Derp.
[7/26/2011 3:49:44 AM] oh cristo: "Desu Desu "desu".
[7/26/2011 3:49:48 AM] oh cristo: WELL.
[7/26/2011 3:49:51 AM] oh cristo: WHO COULD THAT BE?
[7/26/2011 3:49:57 AM] Chris: Im not Desu.
[7/26/2011 3:50:13 AM] oh cristo: Hmmm.
[7/26/2011 3:50:17 AM] oh cristo: Oh fuck.
[7/26/2011 3:50:20 AM] oh cristo: OH FUCK.
[7/26/2011 3:50:27 AM] oh cristo: OH FUCK.
[7/26/2011 3:50:31 AM] oh cristo: ARE YOU GARDICKS?
[7/26/2011 3:50:43 AM] oh cristo: SWEET JESUS LORD
[7/26/2011 3:50:45 AM] Chris: Ayup
[7/26/2011 3:50:50 AM] oh cristo: SWEET JESUS LORD
[7/26/2011 3:50:53 AM] Chris: But wait a sec bro-
[7/26/2011 3:51:00 AM] oh cristo: WHAT IS THIS
[7/26/2011 3:51:04 AM] oh cristo: MOMMY?
[7/26/2011 3:51:04 AM] Chris: the whole time I seemed like emo nigger-
[7/26/2011 3:51:16 AM] oh cristo: MOM?
[7/26/2011 3:51:22 AM] Chris: I was setting troll material
[7/26/2011 3:51:49 AM] oh cristo: Well I wasn't expecting this shit.
[7/26/2011 3:52:00 AM] oh cristo: I was expecting you to be from fucking Kanker.
[7/26/2011 3:52:01 AM] Chris: Im not /int im /b/, but still im not that stupid emo fuck you thought I was
[7/26/2011 3:52:19 AM] Chris: Why you think im in warborn? for lulz.
[7/26/2011 3:54:14 AM] Chris: Lol,
[7/26/2011 3:55:25 AM] *** Chris enviou 623_slide.jpg ***
[7/26/2011 3:55:39 AM] Chris: Im guessing thats how your thinking of this? lulz
[7/26/2011 3:56:16 AM] oh cristo: That photo isn't funny.
[7/26/2011 3:56:23 AM] oh cristo: Sounds pretty underage.
[7/26/2011 3:56:31 AM] Chris: thats /b/ for ya.
[7/26/2011 3:56:36 AM] oh cristo: No.
[7/26/2011 3:56:41 AM] oh cristo: That's kanker for you.
[7/26/2011 3:57:03 AM] oh cristo: You will never experience /b/ as I did.
[7/26/2011 3:57:11 AM] Chris: I know
[7/26/2011 3:57:29 AM] Chris: I use ED for reading all the old shit,
[7/26/2011 3:57:38 AM] Chris: (ED is kanker blah blah tl:dr)
[7/26/2011 3:57:41 AM] Chris: anywyas,
[7/26/2011 3:57:44 AM] Chris: wnyways*
[7/26/2011 3:57:46 AM] Chris: FUCK
[7/26/2011 3:57:48 AM] Chris: anyways*
[7/26/2011 3:58:12 AM] Chris: , im asking you what /int is like because my service provider blocked krautchan.
[7/26/2011 3:59:23 AM] Chris: Heres like, sacrifice for almighty god vafika,
[7/26/2011 3:59:27 AM] Chris: [Friday, July 22, 2011 12:49 AM] Zero:

<<< I think my 12 year old female cuzin is prob gonna wanna do things with me if u no wut i mean
[7/26/2011 4:00:02 AM] oh cristo: http://www.ted.com/talks/keith_barry_does_brain_magic.html
[7/26/2011 4:00:06 AM] oh cristo: Watch that and stfu.
[7/26/2011 4:01:42 AM] Chris: and Yoba said this
"Also: his sister is SOOOO hot. Seen her facebook pics would!"
[7/26/2011 4:02:03 AM] oh cristo: fucking greeks.
[7/26/2011 4:02:17 AM] oh cristo: Just watch the video.
[7/26/2011 4:39:34 AM] Chris: Look, if youwanted me to go away you couldve just told me. If you want me to go away just tell me and I will.
[7/26/2011 4:42:47 AM] oh cristo: stfu and watch that video.
[7/26/2011 4:42:53 AM] Chris: Finished it.
[7/26/2011 4:43:00 AM] oh cristo: Tell me now.
[7/26/2011 4:43:13 AM] Chris: Tell you what?
[7/26/2011 4:43:33 AM] oh cristo: How come the guy knew all a long where the cup was?
[7/26/2011 4:43:50 AM] Chris: Phsychologic trick
[7/26/2011 4:44:15 AM] oh cristo: Because of what he originally saw.
[7/26/2011 4:44:31 AM] Chris: Practically what I was implying.
[7/26/2011 4:45:10 AM] oh cristo: So everything you see will be based on the first impression.
[7/26/2011 4:45:29 AM] oh cristo: Like people.
[7/26/2011 4:45:33 AM] Chris: I know where your going at.
[7/26/2011 4:45:35 AM] Chris: Im sorry.
[7/26/2011 4:45:44 AM] oh cristo: Once Vafika everytime a Vafika.
[7/26/2011 4:45:50 AM] oh cristo: HUEHUEHUUEUE.
[7/26/2011 4:45:58 AM] oh cristo: Fucking Narcisistic punk.
[7/26/2011 4:46:02 AM] oh cristo: I wasn't talking about you.
[7/26/2011 4:47:11 AM] Chris: Well heres something you should know- I only tryed to get you muted because I was afraid that you were going to make zero kill himself because he complained about you and fruit say things to him, but now that little fucker can cut himself in half for all I care, and iam, deeply sorry fr what I did to you.
[7/26/2011 4:48:06 AM] oh cristo: That's a cool story bro productions.
[7/26/2011 4:48:15 AM] Chris: Yeah, I know.
[7/26/2011 4:49:24 AM] Chris: So tl:dr sorry blah blah ill leave you alone blah blah.
[7/26/2011 8:40:42 PM] Chris: [cn] ~sificvoid: I am tryin to be nise you little ... [cn] Ketzer: I don't refer to it as "bashing", I refer to it as "Tough love" [cn] ~sificvoid: shut the fuck up
[7/26/2011 8:53:10 PM] oh cristo: Your point?
05.08.2011 - 04:46
Someone please stem the tide of frustration coming from Vafika, please ;_;
It's painful to watch you descend into shit like this, bro. You used to be a respected member of the community, a good player, almost as good as me back in the day. Why have you sunk so low, man? Why?
Hello, I listen to Shakira and Rihanna and I support the multiculturalisation of Europe : )
05.08.2011 - 04:48
Ironail, you so mad cuz I'm fucking everyone with your quotes. HUE HUE HUE CANHOTOS LOLOLOLOLOL.

BTW I'm going home now since I was on a hotel. Silly vacations.
05.08.2011 - 08:31
I can't see how I'm mad while having a successful coalition without you or /int/ losers, namely ambush.
05.08.2011 - 11:49
كتب بواسطة Vafika, 05.08.2011 at 04:48

Ironail, you so mad cuz I'm fucking everyone with your quotes. HUE HUE HUE CANHOTOS LOLOLOLOLOL.

BTW I'm going home now since I was on a hotel. Silly vacations.

Kid stop being so bloody butthurt! Your obviously done being the old Vafika, you effed that up!

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 05.08.2011 at 04:48

you so mad cuz I'm fucking everyone

Your the only one mad here brosky.

كتب بواسطة Vafika, 05.08.2011 at 04:48

BTW I'm going home now since I was on a hotel.

ON a hotel you say? were you sleeping on the balcony or in the gutter where you belong?

oh, and I could really care less what you post from Skype about me. I took some well advice from an old freind so now I really don't care what you post, kudos Andrew.

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