16.12.2014 - 04:47
Should be a nice feature in some map, in long games with many turns. So should be a game option or a map option. - What is war exhaustion? When you conquest a nation from a player (and only from a player), you gain 5 warexhaustion points. For each warexhaustion point you lose 1% turn income. So for example in a war you gained 3 nations from an enemy -> +15 warexhaustion -> -15% incomes. This hit the economy of the conqueror and convince him to sign a peace treaty as fast as he can or will be blown up from other players in really little. - What is call to peace? When someone is asking you to sign a peace treaty, everytime you refuse you suffer 2 warexhaustion. For example: Player A is making gains in this war, conquered 3 nations -> 15 warexhaustion Player B is losing but NOT accepting peace treaty -> he suffer 2 warexhaustion each time he refuse peace, so not only losing lands but also economy damages... probaly leads other neighbors to attack him as soon as possible. Palyer A is making gains, conquered 4 nations (20 warexhaustion) and refused 4 times the peace treaty from him victim (+8 war exhaustion) -> 28 warexhaustion (losed 28% incomes, a great hit to its economy, ok conquered some lands but in a little he goes bakrupt: the expenses are the same, and lesser incomes...) -How to remove War exhaustion? Simply wait. Each turn 1 war exhaustion is removed. -Why all this? In order to prevent players to conquest half map from another player in 2-3 turns, allowing revenge. Who lose this turn, 10 turns later maybe can be the winnner. Allowing more diplomacy aspect.
Rankist Sharck تم حذف الحساب |
16.12.2014 - 04:54 Rankist Sharck تم حذف الحساب
Call to peace is stupid, encourages peace-fagging. Also waiting for 5 turns doesn't seem nice...
16.12.2014 - 06:22
Could be interesting for some scenarios. Agree with Shark: "Call to peace" would be rather misused, leading to more ally-fuggery and less competing parties. The first idea is quite interesting.
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16.12.2014 - 07:18
I thought this to prevent a defender to fight without end against a superior foe. And 2 war exaustion is not so high as penalty of being warmonger. As i told is good for some scenarios, not to all ![]()
Rankist Sharck تم حذف الحساب |
17.12.2014 - 02:15 Rankist Sharck تم حذف الحساب EUIV HAS CALL TO PEACE? OH MAN still getting it
17.12.2014 - 04:11
Isn't this supposed to help the strongest one though? If he manages to weaken his opponent by just conquering half of his land in one turn, the opponent is really screwed... In my opinion it would just favour even more the strongest of both wouldn't it?
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
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