RaYan S.K تم حذف الحساب |
25.04.2015 - 07:38
The elo calculations were altered yesterday by ivan, basically theres now a threshold where no more elo can be gained by farming low elo players, for example i dueled a 1050 elo r7 earlier and won 0 elo from the game. This effectively neutralises bluecher2 style methods of elo farming.
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25.04.2015 - 07:58
Unfortunately i didn't know that reset of all elo ratings would be impossible if elo formula is changed, so calculations that i made and propositions i sent to some players were a waste of time. This proposition is the best at this time that Cow thought off ...that at elo difference of 528 and higher a higher rated player wins nothing. Good thing is this stops blucher ...stops others from doing the same in general ratings, but it doesn't solve the issue with seasonal elo. So some ideas are that this number of ratings difference gets even further changed or as i would propose that the season is changed from 3 months to either a yearly competition or at least extend to six months period in order for the list to balance its self out.
25.04.2015 - 09:17
If I press, I won't be ever able to reach bluecher, laochra or the 1500 ELO anymore... if I don't, other farmers will be able to reach 1700 ELO. You know... this is a very philosophical question, maybe I should wait till I get the 1500's ELO then press the button....
25.04.2015 - 09:22
Would you press it if you had number 1 elo at the moment? ...bet you would. ![]()
25.04.2015 - 09:24
*button press intensifier * All jokes aside though, if we take into account that some players with higher ELO rating will stop dueling low players with low elo rating... Do the community have "enough" active low elo players for duel themselves? I mean for example, if we assume anyone from 1400 and above won't duel anyone from 1399 and lower.... are the 1399 ELO players actives enough for duel themselves? And as so, are the 1400 ELO players actives enough for duel themselves? This is what I am expecting to see with this update...
25.04.2015 - 09:47
Huh? ...i think you got this wrong. Why wouldn't a player with 1400 duel a 1399 player or a 1000 player? ...you stop getting elo when the difference between you and your opponent is more then 528. So at 1528 you get 0 from a 1000 player ...at 1528 you still get points against 1001 player. I'm not really happy with this ...i had different idea in mind, but fuck it.
25.04.2015 - 09:56
Youll still get seasonal elo from a low elo player, the seasons arent long enough for anyone to make a 528 elo gain. but i dont intend to start refusing to duel people anyway. anyway so one method of farming has been neutralised. but theres always the unknown gamer method, host a malta vs cyprus duel, the other player picks malta, then pick greece and unhold lol
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25.04.2015 - 09:57
You won't risk 26.1 ELO that easy I guess.... Even 20 elo would still be too much for bet IMO. but I guess it is subjective when we try to point out how much ELO is a regular person disposed to "bet".
25.04.2015 - 10:02
Damit Lao thats why i said season should be yearly competition above xD
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