njab تم حذف الحساب |
I think it's the time to finally do this... there is no point to break my head every time thinking who is who.
I myself, for example, have never changed my name. And if I did, I would definitely keep the former name. The option wasn't even present when I registered, but it seems to have been added at some point for some shady reason.
You feel suicidal ? press "yes"
njab تم حذف الحساب |
كتب بواسطة GustDNZ, 22.05.2019 at 19:35
You feel suicidal ? press "yes"
Indeed idk who the fuck ppl are anymoreeeeeeeeeeee
كتب بواسطة sirivann, 22.05.2019 at 21:06
Indeed idk who the fuck ppl are anymoreeeeeeeeeeee
True. was fun changing name then deleting for the first 100 times now its boring
''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies''
كتب بواسطة Guest, 22.05.2019 at 19:34
I think it's the time to finally do this... there is no point to break my head every time thinking who is who.
I myself, for example, have never changed my name. And if I did, I would definitely keep the former name. The option wasn't even present when I registered, but it seems to have been added at some point for some shady reason.
you can always ask a mod
كتب بواسطة Guest, 22.05.2019 at 19:34
I think it's the time to finally do this... there is no point to break my head every time thinking who is who.
I myself, for example, have never changed my name. And if I did, I would definitely keep the former name. The option wasn't even present when I registered, but it seems to have been added at some point for some shady reason.
you can always ask a mod 
Who does it thow?
كتب بواسطة JUGERS2, 23.05.2019 at 15:01
كتب بواسطة Guest, 22.05.2019 at 19:34
I think it's the time to finally do this... there is no point to break my head every time thinking who is who.
I myself, for example, have never changed my name. And if I did, I would definitely keep the former name. The option wasn't even present when I registered, but it seems to have been added at some point for some shady reason.
you can always ask a mod 
Who does it thow?

A lot of smart nibbas
But people changing their name to someone elses for a day then changing back is confusing and having it on the profile 2 years later is even more confusing. I don't need people to see any time i switched my name to "unleashed_is_an_idiot_3000" which I am sure is close to a name that I or others here may have had years ago.
IMO there should be one thing called original name which will have the name you firts logged in....do it seperate or replace former names with it.
Maybe have the most used name shown? This removes all the names you use for like 2 days and keeps people known
If people want a new name they should be asking mods i guess to change