24.10.2019 - 14:45
In my scenario entitled "Europe in 1872" about half of the players upon attempting to pick a country are presented with the following prompt: Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'get_IsNeutral' of null, Script: https://pt.atwar-game.com/java/game/atwar.game.min.201904111139.js, Line: 1, Column: 286897, StackTrace: TypeError: Cannot read property 'get_IsNeutral' of null I do not know why this is. many players experience no issue however many do. please help
27.10.2019 - 14:21
I feel you man i already reported a lot of bugs with some maps with dave and have no answer yet ;_;
29.10.2019 - 10:46
1) Go to the map editor and delete the country borders. 2) Draw a new country border far away from the previous location. 3) Drag the new border to the desired place and adjust the shape of it as you wish. 4) Assign the country. 5) Go to the scenario editor and delete the player faction. 6) Re-create the player faction and then assign the country to it.
02.12.2019 - 18:55
Thats a few two many steps, all you have to do is delete the country, save, exit return, the border will be gone, redraw it, save, then readd the faction in the scenario.
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
02.12.2019 - 21:05
You did it in 7 steps XD
02.12.2019 - 21:22
Saving exiting and returning is 1 step
---- ![]() We are not the same- I am a Martian.
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