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نشرت بواسطة Estus, 28.03.2020 - 15:09

I R O N ✙ S U P R E M A C Y

☩ Introduction ☩
Iron Supremacy is a strategy role-playing game based on World of 1920+, by Jakub Rozalski, Scythe, by Stonemaier Games, and Iron Harvest, by KING Art Games. set in the alternate reality of 1920+, just after the end of the Great War.

This forum game will let you, as a player, control the course of political intrigue between small nations, taking decisions to win the upcoming conflict in this fictional version of Europe. Each player represents a "committee", "coalition", "trade bloc", or "corporation" that will make decisions for each one of these tiny nations that surrounds them. In other words, you will have the power to harm or benefit a nation.

In the midst of this chaos, a new threat appears that will put Europe's very existence at risk. Secret forces are putting everything they can towards destabilization of entire countries, determined to set the world on fire once again and finally seize control.

☩ Information ☩
The game will support 6 players. There are 7 different nations, each one with it's own culture and modus operandi. All available decisions will be made by voting. Your vote will have a Voting Weight value that can be increased or decreased over time. At first, a player's VW is equal to its Power Value, but can be boosted for a period of time spending Influence Points.

You will also have Supporters available. They are mandatory resources to spend in some decisions, if a decision requires a type of Supporter, you must send it. Eventually, you will be able to recruit new Supporters by spending Influence Points.

The Supporters can be a Governor, High Priest, Noble, Science Director, Merchant, Bureaucrat, Chemist, Military Officer, Entertainer, Corporate Manager, Medical Worker, Philosopher, Metallurgist, or Clerk.

☩ Rules ☩
1. Non-playable nations may peace/war/ally each other at will.
2. A nation is officially destroyed when all of his provinces are lost.
3. The player who complete his objectives is victorious.
4. Player's votes must be listed like: 1) X. 2) Y. 3) Z, etc.
5. The limit of actions per turn is 4 and spending at least half of them is obligatory to all players. Actions can be: voting, recruiting, or restrict acts. You can save actions for future turns.
6. Player's can't vote more than 3 decisions per nation.
7. Players can act in any order, but they have to wait for the GM and all other players to act once again.
8. Everyone have 48h to act on his turn.
9. The result of most actions/decisions will be decided by dice rolling.

☩ Voting Weight ☩
Power Value: everyone starts with 2 PV + 1d6 (rolled by the GM).
Influence Points: everyone starts with 10 IP. You can spend 1 Influence to increase +2 VW for 1 turn only in one decision of your choice (when doing this, don't post, send me a PM).
Reputation: everyone starts with 80 Reputation.

☩ Factions ☩
Tradition clashes with scientific and technological progress, while Europe is still recovering from the brutal battles of the World War. Cities are being rebuilt and in the countryside, the era of the Iron Supremacy has begun. Farmers are uncovering the remains of the majestic walking machines that had fought on the battlefields of the Great War. Eventually, new nations can show up or disappear from the map.

Starting year: 1920.

Kingdom of Ruthenia
Color: White
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 6.200,000
Wars: None
Stability: 50%
Industrialization Value: 12/20
Buildings: 40/100
Traits: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Economic Alliance (Middle Europe).

Crown of Illyria
Color: Teal
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 6.200,000
Wars: None
Stability: 55%
Industrialization Value: 14/20
Buildings: 30/100
Traits: Catholicism, Irredentism (Republic of Bosnia, Serbian Military Junta).

Commune of Crimea
Color: Yellow
Government: Syndicalist Federal Republic
Population: 9.750,000
Wars: None
Stability: 40%
Industrialization Value: 16/20
Buildings: 35/100
Traits: Third International, Exiled Enemies.

Carpathian Kingdom
Color: Maroon
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 12,000.000
Wars: None
Stability: 65%
Industrialization Value: 10/20
Buildings: 20/100
Traits: Mountain Range, Rural Population.

Serbian Military Junta
Color: Purple.
Government: Authoritarian Regency
Population: 2.500,000
Wars: None
Stability: 45%
Industrialization Value: 14/20
Buildings: 35/100
Traits: Anti-Crime Campaign, Military Dictatorship.

Tsardom of Bulgaria
Color: Green.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 9,800.000
Wars: None
Stability: 50%
Industrialization Value: 12/20
Buildings: 40/100
Traits: Historical Identity, Sprawling Slums.

Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria
Color: Blue.
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 10,250.000
Wars: None
Stability: 50%
Industrialization Value: 16/20
Buildings: 20/100
Traits: Bombardment Craters, Harvest Fields.

☩ Workers and resources ☩
There are two kinds of decisions: simple and complex. One of them don't require anything but an action, the other one may ask for a prerequisite or resource.

  • Economy: Money can buy everything, from Supporters to Buildings. Use it wisely, it's hard to increase your budget.
  • Supporters: Some specific decisions asks for one or more Supporters. If a nation needs military training, it may ask for 1 Military Officer. If it needs humanitarian help to contain an epidemic, it may ask for 1 Medical Worker.
  • Stability: High Stability is a prerequisite in many decisions that benefits a country. Low Stability may create revolts, destroy Buildings, decrease IV, etc.
  • Industrialization Value: It can provide money and be used as prerequisite. The IV may be the solution for many problems that nations will encounter.
  • Buildings: Generic term that encompasses many things, such as housing, airports, ports, highways, railways, farms, hospitals, universities, churches, etc. It can be converted into IV/Economy through decisions.
  • Population: Manpower. Very useful, but hard to manage.

About the types of decisions, there are four of them.

  • Regular: Eventually, it can happen to any country in any time. Chain events included.
  • Unique: Appears only to a specific country and won't appear again once it's resolved.
  • Rare: Has only 1 in 10 chances of happening.
  • Special: Has 2 in 10 chances of happening and it disappear after 06 months.

☩ Victory conditions ☩
A player wins the game when he acquires a certain amount of Victory Points (VPs), in this case, it is 100 points. These can be gained through goals that are achieved during the game, they are called Achievements, click here for details: LIST OF ACHIEVEMENTS.

When one or more players unlocks an Achievement by voting the same decision together, only the player with the highest Voting Weight will receive the reward. The player can receive one or more Legacy Points (LPs), which can be used in future games for starting bonuses, it's not important now.

☩ What is "dieselpunk" and "1920+"? ☩
"Dieselpunk" is a genre similar to steampunk that combines the Tier 2 Industrial technology and aesthetics of the diesel-based technology of the interwar period through to the 1950s with retro-futuristic technology and postmodern sensibilities. Learn more HERE.

"World of 1920+" or just "1920+" is an alternate universe to our own, mainly an alternate Europe in the early 20th century (after the Great War) created by Polish artist Jakub Różalski. This is a place where tradition clashes with modernity, and the world is still full of secrets and blank spaces on the map. Learn more HERE.

☩ Applications ☩
Name: name your coalition/committee/alliance/corporation, use your imagination.
Supporters: you have 12 starting Supporters and must choose their jobs from the list described above.
Power Value: 2 + 1d6.
Influence Points: 10.
Reputation: 80.
Economy: $100,000.000.

Also, you can choose one starting special bonus:
• +20 Reputation.
• +4 Influence Points.
• +1 Power Value.
• +6 extra Supporters.
• +$100,000.000 for Economy.

☩ Traits ☩
Nations may gain or lose traits, which gives negative or positive modifiers. The list with the complete description of each one can be found on the link below: LIST OF TRAITS

Eventually, new traits will be added.

☩ Leaderboard ☩
1. Council of Legates - 38 VPs
2. Royal Energy Delivery Services - 22 VPs
3. Whitaker Capital - 18 VPs
4. Ottoman Empire - 8 VPs
5. Iron Cross - 5 VPs
6. Lithuanian Empire - 5 VPs

09.04.2020 - 10:25
Decisions for the Commune of Crimea:

Infinctus Callidas, Decus Aeternum
09.04.2020 - 14:22
TURN 3: Resolving phase (May./Jun. 1920)

• Map view •

Decisions resolved for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
A) Order a topographic review of the country:
YES: 09 (Council of Legates).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Ruthenia gains +1 Industrialization Value.
Council of Legates receives +2 VPs (spent 1 Supporter for your adopted nation).

B) Approve the Law of Duel:
YES: 09 (Council of Legates).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Ruthenia gains +6% Stability.
Kingdom of Ruthenia loses -1,150 Population.

[Unique] C) Concede local autonomy to Wallachia:
YES: 12 (Council of Legates + Whitaker Capital).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Ruthenia gains +10% Stability.
Kingdom of Ruthenia loses -7 Buildings.
Kingdom of Ruthenia loses -1 Industrialization Value.
Council fo Legates receives +6 VPs (adopted nation reached 75% Stability).

Decisions resolved for the Commune of Crimea:
A) Produce more support equipment:
YES: 05 (R.E.D.S).
NO: 00.
Commune of Crimea receives +39 Support Equipment.

B) Improve armor technology:
YES: 05 (R.E.D.S).
NO: 00.
Commune of Crimea receives +53 Armor Technology.

C) Produce more aircraft:
YES: 05 (R.E.D.S).
NO: 00.
Commune of Crimea receives +32 Air Warfare.

[Unique] D) Exterminate the paramilitary organization:
YES: 17 (R.E.D.S + Council of Legates + Whitaker Capital).
NO: 00.
Commune of Crimea loses -10% Stability.
Commune of Crimea loses -970,800 Population.
Commune of Crimea loses -5 Buildings.
Commune of Crimea loses -2 Industrialization Value.
Commune of Crimea gains Civil War.
War in Donbass started.
People's Republic of Novorossiya is founded.
R.E.D.S, Council of Legates and Whitaker Capital receives +5 VPs (created a rebellion).
R.E.D.S, Council of Legates and Whitaker Capital receives +4 VPs (started a war).
R.E.D.S, Council of Legates and Whitaker Capital receives +5 VPs (unlocked a Trait).
Council of Legates receives +3 VPs (created a rebellion on your rival nation).
Council of Legates receives +3 VPs (reduced the IV from your rival nation).
Council of Legates receives +2 VPs (reduced the Population of your rival by -1,000).
Council of Legates receives +4 VPs (reduced the Population of your rival by -100,000).

Decisions for the Tsardom of Bulgaria:
[Unique] B) Propose Treaty of Craiova
YES: 03 (Whitaker Capital).
NO: 00.
Whitaker Capital receives +$15,000.
Whitaker Capital gains +1 Influence Point.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.

Decisions for the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria:
A) Produce more support equipment:
YES: 06 (Iron Cross).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria receives +51 Support Equipment.

B) Arrest and interrogate union leaders:
YES: 06 (Iron Cross).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria gains +4% Stability.
Iron Cross loses -6 Reputation.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.

C) Support the Republican Party:
YES: 00.
NO: 06 (Iron Cross).
Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria gains +6% Stability.
Iron Cross gains +1 Reputation.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.

• Decisions for the NEXT TURN development:
Players must vote for all decisions.

A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?

!! Don't forget to check the PLAYER LIST for latest updates.
09.04.2020 - 14:55
A) Yes
B) No
C) No
D) No
E) No
F) Yes
09.04.2020 - 16:23
A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?
09.04.2020 - 21:29
Btw estus you should increase my stability
10.04.2020 - 13:37
A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?
Infinctus Callidas, Decus Aeternum
10.04.2020 - 16:05
A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?
11.04.2020 - 14:35
TURN 3: Upkeep phase (May./Jun.. 1920)

• Map view •

Kingdom of Ruthenia
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 6,198,850 (-1,150)
Wars: None.
Stability: 75% (+16%)
Industrialization Value: 12/20 (+1/0) (-1/0)
Buildings: 33/100 (-7/0)
Traits: Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Economic Alliance (Middle Europe).

Support Equipment: 00
Infantry Equipment: 48
Cavalry Equipment: 00
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 00
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 00
Combat bonus roll: 4d20

Adopted by: Council of Legates (until Jan./Feb. 1923).
Rivals: Iron Cross (until Mar./Apr. 1922).

Carpathian Kingdom
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 6.200,000
Wars: None.
Stability: 62%
Industrialization Value: 12/20
Buildings: 21/100
Traits: Mountain Range, Rural Population.

Support Equipment: 00
Infantry Equipment: 00
Cavalry Equipment: 00
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 00
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 16
Combat bonus roll: 1d20 (1d+1)

Adopted by: None.
Rivals: None.

Crown of Illyria
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 6.200,000
Wars: None.
Stability: 57% (+2%)
Industrialization Value: 14/20
Buildings: 30/100
Traits: Catholicism, Irredentism (Republic of Bosnia), Migratory Restrictions.

Support Equipment: 00
Infantry Equipment: 00
Cavalry Equipment: 00
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 00
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 39 (+39)
Combat bonus roll: 3d20 (3d+1)(1d+2)

Adopted by: Ottoman Empire (until Jan./Feb. 1923).

Commune of Crimea
Government: Syndicalist Federal Republic
Population: 8,779,200 (-970,800)
Wars: War in Donbass (People's Republic of Novorossiya) (new).
Stability: 28% (-10%)
Industrialization Value: 22/30 (-2/0)
Buildings: 32/100 (-5/0)
Traits: Third International, Exiled Enemies, Civil War (new).

Support Equipment: 39 (+39)
Infantry Equipment: 00
Cavalry Equipment: 00
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 74 (+53)
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 32 (+32)
Combat bonus roll: 13d20 (5d+2)(1d+3)

Adopted by: R.E.D.S (until Jan./Feb. 1923).
Rivals: Council of Legates (until Mar./Apr. 1922)

Serbian Military Junta
Government: Authoritarian Regency
Population: 2.500,000
Wars: None
Stability: 44%
Industrialization Value: 15/20
Buildings: 35/100
Traits: Anti-Crime Campaign, Military Dictatorship.

Support Equipment: 00
Infantry Equipment: 00
Cavalry Equipment: 00
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 00
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 00
Combat bonus roll: 00

Adopted by: Lithuanian Empire (until Jan./Feb. 1923).
Rivals: None.

Tsardom of Bulgaria
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 9,800.000
Wars: None
Stability: 58% (+10%)
Industrialization Value: 13/20
Buildings: 40/100
Traits: Historical Identity, Sprawling Slums.

Support Equipment: 51 (+51)
Infantry Equipment: 00
Cavalry Equipment: 54
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 00
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 00
Combat bonus roll: 3d20 (5d+1)

Adopted by: Whitaker Capital (until Jan./Feb. 1923)
Rivals: R.E.D.S (until Mar./Apr. 1923)

Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria
Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Population: 10,250.000
Wars: None
Stability: 64% (+10%)
Industrialization Value: 16/20
Buildings: 24/100
Traits: Bombardment Craters, Harvest Fields.

Support Equipment: 51 (+51)
Infantry Equipment: 00
Cavalry Equipment: 00
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 00
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 00
Combat bonus roll: 00

Adopted by: Iron Cross (until Jan./Feb. 1923).
Rivals: None.

People's Republic of Novorossiya
Government: Proletarian dictatorship
Population: 970,800
Wars: War in Donbass (Commune of Crimea).
Stability: 35%
Industrialization Value: 02/20
Buildings: 05/100
Traits: Civil War.

Support Equipment: 00
Infantry Equipment: 00
Cavalry Equipment: 00
Artillery Technology: 00
Armor Technology: 00
Naval Warfare: 00
Air Warfare: 00
Combat bonus roll: 00

Adopted by: None.
Rivals: None.

• Decisions made for the NEXT TURN development:
Players must vote for all decisions.

A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $10,000:

D) One random player loses 1 Influence Point:

E) One random player loses 2 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?:

• Available actions for NEXT TURN:
Players can save up to 2 of their actions for the next turn. Actions are: voting, recruiting Supporters, trade and other sporadic mechanics.

Ottoman Empire - 6 actions
Lithuanian Empire - 6 actions
Whitaker Capital - 5 actions
Iron Cross - 5 actions
Council of Legates - 4 actions
Royal Energy Delivery Services - 4 actions
11.04.2020 - 15:56
Wait I saved one action for next turn xD and where are my support equipment :/ and also my stability xD
11.04.2020 - 17:29
كتب بواسطة Arena., 11.04.2020 at 15:56

Wait I saved one action for next turn xD and where are my support equipment :/ and also my stability xD

15.04.2020 - 15:30

15.04.2020 - 15:33
TURN 4: Voting phase (Jul./Aug. 1920)

• Map view •

Decisions for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
A) Produce more support equipment: Order factories to produce more cargo vehicles, medical tools, reconnaissance equipment, military clothing, backpacks, helmets, boots, etc. YES (must pay $25,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence Point).

[Unique] B) Accept Treaty of Craiova: Unhappy with the presence of Ruthenia in Southern Dobruja, Bulgaria proposes a treaty that, for the price of $300,000, will retake the coast of Ruthenia, which until a few years ago never belonged to it. YES / NO.

C) Build an iron mine: A large deposit of iron was found by geologists. After a meeting, a young lawyer claimed that the region is uninhabited and could be the target of a territorial claim from neighboring countries. YES (must pay $240,000 OR spend 02 Metallurgists) / NO.

Decisions for the Crown of Illyria:
A) Accept Migration Treaty from Togawa Shogunate: Sign an agreement to allow constant arrival and immigrants from the distant island of Honshu. YES (requires Reputation equal or above 80) / NO.

B) Produce medium cargo mech prototype: Engineers responsible for technological innovations presented an experimental model of a medium cargo mech. It requires only one pilot and is capable of carrying up to 3 tons of cargo. The timber and mining industries have already shown interest in the models. YES (must spend 01 Science Director and pay $200,000) / NO.

C) Invest in more anti-aircraft defences: Order factories to test and produce new counter-air defences, suck as barrage balloons, smoke screens, searchlights, motor batteries, AA machineguns, etc.YES (must pay $180,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence).

Decisions for the Commune of Crimea:
A) Produce medium cargo mech prototype: Engineers responsible for technological innovations presented an experimental model of a medium cargo mech. It requires only one pilot and is capable of carrying up to 3 tons of cargo. The timber and mining industries have already shown interest in the models. YES (must spend 01 Science Director and pay $200,000) / NO.

B) Invade Novorossiya through Kurakhove Forest: With the rebels dominating the east of the country and enemies fortifying the borders, there is no time to lose. This battle plan will send troops through the Kruakhove Forest at night, capturing hills and villages and making a solid outpost in Donbass. YES (must spend 01 Military Officer) / NO.

C) Invade Novorossiya through Olenivka: Olenivka is the nearest rebel city and certainly an important position for the enemies. It has a small population of 28,000 and one of the oldest orthodox church built by crimeans. The population earnings rely on crops and cattle. YES (must spend 01 Military Officer) / NO (must spend 01 High Priest)[/b].

Decisions for the Carpathian Kingdom:
A) Improve armor technology: Order factories to test and produce new armored models, so as to improve efficiency, defence and produce more tanks and mechs. YES (must pay $75,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence Point).

B) Produce medium cargo mech prototype: Engineers responsible for technological innovations presented an experimental model of a medium cargo mech. It requires only one pilot and is capable of carrying up to 3 tons of cargo. The timber and mining industries have already shown interest in the models. YES (must spend 01 Science Director and pay $200,000) / NO.

Decisions for the Serbian Military Junta:
A) Increase production of equipment for infantry: Order factories to produce more rifles, pistols, ammunition, ballistic vests, bayonets, machetes, among other essential equipment for infantry efficiency. YES (must pay $50,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence Point).

B) Suppress unionists around the country: Rumors indicate that, in many factories around the country, groups of workers have been meeting and talking dangerously about the formation of unions sympathetic to socialism. Both the political body and the high society shows concern in this regard. YES (must pay $15,000 and spend one Military Officer; requires Stability above 50%) / NO (requires Reputation above 75).

Decisions for the Tsardom of Bulgaria:
A) Produce more aircraft: Order factories to produce and invest modern technologies to build fighters, bombers, ironclads, balloons, floating ships, etc. Maintaining a well-equipped air force is essential in modern times. YES (must pay $175,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence Point).

B) Support the Republican Party: A group of republicans are bribing newspapers, distributing pamphlets, pasting posters and holding marches against the current parliamentary monarchy system that runs the government. They are demanding a change of constitution to make the nation a presidential democracy. YES / NO.

C) Build an iron mine: A large deposit of iron was found by geologists. After a meeting, a young lawyer claimed that the region is uninhabited and could be the target of a territorial claim from neighboring countries. YES (must pay $240,000 OR spend 02 Metallurgists) / NO.

D) Ban the Anglican Mission: British priests are starting to gather people in the streets and slums of the capital, spreading their anglican philosophies and raising funds to build the first Anglican Church of the country. The Catholic community sees this as a disrespectful and liberal attitude. The words of the priests have attracted many in the past few days. YES (must spend 02 Influence Points OR 01 High Priest OR 01 Philosopher) / NO.

Decisions for the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria:
A) Approve the Law of Duel: Some governors are recommending that a dueling law be passed, allowing people to resolve disputes with people or family members through a fight with wooden sticks. The proportions, weight and supervision of the wooden sticks will be made by civil inspectors. YES / NO.

B) Build an iron mine: A large deposit of iron was found by geologists. After a meeting, a young lawyer claimed that the region is uninhabited and could be the target of a territorial claim from neighboring countries. YES (must pay $240,000 OR spend 02 Metallurgists) / NO.

C) Exile the Karadjordjevitsch dynasty: Covered up by longtime friends and political partners, the Serbian royal family sneaks into the country. Alexander I Karadjordjevitsch calls on the leaders of Galicia-Lodomeria to provide political asylum and protection against the military dome that rules Serbia with iron fists. YES / NO.

Decisions for the People's Republic of Novorossiya:
A) Increase production of equipment for infantry: Order factories to produce more rifles, pistols, ammunition, ballistic vests, bayonets, machetes, among other essential equipment for infantry efficiency. YES (must pay $50,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence Point).

B) Increase production of equipment for cavalry: Order factories to produce more swords, lances, armors, helmets, saddles, stirrups, ropes, and build more military stables in order to increase the population of horses available for training. YES (must pay $50,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence Point).

C) Patrol and set traps in Kurakhove Forest: Due to the high terrain, it is possible that the Kurakhove Forest is a priority target for crimeans. It is crucial that this territory is constantly protected and patrolled, planting mines, barbed wires, tunnels and foxholes are essential to combat a possible enemy attack. YES (must spend 01 Military Officer) / NO.

D) Fortify Olenivka: Olenivka is the nearest novorossiyan city to the frontline and certainly an important position to defend Donbass. It is advisable to form a defense garrison, strengthen structures, build trenches. YES (must spend 01 Military Officer and $250,000) / NO (must spend 01 Influence Point)[/b].

E) Expel the crimean population: It is risky to keep such people within borders of People's Republic of Novorossiya. Sending crimeans back to the Commune and confiscating his belongings will be a safe decision. YES / NO.

Supporters available to recruit:
Governor: $210,000
Entertainer: $185,000
Military Officer: $150,000
Clerk: $80,000
Medical Worker: $80,000

!! Players can't recruit more than 10 Supporters.
15.04.2020 - 15:47
Decisions for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
[Unique] B) Accept Treaty of Craiova:

C) Build an iron mine: A large deposit of iron was found by geologists. After a meeting, a young lawyer claimed that the region is uninhabited and could be the target of a territorial claim from neighboring countries.
YES (must pay $240,000)

Decisions for the Commune of Crimea
B) Invade Novorossiya through Kurakhove Forest: With the rebels dominating the east of the country and enemies fortifying the borders, there is no time to lose. This battle plan will send troops through the Kruakhove Forest at night, capturing hills and villages and making a solid outpost in Donbass.

C) Invade Novorossiya through Olenivka: Olenivka is the nearest rebel city and certainly an important position for the enemies. It has a small population of 28,000 and one of the oldest orthodox church built by crimeans. The population earnings rely on crops and cattle.
NO (must spend 01 High Priest)
15.04.2020 - 15:55
Decisions for the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria:
A) Yes
B) Yes
C) Yes
Decisions for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
B) Yes

Recruit Supporters:
1 Governor, 2 Military Officers
15.04.2020 - 16:22
Decisions for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
[Unique] B) Accept Treaty of Craiova: Unhappy with the presence of Ruthenia in Southern Dobruja, Bulgaria proposes a treaty that, for the price of $300,000, will retake the coast of Ruthenia, which until a few years ago never belonged to it. YES

Decisions for Bulgaria:
B) Support the Republican Party: A group of republicans are bribing newspapers, distributing pamphlets, pasting posters and holding marches against the current parliamentary monarchy system that runs the government. They are demanding a change of constitution to make the nation a presidential democracy. YES

C) Build an iron mine: A large deposit of iron was found by geologists. After a meeting, a young lawyer claimed that the region is uninhabited and could be the target of a territorial claim from neighboring countries. YES ($240,000)

Recruit Supporters:
1x Entertainer: $185,000
2x Clerk: $80,000
1x Medical Worker: $80,000
17.04.2020 - 06:12
Decisions for the Commune of Crimea:
A) Produce medium cargo mech prototype: YES
C) Invade Novorossiya through Olenivka: YES

Decisions for Bulgaria

Recruit: 3 Military Officers, 2 medical workers, 1 entertainer, 2 clerks
Infinctus Callidas, Decus Aeternum
17.04.2020 - 10:41

17.04.2020 - 10:42
TURN 4: Resolving phase (Jul./Aug. 1920)

• Map view •

Decisions resolved for the Kingdom of Ruthenia:
[Unique] B) Accept Treaty of Craiova:
YES: 09 (Whitaker Capital + Iron Cross).
NO: 09 (Council of Legates).
Kingdom of Ruthenia loses -13% Stability.
Kingdom of Ruthenia loses -741,200 Population.
Kingdom of Ruthenia loses -7 Buildings.
Council of Legates receives +$300,000.

C) Build an iron mine:
YES: 09 (Council of Legates).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Ruthenia gains +8 Armor Technology.
Council of Legates receives +1 Metallurgist.

Decisions resolved for the Commune of Crimea:
A) Produce medium cargo mech prototype:
YES: 05 (R.E.D.S).
NO: 00.
Commune of Crimea gains +5 Armor Technology.
Commune of Crimea gains +5 Industrial Capacity.

B) Invade Novorossiya through Kurakhove Forest:
YES: 00.
NO: 09 (Council of Legates).

C) Invade Novorossiya through Olenivka:
YES: 11 (R.E.D.S*).
NO: 09 (Council of Legates).
Battle of Olenivka begins.

Decisions for the Tsardom of Bulgaria:
[Unique] B) Support the Republican Party
YES: 08 (Whitaker Capital + R.E.D.S).
NO: 00.
Tsardom of Bulgaria loses -6% Stability.
R.E.D.S gains +1 Reputation.
R.E.D.S gains +1 Influence Point.
This decision may generate chain events in the future.

C) Build an iron mine:
YES: 03 (Whitaker Capital).
NO: 00.
Tsardom of Bulgaria gains +12 Armor Technology.
Whitaker Capital receives +1 Metallurgist.

Decisions for the Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria:
A) Approve the Law of Duel:
YES: 06 (Iron Cross).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria gains +5% Stability.
Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria loses -1,150 Population.

B) Build an iron mine:
YES: 06 (Iron Cross).
NO: 00.
Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria gains +7 Armor Technology.
Iron Cross receives +1 Metallurgist.

C) Exile the Karadjordjevitsch dynasty:
YES: 06 (Iron Cross).
NO: 00.
Iron Cross receives +$100,000.
Iron Cross gains +2 Reputation.

• Decisions for the NEXT TURN development:
Players must vote for all decisions.

A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?

!! Don't forget to check the PLAYER LIST for latest updates.
17.04.2020 - 18:29
A) Yes
C) No
D) No
E) No
F) Yes
18.04.2020 - 15:08
A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?
18.04.2020 - 21:40
A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?
20.04.2020 - 03:12
A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?
Infinctus Callidas, Decus Aeternum
20.04.2020 - 13:45

20.04.2020 - 13:46
TURN 4: Trading phase (Jul./Aug. 1920)

• Map view •

All players who are willing to sell something, must announce his product with this form:

Buy/Sell/Exchange - NAME YOUR ITEM
Write down here how much do you wanna pay/receive for the item or if you accept barter. Items can be Supporters, Power Value, Influence Points and even Victory Points.

• Decisions for the NEXT TURN development:
Players must vote for all decisions.

A) Would you like to add more events next turn? Vote YES for 4-9 new events. Vote NO for only 1-4 new events. And ABSTAIN for 1-12 new events:

B) Prevent all players from recruiting new Supporters next turn:

C) One random player loses $100,000:

D) One random player loses 2 Influence Points:

E) One random player loses 6 Reputation:

F) Should players be able to buy/sell resources next turn?

!! Don't forget to check the PLAYER LIST for latest updates.
20.04.2020 - 13:57
I will buy 5 VPs for 10,000,000 dollars.
I will sell 2 military officers for 4,000,000 dollars.

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