06.02.2013 - 10:10 ![]() Players History Part 1 - Roncho For the first of many histories I have chosen Roncho. Roncho is already very long in atWar or like it was called for most of his time "afterwind". Ronchos time in atWar started on 19th June 2011. Little Roncho got introduced to this game by a very helpful guy called gs10 who is also a Turkish guy. Roncho, gs10 and other people from a Turkish community started all together to play, therefore Roncho had a pretty good start into afterwind. He also likes to talk about their spamming actions in all kind of chats. You have to know that at this time there where not really such a effective mods. Nowadays Roncho is not missing this spamming anymore. After some time Roncho as a cute rank 4 met 2 guys we know from our current community. I am talking about bargain and tesla. Tesla had a coalition called Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, where Roncho joined. Unfortunally this coalition was going to be dead after a few weeks. Reasons where that everyone could join and that there was not really a cln spirit. Then the way of this 3 players went into 3 different direction. While bargain choose BiteMe and tesla SRB, Little Roncho joined Dalmati. He was one of their first members. He even helped them in 2-3 CWs. Roncho could even remember his first CW in Dalmati. The CW in his words: [pr] ●Roncho: I remeber our first cw [pr] ●Roncho: we were playing against the assasins [pr] ●Roncho: pera, pera popic was there [pr] ●Roncho: I was spain blitz(xaxaxa), cau was UK gc and lucius was if germany [pr] ●Roncho: my opponent was italy pera [pr] ●Roncho: we lost none, they lost all ![]() Afterwards he got demoted from his Officer position from LuciusII because of a said "betrayal" (what was not the case). So he left Dalmati and also afterwind for some time. In summer, when there was no school for Roncho. He decided to check afterwind again. Although there were not many changes in the meanwhile he stayed and joined BiteMe, because of bargain. At some time Hugosch, the leader of BiteMe, didn't wanted to lead the cln anymore. He wanted a break. So all members of BiteMe left the cln with a promise to return if Hugosch is going to lead them again. So Ronchos way was heading to his own coalition called Interim, but after some time he fulfilled his promise and returned to his lovely BiteMe. Back in BiteMe he came into a little conflict with luis about some small stuff he said afterwards. Now he says that this was one of his biggest mistakes in his afterwind history. You have to keep in mind that luis was a new BiteMe member and Roncho a old one, but still he decided to leave. Then Roncho went back to his own cln Interim where he found vrome. They became big friends. So big friends that when vrome wanted to leave the cln, because of a lack of CWs, Roncho followed him and now they are both safisfied in War Time Heros. At the end of our talk I asked him if there was a special player he will never forget and he told me about FranklySinatra. [pr] ●Roncho: just 1 guy has special place in my heart ![]() [pr] ●Roncho: this guy, when I first registered I joined a eurasia match [pr] ●Roncho: I was ural i think and he was in Europe [pr] ●Roncho: he had all euro and his enemy doberman (tophats's friend he's rank 8 now) had asia [pr] ●Roncho: I was allied to both, you know low rank ally fag ![]() [pr] ●Roncho: then I declared war to doberman and I didn't lose somehow, we beat him together [pr] ●Roncho: I never forget franklysinatra . ) Internationalisation The translation process is going pretty well. We have got already 14 languages besides english live. I know there is still a lot to do. But I hope that we can all be optimistic and that we can look forward. ![]() A special thank to all the biasts who helped that much in translation (link). I can't wait the next big steps after the custom maps and internationalisation. Map Maker Contest Currently there is a Map Maker Contest going on. 15 maps are on the list, fighting for the prize of Protocoins ![]() Here again the 15 participating maps: The Great Civil War (Tunder3) Land of Gielinor | RuneScape (RevCity) Battle For Middle Earth (Talos) Terminals World (Terminal) Halo (Tik-Tok) Medieval Europe 1150 (Primal) Realm of Alia Map (b0nker2) Map-Ancient World (avatar) Lunatis (Safari) UN Game (DOOM) (Cronus/Cpt.Magic) King of the hill (Freeland) World of Eben II: Age of Steam (Columna Durruti) Europe atWar (ThomasMer) World War I Custom (Unleashed)Map of Ice and Fire (Ironail) Good luck to all Map Makers ![]() Nonsense Safari ![]()
06.02.2013 - 10:58
As always it is refreshing to read atWar Times... ----- ¡For Roncho I care!
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LFC4Life تم حذف الحساب |
06.02.2013 - 12:08 LFC4Life تم حذف الحساب
Sorry for the short delay in releasing the article. Mathdino (President) went inactive for a bit and left me in charge as Interim President last week and so the nagging of LDK had begun. After some constant nagging, Safari finally produced his article, and yes it is short. He didn't have a lot of time to produce it but the article is decent to an extent, looking at the fact he had only three/four days to write it up. GAS (Good article Saf) Interim President. Edit: Forgot to mention, there should be an article soon after this one in the upcoming days. Hold on guys!
07.02.2013 - 02:39
Although the part about leaving BM is not completely correct (and me nor luis was asked to confirm/rebuttal it), i enjoyed reading the rest of the article. And i still like you Roncho ![]() Keep up the good work! ![]() And goodluck to the map creators!
---- Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
07.02.2013 - 06:59
I didn't say luis was new I was old etc, I only said we both overreacted. Safari added other parts :p
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09.02.2013 - 20:32
Support!!! I mean erm nice article ![]() P.S. Roncho nice guy lay off the Roncho hating
18.12.2013 - 14:22
Love for roncho ![]() funny i'm even getting mentioned here ![]()
---- ----we are not the same - I am a Martian ----
AlexMeza تم حذف الحساب |
18.12.2013 - 16:23 AlexMeza تم حذف الحساب
I'm glad to have ronch ronch in my cln :3 EDIT: Wait, this is such an old topic..
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