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المشاركات: 56   تم الزيارة من: 181 users
31.07.2018 - 19:22
1 year and 1 month ago Mauzer started a strike with the help of many players. Ivan and Amok promised us several things. In my opinion, barely any of those promises were kept. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are disappointed at the fact that they have been unresponsive. The fact that it's been months like this makes me feel as if they just don't care about the game. Furthermore, the recent incident about a certain mod's retirement leads me to believe that they left the game for Clovis to handle everything by himself and that they want to have nothing to do with game.

I'd like to know the progress and the status of these promises and the reason why they haven't been implemented yet.

These were the promises

كتب بواسطة Mauzer Panteri, 07.10.2017 at 15:15

List of our wishes :

1.Fix server so we can play like humans.
2.Release map editor already.
Admins promised that gonna be done 2 years ago. We can't wait anymore.
3.Demote inactive and useless mods.
4.Implement two new strategies. Even if they suck, we just need something new. We can make a topic with suggestions for new strats.
5.Fix codes. It is so easy to exploit some of bugs.

Clovis told me that he will try to get Ivan and Amok to answer some questions so me if you have a question to the admins regarding to this topic, you should leave one below.
01.08.2018 - 00:05
I agree.

Would be VERY nice to get progress updates, Clovis!
01.08.2018 - 02:27
Maybe a monthly update on new changes? or something along them lines (if possible)
I demolish my bridges behind me...then there is no choice but to move forward

01.08.2018 - 08:10
كتب بواسطة boywind2, 31.07.2018 at 19:22

Several months ago Mauzer started a strike with the help of many players. Ivan and Amok promised us several things. In my opinion, barely any of those promises were kept. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are disappointed at the fact that they have been unresponsive. The fact that it's been months like this makes me feel as if they just don't care about the game. Furthermore, the recent incident about a certain mod's retirement leads me to believe that they left the game for Clovis to handle everything by himself and that they want to have nothing to do with game.

I'd like to know the progress and the status of these promises and the reason why they haven't been implemented yet.

These were the promises

كتب بواسطة Mauzer Panteri, 07.10.2017 at 15:15

List of our wishes :

1.Fix server so we can play like humans.
2.Release map editor already.
Admins promised that gonna be done 2 years ago. We can't wait anymore.
3.Demote inactive and useless mods.
4.Implement two new strategies. Even if they suck, we just need something new. We can make a topic with suggestions for new strats.
5.Fix codes. It is so easy to exploit some of bugs.

Clovis told me that he will try to get Ivan and Amok to answer some questions so me if you have a question to the admins regarding to this topic, you should leave one below.

i think what you don't realize is how long it takes to fix a "simple" or "small bug." I am no coder, but from what I do know its no easy task.

01.08.2018 - 14:45
Just going to add this bit I posted in the moderator forum on demoting inactive and "useless" mods:

كتب بواسطة Meester, 01.08.2018 at 14:40

..However on the topic of demoting inactive moderators.Just let them sit, moderators come and go just like any other player. I personally don't see anything wrong opening the moderators list and seeing a couple of in-actives, heck its the same with my friends list. A moderator's actions and post can still be editted and/or deleted(though this shouldn't be the norm) so there really is not reason to demote them.

I for one am done with this game. Life is picking up its pace and I've got other things to do. No longer as hardcore as a gamer as I used to be. Hardly ever have time to play a game here and probably never will, but I can still pop up here and there adding my feedback or dealing with a couple or reports...
01.08.2018 - 15:18
I share lot of these feelings as well. We are witnessing the game going backward and becoming less and less attractive and while all is discussed for years and vast parts of community and even mod team managed to agree about steps to help it nothing is happening, If admins are ever going to pay attention I would like him to bare in mind two points that bother us:

1. Game Mechanics - It's vitally important to fix strategies. The redicilous power of universal strategies such as LB and GW (especially LB) and local strategy DS is making the game pointless. we have 5 similar strategies (LB GC HW blitz and none) and LB is being flawless getting the best of all of them with free undeserved wins with the ability to win free cities and countries just by sending 1 or two infnatries to cities knowing you have great chance to be lucky. having such a powerful strategies makes the rest dull and pointless. and while in the competitive level it's possible to outplay it with enough will and experience in universal games new players do not stand a slight chance. there is reason they choose to play diffrent games where experienced player are not involved.

Bare in mind that we did and we still could have other fun and intersting strategies to add color to the game. such as MoS SM and NC. It does'nt have to be as strong as it used to in the past. It's ridiculously weak now compared to the other strategies but even a slight boost could make them relevant and special without fucking up the balance of the maps.

2. Devided Community - Yeah I know it sounds like a cliche and you can say it about nearly anything. But you can put most of the fault for the decreasing of our community at this. New players simply have zero interest at high rank games and they stick to safe and rewarding with high sp scenarios and 50k games with low amount of players. to interest but of the sides of community in playing together I believe the oldschool works fine with 10K and 5K world map games. except it takes change in strategy or better ways to monitor them than "none strategy" bottom. If you are not interested in fixing GW and LB maybe you can add lighter version of them with weaker marines for instance. and when someone hosts world game he could have "light strategies" bottom. It could work.

Let me repeat my words and mark that despite all thumups and upvotes in update topics most of the community is dissapointed and concerened about the future of the game. And what we all feel that It's not great deal to help it but it continues to suffer for stupid reason.

01.08.2018 - 19:16
كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 01.08.2018 at 15:18

I share lot of these feelings as well. We are witnessing the game going backward and becoming less and less attractive and while all is discussed for years and vast parts of community and even mod team managed to agree about steps to help it nothing is happening, If admins are ever going to pay attention I would like him to bare in mind two points that bother us:

1. Game Mechanics - It's vitally important to fix strategies. The redicilous power of universal strategies such as LB and GW (especially LB) and local strategy DS is making the game pointless. we have 5 similar strategies (LB GC HW blitz and none) and LB is being flawless getting the best of all of them with free undeserved wins with the ability to win free cities and countries just by sending 1 or two infnatries to cities knowing you have great chance to be lucky. having such a powerful strategies makes the rest dull and pointless. and while in the competitive level it's possible to outplay it with enough will and experience in universal games new players do not stand a slight chance. there is reason they choose to play diffrent games where experienced player are not involved.

Bare in mind that we did and we still could have other fun and intersting strategies to add color to the game. such as MoS SM and NC. It does'nt have to be as strong as it used to in the past. It's ridiculously weak now compared to the other strategies but even a slight boost could make them relevant and special without fucking up the balance of the maps.

2. Devided Community - Yeah I know it sounds like a cliche and you can say it about nearly anything. But you can put most of the fault for the decreasing of our community at this. New players simply have zero interest at high rank games and they stick to safe and rewarding with high sp scenarios and 50k games with low amount of players. to interest but of the sides of community in playing together I believe the oldschool works fine with 10K and 5K world map games. except it takes change in strategy or better ways to monitor them than "none strategy" bottom. If you are not interested in fixing GW and LB maybe you can add lighter version of them with weaker marines for instance. and when someone hosts world game he could have "light strategies" bottom. It could work.

Let me repeat my words and mark that despite all thumups and upvotes in update topics most of the community is dissapointed and concerened about the future of the game. And what we all feel that It's not great deal to help it but it continues to suffer for stupid reason.

I couldn't agree more. I think high ranks should encourage low ranks and get them invovled. What happened to the adopt a noob program? That worked really well and it seemed as if we were in an uptick in player numbers then. Could be wrong, but that program looked succesful .Maybe we dont need a formal program, but a movement of high ranks positively encouraging low ranks. I know that Hellykin has started doing this in his clan as well as Xenospaien, and I'll be doing it in mine as well. If others got on board I think we'd have a great community

01.08.2018 - 19:17
كتب بواسطة SyrianDevil, 01.08.2018 at 17:37

and he is hating me for personal problems because he did make a scenario where he gets 500 unit event turn1 to elo farm and i voted for him to get banned 5 year ago

but now he can ban you! D

02.08.2018 - 04:22
كتب بواسطة Sultan of Swing, 01.08.2018 at 19:16

كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 01.08.2018 at 15:18

I share lot of these feelings as well. We are witnessing the game going backward and becoming less and less attractive and while all is discussed for years and vast parts of community and even mod team managed to agree about steps to help it nothing is happening, If admins are ever going to pay attention I would like him to bare in mind two points that bother us:

1. Game Mechanics - It's vitally important to fix strategies. The redicilous power of universal strategies such as LB and GW (especially LB) and local strategy DS is making the game pointless. we have 5 similar strategies (LB GC HW blitz and none) and LB is being flawless getting the best of all of them with free undeserved wins with the ability to win free cities and countries just by sending 1 or two infnatries to cities knowing you have great chance to be lucky. having such a powerful strategies makes the rest dull and pointless. and while in the competitive level it's possible to outplay it with enough will and experience in universal games new players do not stand a slight chance. there is reason they choose to play diffrent games where experienced player are not involved.

Bare in mind that we did and we still could have other fun and intersting strategies to add color to the game. such as MoS SM and NC. It does'nt have to be as strong as it used to in the past. It's ridiculously weak now compared to the other strategies but even a slight boost could make them relevant and special without fucking up the balance of the maps.

2. Devided Community - Yeah I know it sounds like a cliche and you can say it about nearly anything. But you can put most of the fault for the decreasing of our community at this. New players simply have zero interest at high rank games and they stick to safe and rewarding with high sp scenarios and 50k games with low amount of players. to interest but of the sides of community in playing together I believe the oldschool works fine with 10K and 5K world map games. except it takes change in strategy or better ways to monitor them than "none strategy" bottom. If you are not interested in fixing GW and LB maybe you can add lighter version of them with weaker marines for instance. and when someone hosts world game he could have "light strategies" bottom. It could work.

Let me repeat my words and mark that despite all thumups and upvotes in update topics most of the community is dissapointed and concerened about the future of the game. And what we all feel that It's not great deal to help it but it continues to suffer for stupid reason.

I couldn't agree more. I think high ranks should encourage low ranks and get them invovled. What happened to the adopt a noob program? That worked really well and it seemed as if we were in an uptick in player numbers then. Could be wrong, but that program looked succesful .Maybe we dont need a formal program, but a movement of high ranks positively encouraging low ranks. I know that Hellykin has started doing this in his clan as well as Xenospaien, and I'll be doing it in mine as well. If others got on board I think we'd have a great community

ima be real aint nobody wanna train noobs for free. there is just no reason to exert that effort.
02.08.2018 - 05:03
Training new players is not close to enough. only some of them will have the motivation and they will probably retire due lack of activity in the competetive community right now. eventually even if we adopt 100 new players only several of them will stay in the next year. We have to make the vetrean rooms (rank 5+) rooms accessable for them at least at world game. but right now they don't stand a chance in 50K games or against LB and GW players so they have nothing to do here but playing RP and WWI. We gotta reform the game mechanics and make joint game that both sides of community play at a common thing again.

02.08.2018 - 06:41
كتب بواسطة boywind2, 02.08.2018 at 04:22

كتب بواسطة Sultan of Swing, 01.08.2018 at 19:16

كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 01.08.2018 at 15:18

I share lot of these feelings as well. We are witnessing the game going backward and becoming less and less attractive and while all is discussed for years and vast parts of community and even mod team managed to agree about steps to help it nothing is happening, If admins are ever going to pay attention I would like him to bare in mind two points that bother us:

1. Game Mechanics - It's vitally important to fix strategies. The redicilous power of universal strategies such as LB and GW (especially LB) and local strategy DS is making the game pointless. we have 5 similar strategies (LB GC HW blitz and none) and LB is being flawless getting the best of all of them with free undeserved wins with the ability to win free cities and countries just by sending 1 or two infnatries to cities knowing you have great chance to be lucky. having such a powerful strategies makes the rest dull and pointless. and while in the competitive level it's possible to outplay it with enough will and experience in universal games new players do not stand a slight chance. there is reason they choose to play diffrent games where experienced player are not involved.

Bare in mind that we did and we still could have other fun and intersting strategies to add color to the game. such as MoS SM and NC. It does'nt have to be as strong as it used to in the past. It's ridiculously weak now compared to the other strategies but even a slight boost could make them relevant and special without fucking up the balance of the maps.

2. Devided Community - Yeah I know it sounds like a cliche and you can say it about nearly anything. But you can put most of the fault for the decreasing of our community at this. New players simply have zero interest at high rank games and they stick to safe and rewarding with high sp scenarios and 50k games with low amount of players. to interest but of the sides of community in playing together I believe the oldschool works fine with 10K and 5K world map games. except it takes change in strategy or better ways to monitor them than "none strategy" bottom. If you are not interested in fixing GW and LB maybe you can add lighter version of them with weaker marines for instance. and when someone hosts world game he could have "light strategies" bottom. It could work.

Let me repeat my words and mark that despite all thumups and upvotes in update topics most of the community is dissapointed and concerened about the future of the game. And what we all feel that It's not great deal to help it but it continues to suffer for stupid reason.

I couldn't agree more. I think high ranks should encourage low ranks and get them invovled. What happened to the adopt a noob program? That worked really well and it seemed as if we were in an uptick in player numbers then. Could be wrong, but that program looked succesful .Maybe we dont need a formal program, but a movement of high ranks positively encouraging low ranks. I know that Hellykin has started doing this in his clan as well as Xenospaien, and I'll be doing it in mine as well. If others got on board I think we'd have a great community

ima be real aint nobody wanna train noobs for free. there is just no reason to exert that effort.

surely someone showed you how to play the game? everyone has that one high rank that helped them through the tough stages. Giving back to the community is a good start imo.

Also not what I meant, thought traininng is part of it. I just meant encourage low ranks by just playing any game with them. Im not looking at this through lens of "I only want competitive to revive" im thinking I want atwar to survive. And to do so, just being a friend to low ranks will make them wanna stay. That was a big part of Adopt a Noob- it gave them a mentor, not nessecarily a master

02.08.2018 - 06:42
كتب بواسطة Pheno, 02.08.2018 at 05:12

New strategies wud be nice
like u have money and no strat ,go lb
u cant figure a strat ,go pd
if u have a lot of money ,go ds
there shud be some more basic strats

more upgrades too, once you reach a certain point at r10 you could make 12+ clans if you want D

02.08.2018 - 08:07
You guys talk about helping/training low ranks and playing with them, yet on the other note you guys do nothing against the rankism in scenarios and other games that is going on for years now. Due to the low variety of skills in lowranks, because they are only allowed to play weak countries or countries with like 1 place to 'attack' or 'stack', they will never develop and get an actual chance to play whatever country/pick they want, and once they do because someone was nice enough to give them a chance, they will most likely fuck it up, because they need to do actual more than just 1 move or 1 stacking somewhere. It's really not that hard to understand where the problem lays.

I've made threads about this subject years ago, and people didn't do jack shit then. I don't think if you change the source of this skillgap and the source of rankism, there will always be a problem like this. And for those who will attack me now because I am talking about scenarios, this is also competitive scene included.

كتب بواسطة Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.08.2018 - 08:27
كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 08:07

You guys talk about helping/training low ranks and playing with them, yet on the other note you guys do nothing against the rankism in scenarios and other games that is going on for years now. Due to the low variety of skills in lowranks, because they are only allowed to play weak countries or countries with like 1 place to 'attack' or 'stack', they will never develop and get an actual chance to play whatever country/pick they want, and once they do because someone was nice enough to give them a chance, they will most likely fuck it up, because they need to do actual more than just 1 move or 1 stacking somewhere. It's really not that hard to understand where the problem lays.

I've made threads about this subject years ago, and people didn't do jack shit then. I don't think if you change the source of this skillgap and the source of rankism, there will always be a problem like this. And for those who will attack me now because I am talking about scenarios, this is also competitive scene included.

rank 10s and 12s and 8s are sucking in scenarios they played +100 time as big countries..
Whats your point???
"faristaj played over 300 time scenario still loses as usa in endsieg"
Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.08.2018 - 09:00
كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 08:07

You guys talk about helping/training low ranks and playing with them, yet on the other note you guys do nothing against the rankism in scenarios and other games that is going on for years now. Due to the low variety of skills in lowranks, because they are only allowed to play weak countries or countries with like 1 place to 'attack' or 'stack', they will never develop and get an actual chance to play whatever country/pick they want, and once they do because someone was nice enough to give them a chance, they will most likely fuck it up, because they need to do actual more than just 1 move or 1 stacking somewhere. It's really not that hard to understand where the problem lays.

I've made threads about this subject years ago, and people didn't do jack shit then. I don't think if you change the source of this skillgap and the source of rankism, there will always be a problem like this. And for those who will attack me now because I am talking about scenarios, this is also competitive scene included.

People do let low ranks play in their games. I see it on daily basis. But this is still very annoying to see you bitching about it over and over as though that is what causing the decay of the game.

First of all 3v3 and high rank scenarios are ment to be played by some standart. giving players a chance it's nesecary but ranks 3 and 4s don't know what to do there and it would be just be waste of time.

Secondly It does'nt matter how many times they will play Russia in WWI and LB UKR in 3V3. it takes all sort of experience to learn the game and default map is the way because high ranks professe very narrowed and speicfic maps. It's not the way to learn.

And at last it's very convenient to blame others while you only play easy roles when you think you can win.

We should stop blaming the community for the situation. until this game will be relevant to the majority of the players it does'nt have a chance. to successo to find your place after rank 6 is the equilavent of swimming against the tide and not everyone feels like start reading guides and watching videos for games that are not being played very fequently.

02.08.2018 - 09:20
كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 02.08.2018 at 09:00

People do let low ranks play in their games. I see it on daily basis. But this is still very annoying to see you bitching about it over and over as though that is what causing the decay of the game.

First of all 3v3 and high rank scenarios are ment to be played by some standart. giving players a chance it's nesecary but ranks 3 and 4s don't know what to do there and it would be just be waste of time.

Secondly It does'nt matter how many times they will play Russia in WWI and LB UKR in 3V3. it takes all sort of experience to learn the game and default map is the way because high ranks professe very narrowed and speicfic maps. It's not the way to learn.

And at last it's very convenient to blame others while you only play easy roles when you think you can win.

We should stop blaming the community for the situation. until this game will be relevant to the majority of the players it does'nt have a chance. to successo to find your place after rank 6 is the equilavent of swimming against the tide and not everyone feels like start reading guides and watching videos for games that are not being played very fequently.

First off all I have no idea what you're talking about me bitching about it over and over? Last time I made a comment about this is years ago, when you weren't even active, so I suggest you stop attacking people constantly because you have no legit response at their comment and get of that high horse.

Scenarios and 3v3 are indeed meant to be played by standards, but a rank has nothing to do with it. Take chill for an example, he was rank 4 when he entered the 3v3 scene. Nowadays rank 4's dont even get in 3v3 at all, because 'they are to low rank, or do not have the needed upgrades yet', its still the experience and the getting used to the mechanics what counts the most in those situations. As for the scenarios, ive made plenty of games for people who were non premium and not that high and asked them if they wanted rank limits for it, those ranklimits were generaly for lowranks and those games kicked off great, those games varied from ww2, ww1, ancient and whatever maps. Most of those games didn't fail in a couple of turns (like most of them did at the time for higherranked players) and those lowranks did just fine. Ofcourse I am not a scenario expert since its not my expertise, but when I recently played ww2, I have to be honest and say most of the non-premium and lowranks were kicked out of those games because they didnt fit the countries that were left.

For the rest I have no idea what you're talking about and I find it a bit hypocrite here contradicting yourself like that. It is partly the fault of the community for creating such division between the ranks. I didnt understand a part of your last part, a bit gibberish for me. So I would like to suggest you no quoting me, since I know what discussing with you leads to and I would like to use my time on more important things instead of wasting my time trying to code what point you were trying to make.

كتب بواسطة Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.08.2018 - 09:22
كتب بواسطة SyrianDevil, 02.08.2018 at 08:27

كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 08:07

You guys talk about helping/training low ranks and playing with them, yet on the other note you guys do nothing against the rankism in scenarios and other games that is going on for years now. Due to the low variety of skills in lowranks, because they are only allowed to play weak countries or countries with like 1 place to 'attack' or 'stack', they will never develop and get an actual chance to play whatever country/pick they want, and once they do because someone was nice enough to give them a chance, they will most likely fuck it up, because they need to do actual more than just 1 move or 1 stacking somewhere. It's really not that hard to understand where the problem lays.

I've made threads about this subject years ago, and people didn't do jack shit then. I don't think if you change the source of this skillgap and the source of rankism, there will always be a problem like this. And for those who will attack me now because I am talking about scenarios, this is also competitive scene included.

rank 10s and 12s and 8s are sucking in scenarios they played +100 time as big countries..
Whats your point???
"faristaj played over 300 time scenario still loses as usa in endsieg"

Well that was exactly my point. Those rank 10's and rank 12's play like an actual rank 4. Because from the beginning they werent taught how to play propperly, they had people telling them what to do and what to pick. Over the months/years those people ranked up while their skills remained the same. So thats the outcome of this whole broken community teaching others.

كتب بواسطة Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.08.2018 - 09:49
كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 09:20

First off all I have no idea what you're talking about me bitching about it over and over? Last time I made a comment about this is years ago, when you weren't even active, so I suggest you stop attacking people constantly because you have no legit response at their comment and get of that high horse.

Scenarios and 3v3 are indeed meant to be played by standards, but a rank has nothing to do with it. Take chill for an example, he was rank 4 when he entered the 3v3 scene. Nowadays rank 4's dont even get in 3v3 at all, because 'they are to low rank, or do not have the needed upgrades yet', its still the experience and the getting used to the mechanics what counts the most in those situations. As for the scenarios, ive made plenty of games for people who were non premium and not that high and asked them if they wanted rank limits for it, those ranklimits were generaly for lowranks and those games kicked off great, those games varied from ww2, ww1, ancient and whatever maps. Most of those games didn't fail in a couple of turns (like most of them did at the time for higherranked players) and those lowranks did just fine. Ofcourse I am not a scenario expert since its not my expertise, but when I recently played ww2, I have to be honest and say most of the non-premium and lowranks were kicked out of those games because they didnt fit the countries that were left.

For the rest I have no idea what you're talking about and I find it a bit hypocrite here contradicting yourself like that. It is partly the fault of the community for creating such division between the ranks. I didnt understand a part of your last part, a bit gibberish for me. So I would like to suggest you no quoting me, since I know what discussing with you leads to and I would like to use my time on more important things instead of wasting my time trying to code what point you were trying to make.

I refuse to stop quoting you! The keys to save the game are at the hands of the admins and mods so stop with those pathetic execuses

In the last two years i have played hundreds of games in both scenarios and 3v3s. inactivity is not really a factor against me here. Funny thing is when Laochra says your opinion is irrelevant because you did'nt play for years you say it does'nt matter.

chill began playing in 2013. before community was devided and before people made their SP in RP and trenches. as Devil said "Back at the time rank 6s could save the game and rank 5s could be trusted". It's entirely diffrent situation. If in the past people grown in rank and experience by playing with all kind of players in default maps and sane scenarios today they are making it entirely in beginners room, RP and trenches scenarios. when I was at The Empire I trained edusigo and when he reached rank 6 and played his first CW he beated king of RP Adog just because he was familiar couple of tricks that Adog could not learn in RP. but he still would not stand a chance against competitive players. he did not have the experience and not the upgrades. and today acquiring that experience is nearly impossible. no matter how much we will try. we can not force players to play in maps that are irrelevant for them. We need the game to be fixed.

After mapmaker was out it was obvious people will use it for farming and easy games. but default maps and common games between them and high ranks were still there. nowdays high ranks not only have deeper understanding of the game and higher skills. they have unmatchable strategies. when that happened new players officialy did'nt stand a slightest chance to hold more than a couple of turns and common games between new players and experts became official farming.

02.08.2018 - 10:07
كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 09:22

Well that was exactly my point. Those rank 10's and rank 12's play like an actual rank 4. Because from the beginning they werent taught how to play propperly, they had people telling them what to do and what to pick. Over the months/years those people ranked up while their skills remained the same. So thats the outcome of this whole broken community teaching others.

so you want rank 4s with their shitty RA and NC to play 3v3 against Witch-Doctor's LB and 4nic's DS over and over until they miraclly develope skills and gain plenty of sp for upgrades? they need to gain experience in all strategies and kind of game in fair enivornment and right now maps that help to develope skills like default world map are simply too unfair to them just as well.

02.08.2018 - 10:16
I wonder if there was a room for players learning.. hmmm..... almost like this could be used in some way..???
02.08.2018 - 10:20
كتب بواسطة boywind2, 02.08.2018 at 04:22

ima be real aint nobody wanna train noobs for free. there is just no reason to exert that effort.

I did it with Sphinx and I don't regret about it. We just need willingness to learn from them and keep playing, nothing else.
02.08.2018 - 10:27
كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 02.08.2018 at 10:07

كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 09:22

Well that was exactly my point. Those rank 10's and rank 12's play like an actual rank 4. Because from the beginning they werent taught how to play propperly, they had people telling them what to do and what to pick. Over the months/years those people ranked up while their skills remained the same. So thats the outcome of this whole broken community teaching others.

so you want rank 4s with their shitty RA and NC to play 3v3 against Witch-Doctor's LB and 4nic's DS over and over until they miraclly develope skills and gain plenty of sp for upgrades? they need to gain experience in all strategies and kind of game in fair enivornment and right now maps that help to develope skills like default world map are simply too unfair to them just as well.

Oh stop with the silly examples please, as if rank 4's play against 4nic or WD. Bro in public 3v3's those rank 4's and rank 5's and rank whatevers, can play how much they want, thats what I am telling. Ofcourse I know a higher rank with more upgrades is more ideal, but excluding rank 4s from a scene because they are to low lvl is just a stupid excuse. Stop talking as if you actually know what you're talking about.

And you mention fair environment yet you say that rankism on scenarios and 3v3 shouldnt be dealt with. Bro could you be more contradicting yourself?

Like I said, stop quoting me. Not gonna post again.

And no I dont wanna pokeduel you.

كتب بواسطة Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.08.2018 - 10:40
كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 10:27

Like I said, stop quoting me. Not gonna post again.

And no I dont wanna pokeduel you.

But Waffel we must pokeduel

02.08.2018 - 10:43
كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 02.08.2018 at 09:49

I refuse to stop quoting you! The keys to save the game are at the hands of the admins and mods so stop with those pathetic execuses

In the last two years i have played hundreds of games in both scenarios and 3v3s. inactivity is not really a factor against me here. Funny thing is when Laochra says your opinion is irrelevant because you did'nt play for years you say it does'nt matter.

Now dont go this road bro.

What lao says and thinks of himself is all up to him, but dont bring that shit in here trying to make a point. I had to teach you months ago to take full cities for full country bonusses and explain to you how much of an effect that is. As a fucking rank 10... So dont come here and say that your opinion on this game is more relevant than mine just because you played hundreds of games. I for all couldn't care less how much of your time you wasted on playing it, but dont come here and disrespect me saying my opinion doesnt matter in this case because I havent been actively playing this game like you. Because that doesnt matter at all on this subject.

And this is why I dont like you quoting me, because you tend to go off-topic alot of times while thinking you are somewhat making a point.

And you somehow have the balls to give yourself credits for your sight of views..

كتب بواسطة Guest14502, 11.10.2014 at 09:44

Waffel for mod 2015
02.08.2018 - 11:04
كتب بواسطة Waffel, 02.08.2018 at 10:43

Now dont go this road bro.

What lao says and thinks of himself is all up to him, but dont bring that shit in here trying to make a point. I had to teach you months ago to take full cities for full country bonusses and explain to you how much of an effect that is. As a fucking rank 10... So dont come here and say that your opinion on this game is more relevant than mine just because you played hundreds of games. I for all couldn't care less how much of your time you wasted on playing it, but dont come here and disrespect me saying my opinion doesnt matter in this case because I havent been actively playing this game like you. Because that doesnt matter at all on this subject.

And this is why I dont like you quoting me, because you tend to go off-topic alot of times while thinking you are somewhat making a point.

And you somehow have the balls to give yourself credits for your sight of views..

You are 100% right bro. you were trying to be nice and polite and i was disrespectful and rude to a good friend. Sorry I will make it up to you somehow.

02.08.2018 - 11:41
كتب بواسطة lsilorien, 02.08.2018 at 10:16

I wonder if there was a room for players learning.. hmmm..... almost like this could be used in some way..???

Problem with beginner's room is that all those guys are basically left to figure things out from scratch since everyone there is also a newb. Apart from the few alts who come to stomp newbs and make em feel even more incompetent.
So, people need to watch videos, stalk 3v3s in main etc to learn. And honestly, how many people do you think are willing to do that?

However, both Roai and Waffel are right despite the flaming The game strats need to be worked on and vets need to be kinder towards newbs.
02.08.2018 - 12:14
كتب بواسطة Meester, 01.08.2018 at 14:45

Just going to add this bit I posted in the moderator forum on demoting inactive and "useless" mods:

Moderators are here ( or should be) to do something, not to log once in year and do nothing.

If aw didnt got stucked in time it could had 2 000 + active players, 5+ admins (2 programmers and 3+ old and players who help aw to grow), 20 + mods ( Who will be there to help to all, mostly to the new members so they stay here and got adicted of this game. Also for more mutes and bans.).
Both : admins and mods would get paid monthly for spending his time on aw.
Also would be necessary to find more ways on what players can spent pcs. Be mod on day, month. Promote game, topics, maps promotion with pcs and rest.

But cuz theres not much new capital or new ideas (even u have idea, some of mods would lock your topic or move it to archive) aw is where it is atm.

02.08.2018 - 12:30
كتب بواسطة Meester, 01.08.2018 at 14:45

Just going to add this bit I posted in the moderator forum on demoting inactive and "useless" mods:

كتب بواسطة Meester, 01.08.2018 at 14:40

..However on the topic of demoting inactive moderators.Just let them sit, moderators come and go just like any other player. I personally don't see anything wrong opening the moderators list and seeing a couple of in-actives, heck its the same with my friends list. A moderator's actions and post can still be editted and/or deleted(though this shouldn't be the norm) so there really is not reason to demote them.

I for one am done with this game. Life is picking up its pace and I've got other things to do. No longer as hardcore as a gamer as I used to be. Hardly ever have time to play a game here and probably never will, but I can still pop up here and there adding my feedback or dealing with a couple or reports...

This isn't a good reason not to demote you and other inactive mods. This game is a business not a private small friends only community. Inactive mods encourage mods not to step up to the responsibilities they accepted, however, active mods equal more productivity for the game in terms of active player base and usefulness to the community. You can still contribute with feedback as a regular player. It just seems like you want to maintain your status on this game as a mod even though you've said it yourself with this post that you will probably never be able to spend much time for this game.
02.08.2018 - 15:37
كتب بواسطة Ruse, 02.08.2018 at 13:38

Guys, this game is just too complex for normal humans as you can see only autistic players can become pro and play this game more than 3 years.

On a serious note: This game isn't necessarily complex nor demanding, it just handles the action stack and turn order in a redundant fashion. Not only that, but player exploits early on that could have been embraced and allowed for creative gameplay and a metagame were patched out and disregarded. Is Quake really Quake if it doesn't have rocketjumping and strafejumping? What is Afterwind without OG Turnblocking and Flowering, along with a host of other exploits? A watered down version of Hearts of Iron that runs poorly in a web browser rather than on Steam. This was one of the reasons why this game's gameplay never took off along with a keen lacking of proper balancing, updates, and ideas. Not so much targeted at you with this, just wanted to say it and felt like the right time to do it.
03.08.2018 - 11:39
كتب بواسطة boywind2, 02.08.2018 at 04:22

كتب بواسطة Sultan of Swing, 01.08.2018 at 19:16

كتب بواسطة Rock Lee, 01.08.2018 at 15:18

I share lot of these feelings as well. We are witnessing the game going backward and becoming less and less attractive and while all is discussed for years and vast parts of community and even mod team managed to agree about steps to help it nothing is happening, If admins are ever going to pay attention I would like him to bare in mind two points that bother us:

1. Game Mechanics - It's vitally important to fix strategies. The redicilous power of universal strategies such as LB and GW (especially LB) and local strategy DS is making the game pointless. we have 5 similar strategies (LB GC HW blitz and none) and LB is being flawless getting the best of all of them with free undeserved wins with the ability to win free cities and countries just by sending 1 or two infnatries to cities knowing you have great chance to be lucky. having such a powerful strategies makes the rest dull and pointless. and while in the competitive level it's possible to outplay it with enough will and experience in universal games new players do not stand a slight chance. there is reason they choose to play diffrent games where experienced player are not involved.

Bare in mind that we did and we still could have other fun and intersting strategies to add color to the game. such as MoS SM and NC. It does'nt have to be as strong as it used to in the past. It's ridiculously weak now compared to the other strategies but even a slight boost could make them relevant and special without fucking up the balance of the maps.

2. Devided Community - Yeah I know it sounds like a cliche and you can say it about nearly anything. But you can put most of the fault for the decreasing of our community at this. New players simply have zero interest at high rank games and they stick to safe and rewarding with high sp scenarios and 50k games with low amount of players. to interest but of the sides of community in playing together I believe the oldschool works fine with 10K and 5K world map games. except it takes change in strategy or better ways to monitor them than "none strategy" bottom. If you are not interested in fixing GW and LB maybe you can add lighter version of them with weaker marines for instance. and when someone hosts world game he could have "light strategies" bottom. It could work.

Let me repeat my words and mark that despite all thumups and upvotes in update topics most of the community is dissapointed and concerened about the future of the game. And what we all feel that It's not great deal to help it but it continues to suffer for stupid reason.

I couldn't agree more. I think high ranks should encourage low ranks and get them invovled. What happened to the adopt a noob program? That worked really well and it seemed as if we were in an uptick in player numbers then. Could be wrong, but that program looked succesful .Maybe we dont need a formal program, but a movement of high ranks positively encouraging low ranks. I know that Hellykin has started doing this in his clan as well as Xenospaien, and I'll be doing it in mine as well. If others got on board I think we'd have a great community

ima be real aint nobody wanna train noobs for free. there is just no reason to exert that effort.

So we have a competent community that can play with us. That is the reward, you ain't doing it for free, it's for the sake of having a community worth logging on to. Who knows maybe you'll make new friends along the way.

We are not the same- I am a Martian.
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