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نشرت بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 - 07:22

13.11.2020 - 08:01
كتب بواسطة Tokugawa, 12.11.2020 at 21:34

Al jazeera english channel has the best journalists.. there

y- you're kidding right?
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
13.11.2020 - 09:02
كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:00

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:44

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 18:05

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 13:45

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16

The reporter is not a reporter, he's a debater. He's not reporting shit, he's forcing stupid muslim opinions into our heads by interrupting this Polish hero. May the gods (or God if ur a butthurt Muslim ie. temp) bless him.
And also fuck Al Jazeera, they're pushing leftist bullshit and are literally funded by the royal family of Qatar. Funny how Al Jazeera will report on Polish and Hungarian refusal to accept "refugees" (many of whom are not from war torn countries at all but just want easy lifestyle outside the middle east), but I don't remember Qatar taking in any ACTUAL Syrian war refugees.

Oh the old comment on why rich oil countries do not take any refugees. You dumbshit go read into that.
First of all they do take them in. But they verify them as NON REFUGEE. The definition of refugee does not exist in these countries.
Second of all, look at the demographics of these rich oil countries, u dumbtard. 80-90% of its population is NON- NATIONAL/ ETHNIC. This means that almost the whole population does not have qatari passport. So obviously, they will say we cant let more non- qatari people in because the demographics do not allow it.

B2 you are brainwashed, dumb, have no historical knowledge, too young to understand what a source means. Everytime you open your mouth, you embarrass yourself for being biased and having little to no knowledge of the context.
Its so easy to trash you with factual information.

Qatar didn't take in refugees, they take in migrant workers retard xDDDDDD
Also, this wont change my view on how countries like Poland need to keep Muslims out of non muslim europe.
Countries must ensure the existence of their races, and a future for their children.

demographics gulf countries: https://prnt.sc/vinw4r
Do you see 89% foreigners for QATAR?

It is funny that someone says not to let in migrants, especially since he is INDIAN.
INDIA TOP MIGRANT NATION: https://prnt.sc/vinyad

If you are so keen on preserving ones culture and keeping migrants out so you dont mix culture then say that to the millions of indians living abroad. Say to the millions of indians to go back to their home country

Also this stat of migrant migration of India should open your eyes on how minorities are treated and feel in India: https://prnt.sc/vio0q4
And before you embarrass yourself on the stats, it means that while being 20% of the population they have been 55% of the emigration. (religious minorities).

B2 youre trash and brainwashed by your fellow Indians. On a side note, you know i speak hindi, its because i like indians and whenever some retards say dumb stuff about India i would defend India as well. But your views, especially about migration and muslims are bad. History is not on your side.
13.11.2020 - 09:07
كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:01

كتب بواسطة NegTheEskimo, 13.11.2020 at 03:03

Idk, the polish dude has some points. Meanwhile it seems a bit of a logical sugarcoating to his fundamental racism. On the other hand, racism could be a mechanism to protect the integrity of a nation. I'll leave that to you atwar politicians.

how is it racism, islam is not a race you retard.

It is however when you say you will allow muslims from Albania or Ukraine, but not from Arab countries )
B2 you need to think outside of the box. Islam is a religion and not a race sure. But then would you say the same about ethnicities? Would you say about black people from Africa? Because you do know banning people who believe in Islamic faith do belong to some countries? They are people and they have races.
13.11.2020 - 12:18
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:00

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:44

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 18:05

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 13:45

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16

The reporter is not a reporter, he's a debater. He's not reporting shit, he's forcing stupid muslim opinions into our heads by interrupting this Polish hero. May the gods (or God if ur a butthurt Muslim ie. temp) bless him.
And also fuck Al Jazeera, they're pushing leftist bullshit and are literally funded by the royal family of Qatar. Funny how Al Jazeera will report on Polish and Hungarian refusal to accept "refugees" (many of whom are not from war torn countries at all but just want easy lifestyle outside the middle east), but I don't remember Qatar taking in any ACTUAL Syrian war refugees.

Oh the old comment on why rich oil countries do not take any refugees. You dumbshit go read into that.
First of all they do take them in. But they verify them as NON REFUGEE. The definition of refugee does not exist in these countries.
Second of all, look at the demographics of these rich oil countries, u dumbtard. 80-90% of its population is NON- NATIONAL/ ETHNIC. This means that almost the whole population does not have qatari passport. So obviously, they will say we cant let more non- qatari people in because the demographics do not allow it.

B2 you are brainwashed, dumb, have no historical knowledge, too young to understand what a source means. Everytime you open your mouth, you embarrass yourself for being biased and having little to no knowledge of the context.
Its so easy to trash you with factual information.

Qatar didn't take in refugees, they take in migrant workers retard xDDDDDD
Also, this wont change my view on how countries like Poland need to keep Muslims out of non muslim europe.
Countries must ensure the existence of their races, and a future for their children.

demographics gulf countries: https://prnt.sc/vinw4r
Do you see 89% foreigners for QATAR?

It is funny that someone says not to let in migrants, especially since he is INDIAN.
INDIA TOP MIGRANT NATION: https://prnt.sc/vinyad

If you are so keen on preserving ones culture and keeping migrants out so you dont mix culture then say that to the millions of indians living abroad. Say to the millions of indians to go back to their home country

Also this stat of migrant migration of India should open your eyes on how minorities are treated and feel in India: https://prnt.sc/vio0q4
And before you embarrass yourself on the stats, it means that while being 20% of the population they have been 55% of the emigration. (religious minorities).

B2 youre trash and brainwashed by your fellow Indians. On a side note, you know i speak hindi, its because i like indians and whenever some retards say dumb stuff about India i would defend India as well. But your views, especially about migration and muslims are bad. History is not on your side.

Yeah ok I am a Hindu living in the west but unlike all the Muslims here in North Carolina, I don't force my culture onto others. I remember back when it was normal to pray reciting the Bible in locker rooms before basketball games, I remember back when pork was served in the cafeteria, I remember back when Robotics or Spanish Learners was the biggest club in school instead of Muslim Student Association, I remember back when the local University was allowed to ring a bell every Sunday (Muslims said it was forcing religion on them somehow). This is all in the town I live in, and ironically, the HIndu population is nearly 2x the Muslim population, but the Muslim diaspora is more vocal. Hindus don't like beef in the lunchline so we dont eat it, we don't beleive in the Bible so we are respectfully silent during sports team prayers and just say Amen, we aren't christian but don't mind the bells.

The point is, when a Hindu doesn't like something he tunes it out, if a Muslim doesn't like something, despite being the minority he will be a little bitch. That is why countries like Poland and Hungary are totally cool with a limited amount of migrants from the east, but steer clear of Muslims.

Also, I don't care if you learned how to converse one Indian language out of the 40+ recognized ones, you still justified Mughal oppression and spread the bs lie that Mughals civilized and developed india, because the Mauryan, Chola, Gupta, Vedic, Dakshin, Saraswati, and Harshavardhan nations/empires never existed right? The Rig Veda which *coincidentally* uses the numerals, the equations, and calculus that Muslims claim to have invented, but thats bullshit because the Rig Veda actually ISNT inscribed into walls of structures thousands of years old, older than Islam itself.

Also, stop telling me I'm on the wrong side of history. we're debating, don't compliment me.
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
13.11.2020 - 13:23
 Witch-Doctor (مراقب)
كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 13.11.2020 at 02:32

كتب بواسطة Witch-Doctor, 12.11.2020 at 17:32

كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 12.11.2020 at 14:37

كتب بواسطة niggerjew21, 12.11.2020 at 12:13

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16


on a more serious note--

The man is doing the gods' work, keep it up sir!

You worship a fucking cow dude.

You have a nigger as your profile pic stay quiet

guys he said the nword on the internet

holy shit it's a pepe. Nobody in the history of the internet has ever posted pepe. OMG the pepe is giving me a finger. Wow this guy is so badass.
13.11.2020 - 13:38
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

Oh shut the fuck up uneducated dumb nigger lover. Nobody here has the time to educate you on history and throw statistics at your face, unless you are paying.
Slavs were never an insult to history books you just never read history because you are a lazy loser. Slavs had great kingdoms, from the Balkans all the way to Russia and Finland. You are feeding into the same propaganda that you supposedly hate (Nazi Germany and US) so much because you are edgy millenial. India was also one of the greatest empires before the muslims commited their attrocities and steal half the country. Pakistan and Bangladesh are muslim Indias and they are shitholes. Muslims commit most of the crimes in India still to this day.

Indians are of the greatest immigrants to have, smart, hardworking and respectful that is why they thrive everywhere they go while muslim niggers die of hunger and aids, or join isis. Statistics can be found for everything. And check assimilation scores where muslims are last and violent crimes, rapes and unemployment where they are first. All around Europe.

After reading all the statistics come here and tell us how you love having immigrants in Londonistan. And stop forcing your disgusting parasitic culture onto us.

P.S. Juggers is not American. He is from Kosovo, the lowest filth currently in the Earth, i dont think Kosovars are even recognised as humans by their muslim friends.
13.11.2020 - 13:48
كتب بواسطة Khal.eesi, 13.11.2020 at 13:38

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

Oh shut the fuck up uneducated dumb nigger lover. Nobody here has the time to educate you on history and throw statistics at your face, unless you are paying.
Slavs were never an insult to history books you just never read history because you are a lazy loser. Slavs had great kingdoms, from the Balkans all the way to Russia and Finland. You are feeding into the same propaganda that you supposedly hate (Nazi Germany and US) so much because you are edgy millenial. India was also one of the greatest empires before the muslims commited their attrocities and steal half the country. Pakistan and Bangladesh are muslim Indias and they are shitholes. Muslims commit most of the crimes in India still to this day.

Indians are of the greatest immigrants to have, smart, hardworking and respectful that is why they thrive everywhere they go while muslim niggers die of hunger and aids, or join isis. Statistics can be found for everything. And check assimilation scores where muslims are last and violent crimes, rapes and unemployment where they are first. All around Europe.

After reading all the statistics come here and tell us how you love having immigrants in Londonistan. And stop forcing your disgusting culture onto other countries. We dont want parasites.

P.S. Juggers is not American. He is from Kosovo, the lowest filth currently in the Earth, i dont think Kosovars are even recognised as humans by their muslim friends.

Racism much? stop crying.

First of all, i never said indians are bad nor did i say they are bad immigrants. I TALKED ABOUT THE HYPOCRACY. Educate yourself into the meaning of that word. If you cant i can help and hold your hand and show you how. If you talk about statistics and want to disprove me then go ahead, DO IT, you talk big but give nothing but your own opinion. Show me the statistics to disprove anything i say.

Here is a source outlining how the SLAV was considered inferior in the States: https://prnt.sc/vit7h7
The debate we had was about the hypocracy of closing your borders to some countries but you yourself are allowed to emigrate.
Thats why i said it, because he is Indian and thats why i pointed out the hypocracy.

The issue at hand was :
Poland closing borders to muslims majority countries.
But poland should allow indians in the country.

See the double standard. India has 200 + million muslims.

You talk about london as being londonistan? Ever heard about how London is the financial centre of the world? I guess its because they imported muslims hueh and renamed themselves as londenistan. London is a beautiful metropolitan city. I guess no single city in poland would ever overshadow London.
The thing you need to understand is that Britain once dominated a lot of countries, most were also muslim majority countries. Some countries still benefit from being in the Commonwealth. https://prnt.sc/vitiok
So it is not strange that London as the capital of UK has a lot of immigrants. Thats because most immigrants want to live in urban cities. Has to do something with work/ housing/ family etc. As an immigrant you cant really buy a house in the suburbs so you go rent an appartment in the big cities. Over the years a lot of people want to go live in the big city of London. Hence why its so expensive.

Where is the proof of most crimes committed by muslims in India?
Having great kingdoms does not mean anything. Mongols also had great a great empire. They are seen as inferior.
The point of view i am having is from Western Europe. How do the germans, british, scandinavians see them.

Calling someone uneducated, then escorting yourself to discrimination, biased opinions, and providing NO PROOF, shows what kind of apple you are. A rotten one.

Last time i checked, most prostitutes from slavic countries go to Istanbul to work there. Last time i checked, Turkey was muslim majority country. So where is your racist slurs such as muslim nigger now? Or do you only use the stats that come handy to you. Last time i checked Istanbul was considered more secular, more thriving than any slavic city now would i say that slavic culture is shit and wherever they are they are bound to rape and do criminal activity?? No i dont. I can even show you what slavic countries such as Bulgaria and Romania are. Corruption just as high as African dictatorships. Remember the biggest demonstration in 2018 in Romania against the government for implementing corruption law: parlementarians would not go to jail for taking bribes> corruption is allowed.
But i wont say slavs are criminals. Every country has its own problems.

Well after reading what you think of kosovans, i guess the irony of saying that i have been fed into nazi propaganda and then saying kosovans are the lowest filth of the earth. Then acting as if you are entitled to talk for muslims about kosovans and say they are not recoqnized as humans. Well idk what trash is, but i think youre very much close to it.
13.11.2020 - 14:23
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:51

When did being a slav be a privilege. In my history books being a slav was always an insult. Be it in the dark ages, be it in pre- modern times or be it in modern times under fascist rule. Even today the stereotype slav is not something good and is used as an insult. Maybe because youre a millennial and did not experience the slurs against slavs in these times but thats because there is relative peace between ethnicities in Europe.

I somewhat agree with you. However an albanian being called a slav is more insulting to the slav than a slav being called a slav.
Also, im a millennial. Actually didnt know that, never bothered. Niceee
13.11.2020 - 14:41
كتب بواسطة Witch-Doctor, 13.11.2020 at 13:23

كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 13.11.2020 at 02:32

كتب بواسطة Witch-Doctor, 12.11.2020 at 17:32

كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 12.11.2020 at 14:37

كتب بواسطة niggerjew21, 12.11.2020 at 12:13

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16


on a more serious note--

The man is doing the gods' work, keep it up sir!

You worship a fucking cow dude.

You have a nigger as your profile pic stay quiet

guys he said the nword on the internet

holy shit it's a pepe. Nobody in the history of the internet has ever posted pepe. OMG the pepe is giving me a finger. Wow this guy is so badass.

Heheheh i use sarcasm guizz pls noticee mee plzzzz!! I dont think you guys understand what he did he used sarcasm mannn. Poor you go shriek in a hole and die
13.11.2020 - 14:57
 Witch-Doctor (مراقب)
كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 13.11.2020 at 14:41

كتب بواسطة Witch-Doctor, 13.11.2020 at 13:23

كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 13.11.2020 at 02:32

كتب بواسطة Witch-Doctor, 12.11.2020 at 17:32

كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 12.11.2020 at 14:37

كتب بواسطة niggerjew21, 12.11.2020 at 12:13

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16


on a more serious note--

The man is doing the gods' work, keep it up sir!

You worship a fucking cow dude.

You have a nigger as your profile pic stay quiet

guys he said the nword on the internet

holy shit it's a pepe. Nobody in the history of the internet has ever posted pepe. OMG the pepe is giving me a finger. Wow this guy is so badass.

Heheheh i use sarcasm guizz pls noticee mee plzzzz!! I dont think you guys understand what he did he used sarcasm mannn. Poor you go shriek in a hole and die

Wow this guy is getting meta on me now.
13.11.2020 - 15:10
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 13:48

كتب بواسطة Khal.eesi, 13.11.2020 at 13:38

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

Racism much?

You act like at this point it means anything.
13.11.2020 - 15:34
كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 12:18

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:00

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:44

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 18:05

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 13:45

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16

Yeah ok I am a Hindu living in the west but unlike all the Muslims here in North Carolina, I don't force my culture onto others. I remember back when it was normal to pray reciting the Bible in locker rooms before basketball games, I remember back when pork was served in the cafeteria, I remember back when Robotics or Spanish Learners was the biggest club in school instead of Muslim Student Association, I remember back when the local University was allowed to ring a bell every Sunday (Muslims said it was forcing religion on them somehow). This is all in the town I live in, and ironically, the HIndu population is nearly 2x the Muslim population, but the Muslim diaspora is more vocal. Hindus don't like beef in the lunchline so we dont eat it, we don't beleive in the Bible so we are respectfully silent during sports team prayers and just say Amen, we aren't christian but don't mind the bells.

The point is, when a Hindu doesn't like something he tunes it out, if a Muslim doesn't like something, despite being the minority he will be a little bitch. That is why countries like Poland and Hungary are totally cool with a limited amount of migrants from the east, but steer clear of Muslims.

Also, I don't care if you learned how to converse one Indian language out of the 40+ recognized ones, you still justified Mughal oppression and spread the bs lie that Mughals civilized and developed india, because the Mauryan, Chola, Gupta, Vedic, Dakshin, Saraswati, and Harshavardhan nations/empires never existed right? The Rig Veda which *coincidentally* uses the numerals, the equations, and calculus that Muslims claim to have invented, but thats bullshit because the Rig Veda actually ISNT inscribed into walls of structures thousands of years old, older than Islam itself.

Also, stop telling me I'm on the wrong side of history. we're debating, don't compliment me.

So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. Since you obviously do not have the same culture as the native country. Doesnt matter if u force it or not. You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. Last time i checked, there were more jews in USA than muslims. What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims? Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well. Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this?

Ya you remember back when what? You said you are 16. Back when you were what 12? lmao. How many Hindus go to your school? And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic.

Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying.
No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like.
Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you?
Amount of indians in germany 169k https://prnt.sc/viug4s
Amount of indians in poland 4k https://prnt.sc/viugfn
Amount of muslims in poland 20k-40k https://prnt.sc/viugp5

When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment.
13.11.2020 - 15:35
كتب بواسطة Brsjak, 13.11.2020 at 15:10

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 13:48

كتب بواسطة Khal.eesi, 13.11.2020 at 13:38

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

Racism much?

You act like at this point it means anything.

It should always mean something
13.11.2020 - 18:52
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 15:35

It should always mean something

Shut yo black ass up
13.11.2020 - 19:23
كتب بواسطة King_Unleashed, 13.11.2020 at 18:52

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 15:35

It should always mean something

Shut yo black ass up

Go drink some nazi juice
13.11.2020 - 20:34
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 19:23

Everyone's a "nazi", aren't they. Go join the other 41%.
13.11.2020 - 21:00
كتب بواسطة King_Unleashed, 13.11.2020 at 20:34

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 19:23

Everyone's a "nazi", aren't they. Go join the other 41%.

No just you
13.11.2020 - 21:50
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 21:00

No just you

Nah bud. You sound like one of those cringy people that call everyone a "Nazi".
13.11.2020 - 22:03
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 15:34

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 12:18

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:00

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:44

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 18:05

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 13:45

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16

Yeah ok I am a Hindu living in the west but unlike all the Muslims here in North Carolina, I don't force my culture onto others. I remember back when it was normal to pray reciting the Bible in locker rooms before basketball games, I remember back when pork was served in the cafeteria, I remember back when Robotics or Spanish Learners was the biggest club in school instead of Muslim Student Association, I remember back when the local University was allowed to ring a bell every Sunday (Muslims said it was forcing religion on them somehow). This is all in the town I live in, and ironically, the HIndu population is nearly 2x the Muslim population, but the Muslim diaspora is more vocal. Hindus don't like beef in the lunchline so we dont eat it, we don't beleive in the Bible so we are respectfully silent during sports team prayers and just say Amen, we aren't christian but don't mind the bells.

The point is, when a Hindu doesn't like something he tunes it out, if a Muslim doesn't like something, despite being the minority he will be a little bitch. That is why countries like Poland and Hungary are totally cool with a limited amount of migrants from the east, but steer clear of Muslims.

Also, I don't care if you learned how to converse one Indian language out of the 40+ recognized ones, you still justified Mughal oppression and spread the bs lie that Mughals civilized and developed india, because the Mauryan, Chola, Gupta, Vedic, Dakshin, Saraswati, and Harshavardhan nations/empires never existed right? The Rig Veda which *coincidentally* uses the numerals, the equations, and calculus that Muslims claim to have invented, but thats bullshit because the Rig Veda actually ISNT inscribed into walls of structures thousands of years old, older than Islam itself.

Also, stop telling me I'm on the wrong side of history. we're debating, don't compliment me.

So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. Since you obviously do not have the same culture as the native country. Doesnt matter if u force it or not. You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. Last time i checked, there were more jews in USA than muslims. What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims? Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well. Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this?

Ya you remember back when what? You said you are 16. Back when you were what 12? lmao. How many Hindus go to your school? And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic.

Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying.
No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like.
Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you?
Amount of indians in germany 169k https://prnt.sc/viug4s
Amount of indians in poland 4k https://prnt.sc/viugfn
Amount of muslims in poland 20k-40k https://prnt.sc/viugp5

When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment.

wow ur actually stupid...

"So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. "
No I'm conforming to the culture here because I am not from here.

"You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. "
Not if I keep it to myself, like most Hindus or Japs here.

"Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. "
And they dont freak out when school serves pork. they just avoid it dumbfuck

"What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims?"
Whats ur point with this one?

"Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well."
Vegans and vegetarians in America has nothing to do with Hindus. We dont chimp out because school serves meat, we avoid it. We do not protest, strike, or go talk to shit media when we are micro offended.

"Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this? "
Yes, thats in India. In India, you dont eat meat bc thats the norm there (at least if ur around Brahmins, there are exceptions, smartassery is not welcome here)
In America, since ppl eat meat, us Hindus just ignore it and be respectful.

"And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic. "
My logic is that the cafeteria shoulnd't. It is an american school, why should they ban beef? Because hindus come over? Hindus dont have a problem with it because, UNLIKE MUSLIMS, THEY UNDERSTAND THAT IF THEY GO TO ***SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY***, THEY HAVE TO BE RESPECTFUL OF THE CUSTOMS AND IF THEY DONT LIKE IT, EITHER THEY LIVE WITH IT OR FUCK OFF. Why is that so hard to understand?

"Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying."
Here, lets say it 5 times to get it through ur hard muslim head.

"No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like. "
They should be, especailly if they're not from there. Immigrant minorities can fuck off if they dont like it. Either conform, or ignore, or leave. This is Western culture, I am Hindu guy, I have no right in western country telling western guy what to do. Now, if I'm being violated in any way, forced to eat meat for example, I have a right to object, but that ins't the case. All schools offer vegetarian option, pork free option, and meat option in this country. Muslims can just shut up and eat the pork free one, but they claim the entire cafeteria is compromised bc of the meat option, which is bs.

"Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you? "
There are 2x muslims than hindus in the world, therfore, there will be more muslims in any diaspora. Hindus are more well recieved by government and right wing there for sure.

"When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment."
It means im fighting the good fight.
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
13.11.2020 - 22:21
B2, why are you targeting muslims? I've never, in my life, seen a group of muslims get extremely offended where they go coconut head mode. (that's ofcourse if you exclude the radicals). Stop acting like Hindus and Jews are innocent, were all guilty of something.

13.11.2020 - 22:47
كتب بواسطة King_Unleashed, 13.11.2020 at 21:50

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 21:00

No just you

Nah bud. You sound like one of those cringy people that call everyone a "Nazi".

I dont care bud. A retards opinion means shit to me. Now stop quoting me and go play with yourself.
13.11.2020 - 23:04
كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 22:03

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 15:34

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 12:18

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:00

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:44

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 18:05

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 13:45

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16

Yeah ok I am a Hindu living in the west but unlike all the Muslims here in North Carolina, I don't force my culture onto others. I remember back when it was normal to pray reciting the Bible in locker rooms before basketball games, I remember back when pork was served in the cafeteria, I remember back when Robotics or Spanish Learners was the biggest club in school instead of Muslim Student Association, I remember back when the local University was allowed to ring a bell every Sunday (Muslims said it was forcing religion on them somehow). This is all in the town I live in, and ironically, the HIndu population is nearly 2x the Muslim population, but the Muslim diaspora is more vocal. Hindus don't like beef in the lunchline so we dont eat it, we don't beleive in the Bible so we are respectfully silent during sports team prayers and just say Amen, we aren't christian but don't mind the bells.

The point is, when a Hindu doesn't like something he tunes it out, if a Muslim doesn't like something, despite being the minority he will be a little bitch. That is why countries like Poland and Hungary are totally cool with a limited amount of migrants from the east, but steer clear of Muslims.

Also, I don't care if you learned how to converse one Indian language out of the 40+ recognized ones, you still justified Mughal oppression and spread the bs lie that Mughals civilized and developed india, because the Mauryan, Chola, Gupta, Vedic, Dakshin, Saraswati, and Harshavardhan nations/empires never existed right? The Rig Veda which *coincidentally* uses the numerals, the equations, and calculus that Muslims claim to have invented, but thats bullshit because the Rig Veda actually ISNT inscribed into walls of structures thousands of years old, older than Islam itself.

Also, stop telling me I'm on the wrong side of history. we're debating, don't compliment me.

So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. Since you obviously do not have the same culture as the native country. Doesnt matter if u force it or not. You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. Last time i checked, there were more jews in USA than muslims. What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims? Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well. Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this?

Ya you remember back when what? You said you are 16. Back when you were what 12? lmao. How many Hindus go to your school? And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic.

Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying.
No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like.
Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you?
Amount of indians in germany 169k https://prnt.sc/viug4s
Amount of indians in poland 4k https://prnt.sc/viugfn
Amount of muslims in poland 20k-40k https://prnt.sc/viugp5

When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment.

wow ur actually stupid...

"So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. "
No I'm conforming to the culture here because I am not from here.

"You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. "
Not if I keep it to myself, like most Hindus or Japs here.

"Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. "
And they dont freak out when school serves pork. they just avoid it dumbfuck

"What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims?"
Whats ur point with this one?

"Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well."
Vegans and vegetarians in America has nothing to do with Hindus. We dont chimp out because school serves meat, we avoid it. We do not protest, strike, or go talk to shit media when we are micro offended.

"Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this? "
Yes, thats in India. In India, you dont eat meat bc thats the norm there (at least if ur around Brahmins, there are exceptions, smartassery is not welcome here)
In America, since ppl eat meat, us Hindus just ignore it and be respectful.

"And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic. "
My logic is that the cafeteria shoulnd't. It is an american school, why should they ban beef? Because hindus come over? Hindus dont have a problem with it because, UNLIKE MUSLIMS, THEY UNDERSTAND THAT IF THEY GO TO ***SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY***, THEY HAVE TO BE RESPECTFUL OF THE CUSTOMS AND IF THEY DONT LIKE IT, EITHER THEY LIVE WITH IT OR FUCK OFF. Why is that so hard to understand?

"Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying."
Here, lets say it 5 times to get it through ur hard muslim head.

"No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like. "
They should be, especailly if they're not from there. Immigrant minorities can fuck off if they dont like it. Either conform, or ignore, or leave. This is Western culture, I am Hindu guy, I have no right in western country telling western guy what to do. Now, if I'm being violated in any way, forced to eat meat for example, I have a right to object, but that ins't the case. All schools offer vegetarian option, pork free option, and meat option in this country. Muslims can just shut up and eat the pork free one, but they claim the entire cafeteria is compromised bc of the meat option, which is bs.

"Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you? "
There are 2x muslims than hindus in the world, therfore, there will be more muslims in any diaspora. Hindus are more well recieved by government and right wing there for sure.

"When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment."
It means im fighting the good fight.

I guess i dont even have to try anymore with u. You contradict and basicly trash yourself here.
13.11.2020 - 23:07
كتب بواسطة Steve Aoki, 12.11.2020 at 16:20

كتب بواسطة DeepFriedUnicorn, 12.11.2020 at 09:04

كتب بواسطة JUGERS2, 12.11.2020 at 07:32

Slavs are underdeveloped....they are Arabs of Christian world. It's a shame they use words like Christianity like it is for those wahabi Muslims to use word Islam when not only they don't represent it but they are it's opossite.

Apes gonna ape.

But you're a slav

Even tho being a slav definitely doesnt feel like privilege and more like an insult of some sort, we slavs still have our pride and id have to ask you to refrain from putting people like juggers into that category.
(or your mother will suffer the consequences)

But he's from Kosovo
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
13.11.2020 - 23:45
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 22:47

Quit quoting me then, you no-life rank 12. Muted you.
14.11.2020 - 00:13
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 23:04

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 22:03

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 15:34

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 12:18

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:00

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:44

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 18:05

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 13:45

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16

Yeah ok I am a Hindu living in the west but unlike all the Muslims here in North Carolina, I don't force my culture onto others. I remember back when it was normal to pray reciting the Bible in locker rooms before basketball games, I remember back when pork was served in the cafeteria, I remember back when Robotics or Spanish Learners was the biggest club in school instead of Muslim Student Association, I remember back when the local University was allowed to ring a bell every Sunday (Muslims said it was forcing religion on them somehow). This is all in the town I live in, and ironically, the HIndu population is nearly 2x the Muslim population, but the Muslim diaspora is more vocal. Hindus don't like beef in the lunchline so we dont eat it, we don't beleive in the Bible so we are respectfully silent during sports team prayers and just say Amen, we aren't christian but don't mind the bells.

The point is, when a Hindu doesn't like something he tunes it out, if a Muslim doesn't like something, despite being the minority he will be a little bitch. That is why countries like Poland and Hungary are totally cool with a limited amount of migrants from the east, but steer clear of Muslims.

Also, I don't care if you learned how to converse one Indian language out of the 40+ recognized ones, you still justified Mughal oppression and spread the bs lie that Mughals civilized and developed india, because the Mauryan, Chola, Gupta, Vedic, Dakshin, Saraswati, and Harshavardhan nations/empires never existed right? The Rig Veda which *coincidentally* uses the numerals, the equations, and calculus that Muslims claim to have invented, but thats bullshit because the Rig Veda actually ISNT inscribed into walls of structures thousands of years old, older than Islam itself.

Also, stop telling me I'm on the wrong side of history. we're debating, don't compliment me.

So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. Since you obviously do not have the same culture as the native country. Doesnt matter if u force it or not. You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. Last time i checked, there were more jews in USA than muslims. What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims? Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well. Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this?

Ya you remember back when what? You said you are 16. Back when you were what 12? lmao. How many Hindus go to your school? And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic.

Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying.
No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like.
Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you?
Amount of indians in germany 169k https://prnt.sc/viug4s
Amount of indians in poland 4k https://prnt.sc/viugfn
Amount of muslims in poland 20k-40k https://prnt.sc/viugp5

When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment.

wow ur actually stupid...

"So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. "
No I'm conforming to the culture here because I am not from here.

"You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. "
Not if I keep it to myself, like most Hindus or Japs here.

"Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. "
And they dont freak out when school serves pork. they just avoid it dumbfuck

"What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims?"
Whats ur point with this one?

"Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well."
Vegans and vegetarians in America has nothing to do with Hindus. We dont chimp out because school serves meat, we avoid it. We do not protest, strike, or go talk to shit media when we are micro offended.

"Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this? "
Yes, thats in India. In India, you dont eat meat bc thats the norm there (at least if ur around Brahmins, there are exceptions, smartassery is not welcome here)
In America, since ppl eat meat, us Hindus just ignore it and be respectful.

"And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic. "
My logic is that the cafeteria shoulnd't. It is an american school, why should they ban beef? Because hindus come over? Hindus dont have a problem with it because, UNLIKE MUSLIMS, THEY UNDERSTAND THAT IF THEY GO TO ***SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY***, THEY HAVE TO BE RESPECTFUL OF THE CUSTOMS AND IF THEY DONT LIKE IT, EITHER THEY LIVE WITH IT OR FUCK OFF. Why is that so hard to understand?

"Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying."
Here, lets say it 5 times to get it through ur hard muslim head.

"No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like. "
They should be, especailly if they're not from there. Immigrant minorities can fuck off if they dont like it. Either conform, or ignore, or leave. This is Western culture, I am Hindu guy, I have no right in western country telling western guy what to do. Now, if I'm being violated in any way, forced to eat meat for example, I have a right to object, but that ins't the case. All schools offer vegetarian option, pork free option, and meat option in this country. Muslims can just shut up and eat the pork free one, but they claim the entire cafeteria is compromised bc of the meat option, which is bs.

"Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you? "
There are 2x muslims than hindus in the world, therfore, there will be more muslims in any diaspora. Hindus are more well recieved by government and right wing there for sure.

"When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment."
It means im fighting the good fight.

I guess i dont even have to try anymore with u. You contradict and basicly trash yourself here.

xD the moment I start following debate protocol and responding to your points one by one, you pussy out. I never contradicted myself here. As for the trashing part, its subjective. Discord server is fucking gassing me up, they're all watching this argument xxDDD
Man is something, that shall be overcome.
14.11.2020 - 00:49
 Dave (مشرف)
Remind me, why Gigi isn't banned already?
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

14.11.2020 - 00:50
كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 14.11.2020 at 00:13

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 23:04

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 22:03

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 15:34

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 12:18

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 09:02

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 13.11.2020 at 08:00

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 22:44

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 18:05

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 12.11.2020 at 13:45

كتب بواسطة rtasmara, 12.11.2020 at 11:16

Yeah ok I am a Hindu living in the west but unlike all the Muslims here in North Carolina, I don't force my culture onto others. I remember back when it was normal to pray reciting the Bible in locker rooms before basketball games, I remember back when pork was served in the cafeteria, I remember back when Robotics or Spanish Learners was the biggest club in school instead of Muslim Student Association, I remember back when the local University was allowed to ring a bell every Sunday (Muslims said it was forcing religion on them somehow). This is all in the town I live in, and ironically, the HIndu population is nearly 2x the Muslim population, but the Muslim diaspora is more vocal. Hindus don't like beef in the lunchline so we dont eat it, we don't beleive in the Bible so we are respectfully silent during sports team prayers and just say Amen, we aren't christian but don't mind the bells.

The point is, when a Hindu doesn't like something he tunes it out, if a Muslim doesn't like something, despite being the minority he will be a little bitch. That is why countries like Poland and Hungary are totally cool with a limited amount of migrants from the east, but steer clear of Muslims.

Also, I don't care if you learned how to converse one Indian language out of the 40+ recognized ones, you still justified Mughal oppression and spread the bs lie that Mughals civilized and developed india, because the Mauryan, Chola, Gupta, Vedic, Dakshin, Saraswati, and Harshavardhan nations/empires never existed right? The Rig Veda which *coincidentally* uses the numerals, the equations, and calculus that Muslims claim to have invented, but thats bullshit because the Rig Veda actually ISNT inscribed into walls of structures thousands of years old, older than Islam itself.

Also, stop telling me I'm on the wrong side of history. we're debating, don't compliment me.

So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. Since you obviously do not have the same culture as the native country. Doesnt matter if u force it or not. You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. Last time i checked, there were more jews in USA than muslims. What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims? Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well. Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this?

Ya you remember back when what? You said you are 16. Back when you were what 12? lmao. How many Hindus go to your school? And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic.

Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying.
No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like.
Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you?
Amount of indians in germany 169k https://prnt.sc/viug4s
Amount of indians in poland 4k https://prnt.sc/viugfn
Amount of muslims in poland 20k-40k https://prnt.sc/viugp5

When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment.

wow ur actually stupid...

"So youre a immigrant trying to adept and change the native culture. "
No I'm conforming to the culture here because I am not from here.

"You being there will inevitably change the culture no matter what you do. "
Not if I keep it to myself, like most Hindus or Japs here.

"Last time i checked, jews didnt eat pork either. "
And they dont freak out when school serves pork. they just avoid it dumbfuck

"What do jews eat in USA? In most western countries veganism is a thing. A lot of events and schools do not serve meat. Is this because of muslims?"
Whats ur point with this one?

"Is this because of vegetarians trying to enforce their ideas? I thought there were many vegetarians in India as well."
Vegans and vegetarians in America has nothing to do with Hindus. We dont chimp out because school serves meat, we avoid it. We do not protest, strike, or go talk to shit media when we are micro offended.

"Arent there many restaurants in India serving only vegetarian? In many budhistic countries in south east asia vegetarians are a thing and a lot of restaurants serve no meat. Is it so hard to understand why they do this? "
Yes, thats in India. In India, you dont eat meat bc thats the norm there (at least if ur around Brahmins, there are exceptions, smartassery is not welcome here)
In America, since ppl eat meat, us Hindus just ignore it and be respectful.

"And if there are a significant amount of hindus going to a school dont you think the school cafetaria should ban cow? Where is your logic. "
My logic is that the cafeteria shoulnd't. It is an american school, why should they ban beef? Because hindus come over? Hindus dont have a problem with it because, UNLIKE MUSLIMS, THEY UNDERSTAND THAT IF THEY GO TO ***SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY***, THEY HAVE TO BE RESPECTFUL OF THE CUSTOMS AND IF THEY DONT LIKE IT, EITHER THEY LIVE WITH IT OR FUCK OFF. Why is that so hard to understand?

"Last time i checked USA had 2~~ million Hindus and 3.3 million muslims. Again stop with your lying."
Here, lets say it 5 times to get it through ur hard muslim head.

"No minority is ever silent when they see something they dont like. "
They should be, especailly if they're not from there. Immigrant minorities can fuck off if they dont like it. Either conform, or ignore, or leave. This is Western culture, I am Hindu guy, I have no right in western country telling western guy what to do. Now, if I'm being violated in any way, forced to eat meat for example, I have a right to object, but that ins't the case. All schools offer vegetarian option, pork free option, and meat option in this country. Muslims can just shut up and eat the pork free one, but they claim the entire cafeteria is compromised bc of the meat option, which is bs.

"Do you think Poland is allowing indians into their country but not muslims? How naive are you? "
There are 2x muslims than hindus in the world, therfore, there will be more muslims in any diaspora. Hindus are more well recieved by government and right wing there for sure.

"When someone says youre on the wrong side of history it means, already seen that evil. It most certainly is NOT a compliment."
It means im fighting the good fight.

I guess i dont even have to try anymore with u. You contradict and basicly trash yourself here.

xD the moment I start following debate protocol and responding to your points one by one, you pussy out. I never contradicted myself here. As for the trashing part, its subjective. Discord server is fucking gassing me up, they're all watching this argument xxDDD

If you want to get trashed again. Imma read what you said above. When i have time i will respond.
14.11.2020 - 00:51
كتب بواسطة Dave, 14.11.2020 at 00:49

Remind me, why Gigi isn't banned already?

For someone who wants freedom of speech and doesnt constitute racism in its game. You sure act differently. Or are you trying to be funny. Guess youre a very funny man. And last time i checked, you asked B2 to tone down his racism. Guess things change quickly.

And on a side note. To ever think i was genuinely interested into investing in your business when you were asking if people were interested last year. God thank i did not pursue that.
14.11.2020 - 01:18
 Dave (مشرف)
كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 22:47

I dont care bud. A retards opinion means shit to me. Now stop quoting me and go play with yourself.

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 14.11.2020 at 00:51

كتب بواسطة Dave, 14.11.2020 at 00:49

Remind me, why Gigi isn't banned already?

And on a side note. To ever think i was genuinely interested into investing in your business when you were asking if people were interested last year. God thank i did not pursue that.

If you were interested in investing you never said anything about it, so that's a convenient claim to make now. But in any case, the last thing I'd want is having to deal with a business partner who, when he's losing an argument, resorts to calling his opponent a "retard"... or who seems utterly incapable of letting anyone else have the last word, ever. Dodged a bullet there.

Also my post about why you're not banned yet was a joke, but that went way over your head apparently.
All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu

14.11.2020 - 01:22
كتب بواسطة Dave, 14.11.2020 at 01:18

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 13.11.2020 at 22:47

I dont care bud. A retards opinion means shit to me. Now stop quoting me and go play with yourself.

كتب بواسطة ITSGG1122, 14.11.2020 at 00:51

كتب بواسطة Dave, 14.11.2020 at 00:49

Remind me, why Gigi isn't banned already?

And on a side note. To ever think i was genuinely interested into investing in your business when you were asking if people were interested last year. God thank i did not pursue that.

If you were interested in investing you never said anything about it, so that's a convenient claim to make now. But in any case, the last thing I'd want is having to deal with a business partner who, when he's losing an argument, resorts to calling his opponent a "retard"... or who seems utterly incapable of letting anyone else have the last word, ever. Dodged a bullet there.

Also my post about why you're not banned yet was a joke, but that went way over your head apparently.

Look back your forum topic. I did comment it.
And where did i lose an Argument. When someone is being a retard i will call him that. When someone says im a nigger lover i will call him a retard.
Just say you dont want this debate in your game and i will stop answering.

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