I am curious if there is a tool in which you can compare the number of victories in a duel between one player and another?
And if it doesn't exist, why not?
I think it would be interesting to be able to compare the statistics of the players in an easier way.
the number of victories in a duel
The game already has what you described. It's "Battles won, battles lost" graphs at the end of the games.
But if you mean "all duels between a player and another", no there's no such thing.
كتب بواسطة Mobster, 26.09.2021 at 07:04
the number of victories in a duel
The game already has what you described. It's "Battles won, battles lost" graphs at the end of the games.
But if you mean "all duels between a player and another", no there's no such thing.
is what I say that would be interesting, something like the elo calculator where you put the name of the two players and tell you the statistics of their vs
Moving this to Ideas and Suggestions.... would be cool to develop someday
 | All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer,
but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.
--Sun Tzu
