August 7th, 2019

The Official AtWar Discord Server has received an update over the past three days; is gradually still going on as we develop things. However, this doesn't mean we won't make an announcement about what we have done; of which the following list is what we have done on the server:

✔ "Nuked" the entire server as well as create a backup. From here the server was rebuilt on a template that would fit AtWar better.

✔ Added 24/7 Customer Support for AtWar via Discord. This is subject to change in the future.

✔ Added an application bot for future use.

✔ Implemented a new verification system.

✔ Added an AtWar Bot.

✔ Added a statistics bot so the public/administration can have access to how well the server is doing.

✔ Added custom commands such as ?helpful-links, ?simrules, and ?awpress.

✔ Reset the economy module.

✔ Disabled !work, !slut, !crime, !rob, !give-money, etc commands. users are no longer to earn money on the server for now.

✔ Implemented community-made logos into the server

✔ Created an information section of the server

✔ reworked server roles to fit better-reworked staff commands, accesses, etc.

More Information

atWar Discord Bot

Our Supporter Elijah has created an atWar Discord Bot to go along with our new, revamped Discord server. Here are the commands this bot responds to, so far:

!elo (username) -- Tells you the current Elo for any atWar user.
!rank (username) -- Tells you their current Rank.
!sp (username) -- Tells you their SP.
!posts (username) -- Number of Posts.
!upvotes (username) -- Number of Upvotes.
!is_premium (username) -- Tells you if that user is premium or not.
!dateregistered (username) -- The date they registered.
!avatar (username) -- Display's that user's avatar image.

Example: !elo Brianwl
Response: brianwl's Elo is 1086.62

This is just a beginning and in the future we plan to add more integration between atWar and Discord using this bot, so stay tuned!

24/7 Customer Support

We recognize that AtWars player base is seemingly more active on Discord than AtWar its self; of which players can now contact Atwar website/discord administration at any point in time. This allows for players who are online when a mod isn't, and don't have any other form of contact for AW Administration, to be able to contact them.

To do so, you only need to be able to Direct Message the ModMail bot which can be found under the "bots" section in the member's list on the AW server.

Once you are able to DM the bot, you can send it this command:

=send [server ID] [message]

This will send a message to AtWar administration on the server.

f you would like to contact Moderators/Admins, please use this ID in the [server ID] part of the command: 539264641143144448

Do note that this is subject to change-over-time as the server and the website develop.

Community-Made Art on The Server

In this update, it was decided that some of the artwork from the 2018 Logo Competition would be used in certain aspects of the server such as the server information section. We hope to be using more community-made artwork in the near future for more things other than Discord as well as have more events like this or similar to it for doing so.

Artwork that was used, was given credit in the image somewhere.

Custom Commands/Suggestions

The Official AtWar Discord now has custom commands, they are the following:


The ?simrule commands are a simplified version of the rules on the website; provided by the website's moderation team. Being so, the rules on the website are valid on the server as well.


The ?helpful-links command(s) are a list of links to guides, tools, and information on atwar. If you're looking for help, this is the command to go to!


The ?awpress command brings up a list of all AtWar Press releases; up until the latest release.

AW Discord Administration hopes to be implementing new commands to the server that will help the community; even if it's not used often.


On top of all this, the Discord server now has a special place for player-made suggestions for the server or the website. To suggest something for the server or website (and get a public opinion!) follow the following:

You'll need to do this command in #bot-commands, but to do a suggestion you'll need the following command:

!suggest [description]

once you have done the command, your suggestion will show up in #suggestions


AtWar's Discord server is still undergoing development, as shown by the newly implemented AtWar Bot. AtWar's Administration has big plans for Discord and we hope the community can have a special place for that. However, we felt it is needed that we update the community what has been done so far on the server and explain why we needed to do so.

On top of this, to those who are on the server, GET YOURSELVES VERIFIED SO YOU CAN ENJOY THE SERVER!

If you're not on the server or don't have discord, get it. It's free and works basically anywhere. Here's the server invite:


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