= = = EDITION 2: OCTOBER 13, 2019 = = =

In this Edition:

AW Development
Supporters Update Log
Discord: Updates
AtWar Times Network & AW Press
Code of Conduct

AW Development

Recently, certain community members came to the Supporters about certain aspects of the game and how they need to be updated. They also wanted to know the status of other things such as the things in Suggestions to be Implemented to AtWar [2.0][2019].

Well, as an update to everyone that is the Supporter's next big issue to tackle. We will soon be going through the suggestions (with moderators and the community, of course!), discussing them and developing them further to what AtWar's image of the game should be. We will keep you all notified as we go further into this subject, and hopefully check off some of them from the list!

Supporters Update Log

At the end of September, AIois implemented the Supporter Update Log which regularly is updated about what the Supporters have done; such as the re-organization of their forums, removal of members, and other developmental things. So far, the following has been stated on the thread:

September 30th, 2019 -- Team Update

● Added Code of Conduct for Supporters' (more info to come on this).

● Overhauling the Supporters forum completely to meet new standards.

● Accepted new community members to help the game out in general.

● Discussed the rotation of featured maps (more info to come on this).

● Preparing for Discord Update as well as multiple other updates during the month of October.

Discord: Updates

AIois would like to give an official warning to everyone on the AtWar Discord that updates will be starting soon; which means informational chats, roles, users, and other core things will be looked into and updated. If you have a problem during this period, please contact any active supporter, moderator, admin, or even Alois himself.

AtWar Times Network & AW Press

The AtWar Times Network and AW Press are also receiving updates before December 2019. This includes name changes as well as a new skeleton (haha, it's October!) for AW Press releases.

Supporters' Code of Conduct

Earlier this month, Head Supporter AIois implemented an unofficial Code of Conduct (which includes a mandate made by a former Moderator, Sultan of Swing) to the Supporters' team which serves as a set of standards that should be followed in general:


Respect within the Environment

● All supporters should respect their peers. We will not permit any discriminatory behavior, harassment, or victimization.


● All supporters must show integrity and professionalism when acting as a supporter.

Corruption, Conflict of Interests, and Benefits

● A supporter should not accept bribes for the benefit of any external or internal party.

● We equally expect Supporters to avoid any personal, financial, or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness
to perform their duties.

● We have a priority of keeping a competent and professional image; abuse of powers will not be tolerated.

Job Duties and Authority

● All supporters should fulfill their job duties with integrity and respect towards the community. Supporters in leadership positions
must not abuse their given authority. We expect them to delegate responsibilities to team members and consider their
competencies/workload. We encourage all staff members to ask questions.


● AtWar's administration will not reprimand Supporters for limited periods of inactivity. We encourage Supporters to be punctual
about their activity, so that distribution to tasks may flow smoothly.

Collaboration and Communication

● Supporters should be friendly and collaborative towards fellow peers and their community. They should not try to disrupt the game
or present obstacles to their colleagues' work.

● All Supporters must be open to communication with their colleagues, supervisors, team members, and community.

Disciplinary Actions

● Management may have to take disciplinary action against Supporters who repeatedly or intentionally fail to follow the AW Rules.
Disciplinary actions will vary depending on the violation; Demotion, reprimand, suspension/termination.

Supporters' Mandate

The Supporter Team is a coalition of community members who care about the game, care about its promotion, and care about helping new players. The Supporter Team is to be an institution within AtWar that not only assists new players and the game's promotion, but also the Moderator Team and the Administrator(s) through:

  • Continuation of the ATN publication
  • Promotion of AtWar externally
  • Participation in helping new players acclimate themselves to the game which includes but is not limited to: helping answer questions on Help Chat, and being a friendly and welcoming representation of AtWar
  • Creation and further promotion of any internal means with the goal of increased activity of the player-base

    The aforementioned duties of a Supporter are infinite, and are non-negotiable. Failure to assist in any one of the duties for an extended period of time will result in a review for possible demotion. Should AtWar implement any new mechanics for the Supporter Team, this mandate will be updated.

  • It should be noted from now on, the player-base is more than welcomed to report a Supporter who disregards any of the points mentioned in the Code of Conduct. We do not tolerate bad interaction with the community; and as such should be reason for demotion or temporary suspension from the team.


    The Supporters' as a whole would like to remind everyone that we do keep a Trello Board for the public so they can keep track of what we are working on. It is updated daily, commented on, and even linked with important information. Please do not hesitate to use this.

    The board can be found here:

    All articles and editing done by: AIois



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    التعليقات: 4   تم الزيارة من: 186 users
    13.10.2019 - 03:19
    I hope you all enjoyed the read! If you have any further questions; Don't be afraid to ask!
    13.10.2019 - 04:18
    Sounds great imo

    13.10.2019 - 04:29
    13.10.2019 - 06:29

    Hits total: 37019 | This month: 203

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