All players will now automatically get 300 SP per day, just for being online in atWar. Log in every day and you'll get upto 9300 bonus SP per month!

To get the bonus, all you have to do is come online at any point during the day. You don't have to login/logout... just be online. That's it.

On a related note, we are no longer giving out the "3 day free premium" promo to accounts that have been inactive more than 30 days. While well-intentioned, this basically had the opposite effect... it motivated people NOT to come online for 30 days, just so they could get the 3 days of premium at the end. I hope the daily bonus will help motivate people to actually come online instead.

Also stay tuned, I'm working on a system to help people earn ProtoCoins based on the games they play. I'll keep you posted...



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التعليقات: 55   تم الزيارة من: 1125 users
31.05.2020 - 21:14
كتب بواسطة Zephyrusu, 29.05.2020 at 17:35

كتب بواسطة lsilorien, 29.05.2020 at 13:27

Downvote. Sorry but whilst this has good intentions of encouraging players to log in it polarises the link between a higher a rank and generally speaking a higher skill. A complete idiot can now just gain sp for being online and make a false illusion is better for being a higher rank.

A complete idiot can make a fake illusion of being better for being a higher rank by playing WW1 or World 50k anyway

Zephy coming hard with the hard truths. I love you habibi
01.06.2020 - 06:50
Could just make it upgrade SP only... Then again people stop caring about upgrades after a certain point.
Someone Better Than You
03.06.2020 - 08:37
05.06.2020 - 16:56
Time for Dave to finally get over rank 5 and surpass any other admin as the higest ranked admin
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

06.06.2020 - 01:33
Heh my favorite update...
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